Harryp Posted July 2, 2019 Share Posted July 2, 2019 (edited) What gym leader gave you the most trouble in Pokemon rejuvenation? This might be an unpopular opinion but I spent 12 hours beating Erick, I had to plan every single turn perfectly and hope for good rng, my team was very fragile only having snorlax to take the damage but I pulled it off. Edited July 2, 2019 by Harryp Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZappoNinja Posted July 2, 2019 Share Posted July 2, 2019 2 minutes ago, Harryp said: What gym leader gave you the most trouble in Pokemon rejuvenation? This might be an unpopular opinion but I spent 12 hours beating Erick, I had to plan every single turn perfectly and hope for good rng, my team was very fragile only having snorlax to take the damage but I pulled it off (three fairy types, two dark types, and one normal type, but all of them had two types except snorlax). 1. Where'd you get the Snorlax? 2. Probably either Spirit Keta or Angie. Spirit Keta because of just his insanely strong team and then Angie because you probably know why. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Harryp Posted July 2, 2019 Author Share Posted July 2, 2019 4 minutes ago, ZappoNinja said: 1. Where'd you get the Snorlax? 2. Probably either Spirit Keta or Angie. Spirit Keta because of just his insanely strong team and then Angie because you probably know why. It was just a fun play through of the game (4th or 5th), so I used debug mode to get the snorlax. However I am pretty sure you can still get it in a mystery egg. Side note: I know my team was HORRIBLE. Spirit Keta was pretty easy for me, but I completely forgot about Angie and now the battle is in doubles. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Moxxey Posted July 2, 2019 Share Posted July 2, 2019 On my current playthrough, it's a tie between Crawli and Angie. Crawli because I kept underestimating the field, and Angie because double battle. I ended up using the scummy rainbow field to beat Crawli (Castform for Sunny Day, then swept with Talonflame and Roserade w/ Weather Ball), and a scummy seed on my Magneton to beat Angie. Previous playthroughs, I always seemed to struggle with Spirit Keta, Marianette, and Narcissa. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RedRobin705 Posted July 3, 2019 Share Posted July 3, 2019 Florin. First off, you fight him in a Double Battle,which i am spectacularly bad at without a partner. Second, that f*cking Cradily bodies my team...... my only checks for Grass types are Nidoking and Talonflame, both of which are completely nerfed by the terrain + the constant rain. and my only Steel Type to deal with Cradily is Mawile, who dies long before i can pull an Iron Head off, not to mention the terrain also negates Steel moves...... i only won when i started ignoring Cradily to attack Florin's other Pokemon then started attacking Cradily when its the only one left Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kikss Posted July 3, 2019 Share Posted July 3, 2019 For me it was definitly Souta, needed like arround 5 tries to beat him, he just oneshotted nearly every team member. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kithas Posted July 3, 2019 Share Posted July 3, 2019 I had nightmares with Revenant!Keta (Because he was no longer Monotype), and Marianette, up until I used Solrock. The rest of them are the usual "Reborn/Rejuv Gym Leader" difficulty (which assures most of them will be battled more than two times) but the other one I remember hating with a passion was Florin in a Ground Monorun. I spent probably 30 times or more without being able to defeat his first two pokémon, with Ludicolo casually tearing through my team without a care in the world. Adam was also difficult, but that was until I knew how to defeat him, so... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
teddybrer Posted July 4, 2019 Share Posted July 4, 2019 I rage quit and didn't pick up the game for months on Narcissa before her battle got reworked in...i wanna say v8 or 9? Someone rec'd simple+calm mind Swoobat and it was LIFE CHANGING...then I spent the whole of my birthday meticulously plotting my strategy for Angie... Right now though I'd say Adam or Souta, my second playthrough has Souta up next and it's so woefully underprepared...rip Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Autumn Zephyr Posted July 4, 2019 Share Posted July 4, 2019 I've only done one playthrough so far, starting from V9, so I'm not familiar with any battles that were changed since then. That said, I struggled most against Angie and Marianette- the for mer because, well, it's Angie, and the latter because Snuggles pretty much bodied my entire rotation. Incidentally, they're both Gym Leaders that cut you off from the Help Centers until you beat them... