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LF: Solrock, Fletchling, Sigilyph


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I'm looking for 3 Pokemon that I've been unable to find to complete my Pokedex. They are:

  • Solrock
  • Fletchling
  • Sigilyph


Anyone willing to trade me those?

In return, I can breed and give you anything you require if you give me some time 🙂





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1 hour ago, RedAlert said:

I'm looking for 3 Pokemon that I've been unable to find to complete my Pokedex. They are:

  • Solrock
  • Fletchling
  • Sigilyph


Anyone willing to trade me those?

In return, I can breed and give you anything you require if you give me some time 🙂





I can give you all three

Can you give me something you'd think someone through WT would like to see or items there is a WT event on the 28th with the Summer social between 2-4pm so any decent Pokemon I get between now and then are going towards it if you don't have something you think someone else will like that your willing to part with heart scales and focus sash are appreciated if you don't have those your willing to part with then you can just have them

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9 minutes ago, Starry Knight said:

I can give you all three

Can you give me something you'd think someone through WT would like to see or items there is a WT event on the 28th with the Summer social between 2-4pm so any decent Pokemon I get between now and then are going towards it if you don't have something you think someone else will like that your willing to part with heart scales and focus sash are appreciated if you don't have those your willing to part with then you can just have them

I can give you a Shiny Rockruff which has 31 IVs in Attack and Speed and shiny Steelix and Ursaring.

And yeah I can give you 2 heart scales and a focus sash if you'd like those.


Thanks a lot, big help


Edit: Btw, can you expand more on this Wonder Trade?

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2-4 EST on the day of the summer social, I have close to max box compasity filled so when Are announced the summer social event in the announcements section I asked her if a few of us could hold a WT event since that typically goes with the social events

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4 minutes ago, Starry Knight said:

2-4 EST on the day of the summer social, I have close to max box compasity filled so when Are announced the summer social event in the announcements section I asked her if a few of us could hold a WT event since that typically goes with the social events

I only got half of that xD

Is there a link to this event? I'd love to participate


Btw, I'm available to trade. My username is RedAlert. 

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1 minute ago, RedAlert said:

I only got half of that xD

Is there a link to this event? I'd love to participate


Btw, I'm available to trade. My username is RedAlert. 



Alrighty will request trade then

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Just now, RedAlert said:

You're a life-saver. Thank you very much!


And thanks for the link, will check it out

No problem enjoy having the Dex complete soon

Any questions about the WT event just post them there I will answer the best I can

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