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Stuck at Samson


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After 2 suprisingly easy gyms I find myself stuck at Agate Circus.Samson’s team ends up killing all my mons thanks to the field type,and the farthest I’ve gone with his team was his Blaziken but all my pokemon are fainted due to Hawlucha OHKO-ing all my mons with Acrobatics and I only get lucky with paralysis rarely.It doesn’t help that I am stuck in Agate Circus due to the city being closed down,I don’t have any heart scales to change moves, and their are no good training areas there(there’s the Rainbow Clown but my mons barely live through that).Any suggestions?

Sharpedo-Rough Skin lv 57
-Destiny Bond
-Ice Fang

Meowstic-Competitive lv 57
-Shadow ball
-Signal Beam

Blaziken-Speed Boost lv 63
-Blaze Kick
-Flame Charge
-Shadow Claw
-Double Kick

Noivern-Telepathy lv 61
-Air Slash
-Razor Wind

Zebstrika-Lightning Rod lv 62
-Wild Charge

Hariyama-Guts lv 57
-Force Palm
-Knock Off
-Close Combat
-Rock Smash

Pokemon in PC

Pangoro-Scrappy lv 61
-Body Slam
-Circle Throw
-Karate Chop

Krookodile-Moxie lv 64
-Foul Play

Roserade-Poison Point lv 61
-Giga Drain
-Petal Blizzard
-Nature Power

Edited by Hanaaurora
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You have to look for a Pokemon that can change terrain. Personally, I used Togedemaru (with sturdy and can learn electric terrain). I can give you one, if you're really stuck. BTW, you can try and use the field yourself. You can get the field data by giving a doll to a child sitting at the southest edge of the circus. Just play with it until you find a way to beat him.

Edited by The Shady Dealer
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Catch a crustle in route 2, make sure it has sturdy and shell smash. Teach it nature power. Lead with zebstrika and paralyze his lead. Die on purpose and go into crustle. Shell smash once, pray for parahacks, then shell smash again. Maybe shell smash 3 times for good measure. Now spam acrobatics. Easy sweep.

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2 hours ago, Hanaaurora said:

After 2 suprisingly easy gyms I find myself stuck at Agate Circus.Samson’s team ends up killing all my mons thanks to the field type,and the farthest I’ve gone with his team was his Blaziken but all my pokemon are fainted due to Hawlucha OHKO-ing all my mons with Acrobatics and I only get lucky with paralysis rarely.It doesn’t help that I am stuck in Agate Circus due to the city being closed down,I don’t have any heart scales to change moves, and their are no good training areas there(there’s the Rainbow Clown but my mons barely live through that).Any suggestions?

Sharpedo-Rough Skin lv 57
-Destiny Bond
-Ice Fang

Meowstic-Competitive lv 57
-Shadow ball
-Signal Beam

Blaziken-Speed Boost lv 63
-Blaze Kick
-Flame Charge
-Shadow Claw
-Double Kick

Noivern-Telepathy lv 61
-Air Slash
-Razor Wind

Zebstrika-Lightning Rod lv 62
-Wild Charge

Hariyama-Guts lv 57
-Force Palm
-Knock Off
-Close Combat
-Rock Smash

Pokemon in PC

Pangoro-Scrappy lv 61
-Body Slam
-Circle Throw
-Karate Chop

Krookodile-Moxie lv 64
-Foul Play

Roserade-Poison Point lv 61
-Giga Drain
-Petal Blizzard
-Nature Power

Have ya tried utilizing Tailwind to try tear apart some of the mons that offer considerable threat as early/swiftly as you can by setting the field for your pokemon to have a better chance of landing their hits first on those dangerous mons?

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14 hours ago, !!yxnT said:

Catch a crustle in route 2, make sure it has sturdy and shell smash. Teach it nature power. Lead with zebstrika and paralyze his lead. Die on purpose and go into crustle. Shell smash once, pray for parahacks, then shell smash again. Maybe shell smash 3 times for good measure. Now spam acrobatics. Easy sweep.

Not really reliable after I tried it,having to rely on paralysis rng gets annoying plus the sturdy is rendered useless due to Hariyama's rocky helmet giving damage and I haven't even gone past Lucario/Hawlucha due to them still outspeeding me

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14 hours ago, Lord Drakyle said:

Have ya tried utilizing Tailwind to try tear apart some of the mons that offer considerable threat as early/swiftly as you can by setting the field for your pokemon to have a better chance of landing their hits first on those dangerous mons?

Yeah I have,I try to set it up before he sends out Hawlucha(rn he's my biggest problem) but since he usually either starts with Hariyama or sends out Lucario before it,for Hariyama it has smack down which OHKO's Noivern unless I get lucky with paralysis and for the former it's kind of annoying since it has focus sash+meteor mash which raises attack making it easier to OHKO all my mons

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If you have a link stone, maybe consider a Kingdra with icy wind to wear down hawlucha and cut its speed. Zebstrika might get the KO after that, or even Krookodile plus it's gonna get the moxie boost too. Since your sharpedo doesn't have speed boost maybe it'd be better to swap it for Kingdra or Krookodile. If you can't get kindra, try teaching sharpedo icy wind. Also getting all your mons at lvl 65 or whatever the lvl cap is, i going to help a lot. Yes, grinding is tedious, but you gotta do what you gotta do.
As it was already mentioned crustle, can be useful, just don't use a move that makes contact on hariyama. Braviary with sky drop, can basically render one of the opposing mons useless for a turn, and mienshao with fake out is always helpful too.

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On 6/16/2019 at 6:40 PM, The Shady Dealer said:

You have to look for a Pokemon that can change terrain. Personally, I used Togedemaru (with sturdy and can learn electric terrain). I can give you one, if you're really stuck. BTW, you can try and use the field yourself. You can get the field data by giving a doll to a child sitting at the southest edge of the circus. Just play with it until you find a way to beat him.

Is the Togedemaru offer still up?I am having no luck with defeating Samson rn

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