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A nuzlocker crashes into Reborn... (also hi! I'm new)


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Hey everyone! My name's Iola and I'm a uni student in the UK who likes Pokemon and hanging out in forums. I also like visual novels, murder mystery video games and philosophy books ~


I was first introduced to Pokemon when I was about eleven, when I received Pokemon Diamond for the DS. Back then I wiped a lot b/c I always assumed that trying to beat Psychic types with an Infernape was an amazing idea. At the moment I don't wipe (so much) and I really like nuzlocking Pokemon games (this is basically Pokemon where you can only catch the first encounter in an area, and if a Pokemon faints it's considered dead and must be permaboxed or released). I also love fangames, and really enjoy Pokemon Reborn's storyline and intriguing characters. My favourite characters are Florinia, Cain and Taka, as they're all multilayered and fundamentally decent people who are still conflicted and very very human. I like drawing, and want to draw some Pokemon Reborn fanart at some point at some point to show my appreciation for the game.


Pokemon in general has been a great escape for me throughout the years, and it's hard for me to find a game or Pokemon that I actively dislike. Even ones like Castform and Unown are ones that I'd like to own and give lots of hugs to. My favourite Pokemon is probably Roserade (I love Grass types in general haha), and my least favourite is the walking wet fart known as Stunfisk. 


I heard about Pokemon Reborn from the Nuzlocke Forums which are here https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/nuzlocke_forum/, and I'd recommend their forum/discord if you're interested in finding out more about nuzlocking or if you just want to hang out. A lot of people there document their nuzlocke runs there and/or make stories and comics out of them, which brings me to what I would like to do quite soon. I am trying to nuzlocke Reborn at the moment (which is really hard, but very rewarding), but I also want to make a story out of it where the protagonist (and Pokemon) are their own characters who can talk and react to the mind-blowing events that they get thrown into. So if anyone wants to look into something like that, or ask me about that, feel free to ask me about it and stay tuned!


Also um this forum looks really cool and busy, so it'd be nice for me to get to know some people here. I'm a bit timid and don't know my way around here yet but I'll do my best to say hi! Also happy pride month everyone 😊 🏳️‍🌈

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The Discord actually is busier than the forums but we're always glad to have a new member 😄 Welcome~

if you want to share your nuzlocke, you can post it on Team Showcase 👍🏼

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