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Blaziken and Greninja


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I was looking through some team showcases and noticed that there are people with both Greninja and Blaziken, even though according to the location guide they are both only available aas starters. Is the location guide wrong?

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21 minutes ago, Lspaceship said:

Probably they are gotten via debug, or a shared PC mod, or something like that.

Darn i was really hoping to get a new greninja for the team 😧 Oh well thanks for the help ❤️ 

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23 minutes ago, DarkOmegaMK2 said:

Or wonder trade or regular trade, maybe?

Seeing as this is Rejuvenation, without online play, probably not the case.


4 minutes ago, ThatGuyHanzo said:

Darn i was really hoping to get a new greninja for the team 😧 Oh well thanks for the help ❤️ 

Again, it's not like online play is a thing. I honestly don't think anyone here will chastise you for getting Debug mode, making yourself a Froakie, and then taking off Debug.

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Froakie was once available as a catchable mon Pre V7 I think...? as a shadow pokemon and veery early
So this could be a old save from early versions of rejuv, where you  can start with torchic and get froakie pretty quickly afterwords.

but like the others said...could be via Debug.

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I have a Greninja and a Blaziken on my team as well, and the comment above mine is correct, in a version before 8 or 7, the first battle against Zetta gave him a shadow Froakie as his first Pokemon. I found a download to an older version somewhere on either the forums or some other website and was able to play until that point and catch the Froakie, then save in a specific spot and update back to the current version and continue the game with two OP starters. So, if you found a download to an older version that's safe, you could still get both of them if you're not too far in your journey/willing to restart, or like others have said, through debugging (if that's the other way), but I'm 99% sure most people got one through old save files that they ran on older versions of the game.

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