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Pre-Team Help

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Hello. I am new here,and I'm having some trouble regarding teams. I want to pre-plan a team,but every strategy I make,it always seems off. I tried playing through the game without a preplanned team as well,but even then I feel it's boring without a clear strategy,as I was just going through the game with Charmeleon and Linoone. What would you guys(and gals,and non binaries)recommend?

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I have played through this game close 10 times and have never had a planned out team. There are a lot of mons, many good ones early. My advice is to figure out what kind of play style you like and build accordingly. I would use one of the pokemon guides. The game ramps up in difficulty by the 5 gym leader,  so figuring out what kind of player you are early will help out.

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Sweety, it really depends on what you would like to use. I've repeated both Reborn and Rejuvenation multiple times, and eventually decided to start my runs with favorite 6 Pokemons from the beginning. I wouldn't recommend doing the same because it will take out the fun. Both Reborn/Rejuvenation require you to use whatever Pokemons available. Unless you want to specifically start with Pokemons you want, you can progress throughout both games throughout map Pokemons. 

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I play with my fave pokemon as kinda the main players but with a backup rotation team in case I need typing reinforcements. I'd say have full teams, whatever the mons are, because the gym leaders have full teams and having extra mons will never be too much 😛

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