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How to revert a save.


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I'm not sure if it's the same on your computer. But in your Files, you can go to Local Disk, Users, (Insert Your Name Here), Saved Games, and then Pokemon Reborn. All of your backups are here. Tell me if you can't find it, or something doesn't work.

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The name of your save file should be Game.rxdata. If you have backups activated there should be some more files in that same folder with a name pattern that goes like this: Number - PlayerName - Playtime - Badges.rxdata.

To make this easier to understand, it should be something like "1387 - Shogoki - 15h44m - 3badges.rxdata". These are the backup files.

All you have to do is take one of those files and rename it to Game.rxdata and the game will use this as your current save file to load the game from.


If you don't know where to find your save files the easiest way is to use the windows search function to search for Game.rxdata and then open the file directory from the search menu.

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