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What’s everyone’s signature Pokemon?


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Are you talking about the signature Pokemon of other characters in Rejuvenation?

Not sure if this is out there anywhere, but I can provide a quick list off the top of my head:















*I didn't include most gym leaders


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Oh in that case here:


Venam: Serviper

Ren: Greninja

Meila: Togekiss

Aelita: Hawlucha

Keta/Kenneth: Lucario

Valarie: Primarina

Narcasica: Duscolps/Chandulure

Adam: Aerodactoyl

Saki: Steelix

Erin: Absol

Gearea: Giratina

Zetta: Silvally

Cresent: Gothitelle

Crawli: Araquanid

Angie: Walrein

Amber: Magmortar

Erick: Ampharos

Flora/Florin: Venasaur/Sceptile

Hugey: Flareon

Reina: Swoobat

Mosely: Pangoro

Puppet Master: Medicham/Slowbro

Souta: Pidgeot

Mademe X: Yveltal

Nancy/Mom: Sylveon

Damien: Latios

Nastasia: Deoxys

Madelis: Houndoom

Neved: Manctric

Vivian: Alakazam

Lavender: Alakazam

I hope this helps you bud. This practically every known important characters that shown so far in the game ace pokemon.

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31 minutes ago, Rising Emperor said:

Oh in that case here:

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Venam: Serviper

Ren: Greninja

Meila: Togekiss

Aelita: Hawlucha

Keta/Kenneth: Lucario

Valarie: Primarina

Narcasica: Duscolps/Chandulure

Adam: Aerodactoyl

Saki: Steelix

Erin: Absol

Gearea: Giratina

Zetta: Silvally

Cresent: Gothitelle

Crawli: Araquanid

Angie: Walrein

Amber: Magmortar

Erick: Ampharos

Flora/Florin: Venasaur/Sceptile

Hugey: Flareon

Reina: Swoobat

Mosely: Pangoro

Puppet Master: Medicham/Slowbro

Souta: Pidgeot

Mademe X: Yveltal

Nancy/Mom: Sylveon

Damien: Latios

Nastasia: Deoxys

Madelis: Houndoom

Neved: Manctric

Vivian: Alakazam

Lavender: Alakazam

I hope this helps you bud. This practically every known important characters that shown so far in the game ace pokemon.

Some of these are technically lore inaccurate as Angie and Vivian’s Ace aren’t used in their battles, Regirock and Regice


my personal Ace is Number 25, with a light ball and EV trained and HP Ice, we do good work 

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@SoraBell I know, but I decided to go by ace we've battle instead of just being shown to us. For example, Vivian and Angie true aces are Regirock & Regice respectively but, since we haven't face them in battle or seen what they can truly do I decided to go by the ones already battled.

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4 hours ago, Rising Emperor said:

@SoraBell I know, but I decided to go by ace we've battle instead of just being shown to us. For example, Vivian and Angie true aces are Regirock & Regice respectively but, since we haven't face them in battle or seen what they can truly do I decided to go by the ones already battled.

We've technically battled Vivian's Regirock tho (or, should I say, Vivian as a Regirock?). Jokes aside, I think Jan's (character) ace would be zoroark? Idk if you want to count him. 

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7 hours ago, Rising Emperor said:

Oh in that case here:

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Venam: Serviper

Ren: Greninja

Meila: Togekiss

Aelita: Hawlucha

Keta/Kenneth: Lucario

Valarie: Primarina

Narcasica: Duscolps/Chandulure

Adam: Aerodactoyl

Saki: Steelix

Erin: Absol

Gearea: Giratina

Zetta: Silvally

Cresent: Gothitelle

Crawli: Araquanid

Angie: Walrein

Amber: Magmortar

Erick: Ampharos

Flora/Florin: Venasaur/Sceptile

Hugey: Flareon

Reina: Swoobat

Mosely: Pangoro

Puppet Master: Medicham/Slowbro

Souta: Pidgeot

Mademe X: Yveltal

Nancy/Mom: Sylveon

Damien: Latios

Nastasia: Deoxys

Madelis: Houndoom

Neved: Manctric

Vivian: Alakazam

Lavender: Alakazam

I hope this helps you bud. This practically every known important characters that shown so far in the game ace pokemon.

The majority is true but I would add some more 


Geara : Gengar

Erick : Electivire

Neved : Barbaracle

Marianette : Bewear

Magenta : Musharna

Rorrim B : Ludicolo

Ryland : Torterra

Nim : Solrock/Lunatone

Amanda : Inceneroar

Eli & Sharon : Gyarados & Milotic

Novae : Passimian

Taelia : Gallade

The surfy boi : Xurkitree

Red haired women in WLL : Naganadel

Kreiss : Froslass


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On 6/8/2019 at 4:14 AM, Rising Emperor said:

Oh in that case here:

  Reveal hidden contents

Venam: Serviper

Ren: Greninja

Meila: Togekiss

Aelita: Hawlucha

Keta/Kenneth: Lucario

Valarie: Primarina

Narcasica: Duscolps/Chandulure

Adam: Aerodactoyl

Saki: Steelix

Erin: Absol

Gearea: Giratina

Zetta: Silvally

Cresent: Gothitelle

Crawli: Araquanid

Angie: Walrein

Amber: Magmortar

Erick: Ampharos

Flora/Florin: Venasaur/Sceptile

Hugey: Flareon

Reina: Swoobat

Mosely: Pangoro

Puppet Master: Medicham/Slowbro

Souta: Pidgeot

Mademe X: Yveltal

Nancy/Mom: Sylveon

Damien: Latios

Nastasia: Deoxys

Madelis: Houndoom

Neved: Manctric

Vivian: Alakazam

Lavender: Alakazam

I hope this helps you bud. This practically every known important characters that shown so far in the game ace pokemon.

I believe that Neved's signature mon/ace is Barbaracle, but I might be wrong.

Also seems like you forgot Kreiss and his Froslass.

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Jenner apparently favors a Klingklang (not that he ever used it onscreen).

Also, both Jan and Isha use a Dusknoir. While we're at it, the guys under the lab in East Gaeren seem to be accompanied by their favourite mons (I remember seeing a Volcarona, a Relicanth and a few others).

Edited by Kite Silvers
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It seemed quite obvious but oh, well:

Indriad/Sirius/Vitus: Gardevoir


Tesla: Talonflame

Defaux (Idk how's it written, the ghost from Narcissa's sidequest): Probably rotom

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