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If you need fighting types, you can go back to the obsidia slums and get mons like makuhita, pancham, and even scraggy (if your team can handle the scrafty fight). In terms of ground types, there’s not a huge selection as far as I know but I would recommend Phanpy (next to beryl gym) or if you have a moon stone, get Nidorina (need corey’s ring first). The latter is really good for the next couple of gyms too. 

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me thinks OP meant stuff that is strong to ground and fighting 😛 I'd say a flying type would accomplish that job since 0x ground and 0.5x fighting. I personally like Swoobat, but it can be a finicky thing to use- early game is a beast and for some midgame gyms it can pull the weight as well, but then it kinda goes down from there. Not to mention that it'll die unless it outspeeds. Another good choice is Murkrow, because if you breed perish song into it, it can be useful for some of the boss fights thanks to prankster ability. If you evolve it to honchkrow, it's a pretty solid attacker as well, though it's on the slower side.

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5 hours ago, Lord Tobirama said:

If you need fighting types, you can go back to the obsidia slums and get mons like makuhita, pancham, and even scraggy (if your team can handle the scrafty fight). In terms of ground types, there’s not a huge selection as far as I know but I would recommend Phanpy (next to beryl gym) or if you have a moon stone, get Nidorina (need corey’s ring first). The latter is really good for the next couple of gyms too. 

Think it's a Pangoro fight now, with multiple of them. The event is also further along now iirc. 

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Yeah, those Pangoro are no joke without fairy-type support.


Vivillon might be an option, being immune to ground and taking 1/4 damage from fighting, plus SE recovery from Draining Kiss and (way later) Giga Drain. The biggest issue with it is that it dies to a stiff breeze, a thrown pebble, a lit match, an ice cube, or static buildup. That said, it does learn Sleep Powder, and it probably can't find a way to kill itself on a sleeping opponent.


If you got Budew and it's female, or if you haven't gotten it yet and can still reset for a female, Roselia is an option. If you feel you can do the Shiftry fight after beating Shelly, you can get a male Nuzleaf, level it up to 36 for Extrasensory, then breed it onto a Budew.

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