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Roserade or Torterra


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K after hatching a Turtwig I am having a bit of a issue with who is on my main team.  At the moment I have Blaziken, Silvally, Roserade, and Alolan Raichu as my main each of them with good natures and EV training.


But lately I've noticed that electric types tend to give me trouble if they're strong enough and the Poison/Dark god I just had to fight that restored its HP by half per turn I swear (I only beat that thing by pure RNG with Para/crunch def drop while reviving my Blaziken to Flare Blitz it). I know Roserade is strong and Toxic has saved me a lot of times but I honestly need a Ground type and Torterra fills that role amazingly. Though it has a good IV line it is Jolly while I was planning on running a Swords Dance (Idk how Curse goes late game) set plus it got Heavy Slam (Don't know if that's good or not). My Silvally can handle fairy types since I love to use its Poison form cause my Silvally is shiny and I got lucky in IVs so its actually a very nice mix attacker even with the wrong nature it has at the moment. So would it be bad if I moved Roserade into Rotation instead of main? I have to face the Electric gym next and I know I'll need a ground type to beat him.






Edited by Nue
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If you want a good ground type I recommend catching a Hippo. Some other options are Flygon and Mamoswine since I don't see what you can do against dragons.

But if it's between Torterra and Roserade, I'd use Roserade because it's way faster and has access to sleep powder. Torterra kinda sucks honestly.

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Between the two, although I LOVE Torterra's design, I think he's a bit low on stats and too weak to Ice (x4 weak) while Roserade is a good and solid choice. As @Gheist said, a good ground type could be Mamoswine (Good typing, attack, speed, and movespool, with some priority options) or Excadrill if you want to get a steel type (knowing you're about to go to Electric gym, you might need it)

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I haven't used a torterra in rejuv but I used roserade in a grass run and it was the carry of the run lol. Idk, I feel like even with a speedy nature, it won't really attack first a lot of mons and you can bet you'll see a lot of mons carrying ice beam/blizzard. and honestly it won't help you much for the gym. the field is designed to cover the ground weakness and it screws torterra over pretty hard. if you have team slot you could use it, but I'd say you should switch it later for a better ground mon.

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5 hours ago, kithas said:

Between the two, although I LOVE Torterra's design, I think he's a bit low on stats and too weak to Ice (x4 weak) while Roserade is a good and solid choice. As @Gheist said, a good ground type could be Mamoswine (Good typing, attack, speed, and movespool, with some priority options) or Excadrill if you want to get a steel type (knowing you're about to go to Electric gym, you might need it)

Do you know where I could get a Excadrill or Drilbur cause that is honestly my go to ground type whenever I play Hacks or games like Rejvenation.

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6 hours ago, Gheist said:

If you want a good ground type I recommend catching a Hippo. Some other options are Flygon and Mamoswine since I don't see what you can do against dragons.

But if it's between Torterra and Roserade, I'd use Roserade because it's way faster and has access to sleep powder. Torterra kinda sucks honestly.

Currently using my Floatzel with Ice Fang for Dragons plus I sometimes use Mawile if I'm in a Dragon heavy area. My Roserade knows Toxic instead of Sleep Powder and it has won me many many battles (Looking at you Valor Summit battle).

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1 hour ago, Nue said:

Do you know where I could get a Excadrill or Drilbur cause that is honestly my go to ground type whenever I play Hacks or games like Rejvenation.

Ah, right, I forgot 😅 if you didn't get it by the Mystery egg or by trade then it's not available. Maybe a Steelix? It's not so offensive but more defensive (and available) 

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Depends on what you need, Torterra build is defensive and tanky and able to sweep with Curse+ eq or wood hammer downside is that Torterra is very slow and took forever to set up meanwhile Roserade is more attack-heavy and got a  pretty good sp def but it is very fragile, I used those 2 pretty often and really fun to use especially Torterra, tfw you sweep your opponent whole team with +6 eq is really pleasant but Roserade is also nice cuz you don't really need a big set up to sweep.


So yeah it depends on what you like and need.

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12 hours ago, Nue said:

Currently using my Floatzel with Ice Fang for Dragons plus I sometimes use Mawile if I'm in a Dragon heavy area. My Roserade knows Toxic instead of Sleep Powder and it has won me many many battles (Looking at you Valor Summit battle).

Regular Mawile is pretty slow and squishy so you're probably not gonna be able to rely on it later in the game unless we get a mega stone or something. Same with Floatzel unfortunately even though it's faster. There's a reason why they're both in PU. The game does give you a free Sylveon with perfect IVs later on so that could be your dragon counter. If you want a pure ground type that's defensive, Hippowdon is the choice. It also gives you the potential sand set up for later on when we get Excadrill.  Actually Swampert might be really good too.

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