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need help with cain and shelly 12v6


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doing a mono water run of reborn and I for the life of me can't get past this I honestly have no idea what to do.


Pokemon at my use: https://imgur.com/a/QRw696L


I usually lead with sharpedo and azumarill to try an aqua jet the ribombee to try and stop it from setting up webs but I'm always just short of damage and it lives with the smallest bit of health and will sticky web or dazzling gleam and kill sharpedo and do decent damage to azumarill and the marowak will rockslide and put azumarill in the red and then it just kinda goes downhill from there I can really only make it through a little more than half of this fight before just losing I have no idea what to do






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I think you are going about it the wrong way, think if you set up Rain, having webs will be meaningless either way.

Just get there Ludicolo, get there Swanna, Rain-Dance, Surf (To get down Marowak before Rock-slide) then just Hurricane Ribombee, which should be slower than Those two (If Ludi has Swift-Swim) it is all about trying, if one answer is not satisfactory, try different tactics 😄

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Hey mate,

first of all, sick Nicknames for you Pokémon! 🙂

so on to the tips:

  1. Ludicolo can learn Fake Out. So you can Fake out Ribombee on the first turn.
  2. As Logintomylife wrote: Set up Rain! (preferrably with Pelipper) you can than Hpump marowak or Hurricane the Ribombee.
  3. The Team I would roll with: 1. Ludicolo, 2. Pelipper, 3. Kingdra, 4. Tentacruel, 5. Swanna, 6. Lapras
  4. Put your Ability Capsules to use and make Kingdra, Ludi and Swanna to Swift Swim, give lapras H2O-Absorb.
  5. You CAN buy Absorb Bulbs, they will boost your Sp.Atk, when a pokemon is hit with Surf, giving you a passive boost (If you do a no item run) otherwise you can boost one of your swift swim mons with a Xsp.atk and just spam Surf to victory!
  6. dont give up!

good luck !

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7 hours ago, Conkeldurp said:

Hey mate,

first of all, sick Nicknames for you Pokémon! 🙂

so on to the tips:

  1. Ludicolo can learn Fake Out. So you can Fake out Ribombee on the first turn.
  2. As Logintomylife wrote: Set up Rain! (preferrably with Pelipper) you can than Hpump marowak or Hurricane the Ribombee.
  3. The Team I would roll with: 1. Ludicolo, 2. Pelipper, 3. Kingdra, 4. Tentacruel, 5. Swanna, 6. Lapras
  4. Put your Ability Capsules to use and make Kingdra, Ludi and Swanna to Swift Swim, give lapras H2O-Absorb.
  5. You CAN buy Absorb Bulbs, they will boost your Sp.Atk, when a pokemon is hit with Surf, giving you a passive boost (If you do a no item run) otherwise you can boost one of your swift swim mons with a Xsp.atk and just spam Surf to victory!
  6. dont give up!

good luck !

Thanks for the advice! Unfortunately Im still getting absolutely destroyed by them so im just gonna stop playing for a while but thanks for trying to help

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You could also use Slowbro and Jellicent and teach them Trick Room to neglate the webs and even use them to your advantage.

Make sure to change all the swift swim abilities and you could hit them really hard with kingdra (focus energy-sniper-scope lens, always crits with draco, neglating sp. attack drop), Azumarill, Swampert or even wailord with water spout. Or kinda try to stall them out with heal items, rain dish, water absorb and stuff. I personally think you should balance it a bit, 2 Trick room setters, 2 bulky mons for healing and stuff (looking at you Lanturn and Milotic, I mean Surf-water absorb is just so powerfull in a double battle, you can heal both your mons in 1 turn while even hitting both other mons while they're both bulky) and 2 very hard hitters. But you'll need to find a good balance for yourself, what works for you.


You could lead with Slowbro and Lanturn, Set up Trick Room with Bro, it might need a Kasib berry to tank a Shadowbone from the Marowak. While you can just Surf with Lanturn, Ribombee sets up Webs.

Next round both your mons will be faster than marowak and ribombee cause of the Trick Room so a double surf should be able to knock them out.

Sticky web is up so all your incoming mons will be faster because of the Trick Room.

You can give the Jellicent a Terrain Extender so Trick Room will be up for 6 turns instead of 2, but keep in mind that Trick Room has negative 6 priority so it will go last always.


By the way, ghost and Dark type attacks have the same coverage. Psychic and ghost types. So you should deffinitely switch Dark Pulse for Will-o-Wisp (or in this case Trick Room) on your Jellicent.

Also switch Shadow claw on your Gator for ice punch.

Maybe give Lanturn Eerie Impuls. It harshly lowers the target special attack which could be usefull cause that battle is pretty full of special attackers. Its always more usefull than ion deluge i reccon.

Since Shellu uses bug type pokemon i think you should either bring swanna or pelipper. I'd say pelliper to boost your water type attacks cause of drizzle under the Trick Room.

Cain uses poison type pokemon so your greninja with extrasensory could be usefull as well. Problem could be is that your greninja could still be faster with -1 speed so that you will go after the opposing pokemon under Trick Room.. But you should try that out for yourself.


So If you ask me you could try it with;





And 2 heavy hitters of your own choice, i don't know your pokemon that well so you know best what pokemon will hit hard. If you get your first Trick Room up you'll be able to do some damage so it is up to you to try out what pokemon will do the most damage. Probably Greninja and Swanna or something. Don't forget that Swanna isn't effected by Sticky web cause it's flying typing so i hope it isn't too speedy.

Edit: Totally forgot about Lanturn lol, Lanturn and swampert could work as well. But again it's up to you what works for you the best. As long as you lead with probably Kasib Berry Slowbro or Kasib Berry Jellicent.


252+ Atk Thick Club Marowak-Alola Shadow Bone vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Kasib Berry Slowbro: 160-190 (58.6 - 69.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

calced with 0 ev's in defence and hp for slowbro.


Calced the same thing for Jellicent, but with the berry it still has a chance to knock it out, it deffinitely wouldn't be able to live a surf from your teammate after so you'll need to lead with slowbro.


I hope i helped and got you motivated again!

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rain and swift swim should honestly be enough, Pellipper with drizzle and a damp rock should be all you need. swap it out immediately in case it needs to come back later. also i think it (or if not it, something like swanna maybe) can learn Defog. as of gen 7 defog removes hazards like sticky web, failing that a choice band on sharpedo might give you the damage boost you need.


at this point you could also have the Mega Z ring and waterium-Z. and sharpedonite. which could also help. 


finally Walrein is a strong bulky boi that can chuck blizzards about in double battles to great effect (i speak from icemono experience) so theres something to consider. consider Cloyster too for either shell smash shenanigans or spikes support. or hell rapid spin., Rotom-W is a godsend too, one weakness and a great learnset for your team. 


in fact there's a lot of powerful water types you dont seem to have obtained that could help you immensely.  check out if theres anything more you can get anywhere else for more options. 

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Well heres a small update I tried yesterday and got to the 3 fight with the psychic leader (forgot his name) and serra. Basically for cain and shelly lead with pelipper and gyarados. 2 ddances on gyrados pelipper hydro pumps the marowak and hurricane the ribombee then pelipper dies to dazzling gleam combo from ribombee and primarina then Replace pleipper with tentacool to tank hits and spam rain dance and heals gyarados who will kill the remaining 11 pokemon. The fight with luna is really easy too once the tbolt mismagius is gone. Them I lost halfway through the 3rd fight but Im almost there thanks for the advice guys!!!

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