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How do I get to Darchlight Cave?


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I was reading another topic about broken card key shards, and out of curiosity looked into my bag to see if I had any. To my surprise I had one. It's been a while since I played the game as I think I finished V11 like 2 days after it came out, so I don't remember where I got that shard from, but I just got a second one from going to the Valor Mountain summit. I'm currently trying to get into the Darchlight Cave to see if I can find the last one there, as I think I might have gotten the first shard that was preexisting in my bag from the wetlands. Right now I'm kind of lost on how to actually GET IN to Darchlight Cave and where I should go to find some sort of entrance. The most opportune way to get into the room with the card key shard would be very much appreciated. Didn't know if I should have posted this in the "Where do I go" sub topic as I assumed that was meant for people stuck in the game story wise as I'm currently finished V11. tl:dr Im trying to find all the card key shards scattered throughout the game, and I am 99% sure the last one I need is in Darchlight Caves but I don't know how to get in. Some help in finding an entrance to the room with the card key shard/the cave in general would be very helpful 🙂

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If you've already been in Grand Dream City, there's an entry just west (left) of the southern entry of Honec Woods (near a shack). You'll know you're there because of the excavator. 

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Well you can get into the cave via the exit where you, Erin, Flora, and Florin got out but if you can't find that then head into Darchlight Woods and find the field of purple flowers, go to the area with a million cliff jumps, and then fall down through one of those holes.
Oof, someone beat me.

Edited by ZappoNinja
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