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Pokemon rejuvinaton evs error


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hello I am new here so go easy on me.

I have this problem when I go into a battle my EVs go into the negative I think it because of my mods.

but I move them out of my game and it still doing it.

is there a way to fix this or is there a patch out there that I have not seen yet.

I hope there is a way to fix this I really don't want to delete this save I am really far into the game.

thank you and I hope you guys can help me.




Edited by moonfox202
fixing imagine
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Through some form, you've tried to edit it to have 252 EVs in every stat, which is mechanically illegal, so the game is automatically trying to enforce the 510 total EV cap by reducing a stat by the amount needed to reach that total. that amount is a large negative because the total has been exceeded so much. No particularly easy way to fix/avoid having negatives other than sticking to legit EV totals.

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