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kithas Posted July 4, 2019 Share Posted July 4, 2019 17 minutes ago, Autumn Zephyr said: I've only done one playthrough so far, starting from V9, so I'm not familiar with any battles that were changed since then. That said, I struggled most against Angie and Marianette- the for mer because, well, it's Angie, and the latter because Snuggles pretty much bodied my entire rotation. Incidentally, they're both Gym Leaders that cut you off from the Help Centers until you beat them... Wait, they don't. I mean, lorewise the tower of Theolia and the manor are technically apart from Aevium, but the map is open and you can go out everytime you want to. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Autumn Zephyr Posted July 4, 2019 Share Posted July 4, 2019 I mean, I've failed to figure out how to leave before hand, and it's a bit too late now. At least both places have wilds you can work with. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Leon_Genesis Posted July 27, 2019 Share Posted July 27, 2019 In all my time playing, the gym leader I've had the hardest time beating was Valerie. I started playing around the days when Valerie was extremely broken, and combined with me being the dumbest person ever (I had no idea what a meta was at the time) Valerie just gave me complete Hell, to the point I tried leveling a Gothitelle I had to pretty much near double what the cap was and praying for godlike rng Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Corruptedchris Posted July 27, 2019 Share Posted July 27, 2019 Crawlie. His attacks just hurt Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
frogs Posted July 27, 2019 Share Posted July 27, 2019 In my playthrough, Florin was the hardest due to the terrain and the inevitable rain and it didn't help that half my team consisted of Pokemon weak to grass. The circumstances forced me to catch and try some cheesy strats to win, needless to say, the fight and victory was one of the most fun and satisfying things I've experienced in Pokemon Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tomek Posted July 27, 2019 Share Posted July 27, 2019 For me it was Angie, I needed like 10 tries and 2 days planning for her because she is too broken :/... Eric was also very hard but I got lucky and beat him very fast... The easiest gym battle for me was probably Amber, and Erin/Flora Edit: This is what was left from my team after super hard angie and erick battles: Angie Erick: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Silh0uette Posted July 27, 2019 Share Posted July 27, 2019 I've done an Ice, psychic, poison, and dragon monorun of this game and the hardest gym leaders for me are Marianette, Crawli, and Souta. Marianette's pokemon were insanely difficult to knock out as some of my pokemon weren't evolved yet and couldn't hit hard or take hits (especially Snuggles) Crawli is just free sticky webs that makes all of his mons outspeed mine (-2 speed under his field) Souta is just broken because of his field.. Tailwind lasts for 8 turns, his mons having a bit more bulk because of the field (Strong winds, Big Pecks and Multiscale), and Sky Attack hitting in 1 turn and Hurricane having 100% accuracy. His field benefits flying types in both offense, defense, and speed 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tomek Posted July 27, 2019 Share Posted July 27, 2019 1 hour ago, Silh0uette said: I've done an Ice, psychic, poison, and dragon monorun of this game and the hardest gym leaders for me are Marianette, Crawli, and Souta. Marianette's pokemon were insanely difficult to knock out as some of my pokemon weren't evolved yet and couldn't hit hard or take hits (especially Snuggles) Crawli is just free sticky webs that makes all of his mons outspeed mine (-2 speed under his field) Souta is just broken because of his field.. Tailwind lasts for 8 turns, his mons having a bit more bulk because of the field (Strong winds, Big Pecks and Multiscale), and Sky Attack hitting in 1 turn and Hurricane having 100% accuracy. His field benefits flying types in both offense, defense, and speed I beat souta 2nd try, apparently tyrantrum survived SE attack from hawlucha, from there on I uses Crobat with a seed and taught him sky attack and easily disposed his team (I also had jolteon and kept spamming thunder which never misses) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Silh0uette Posted July 27, 2019 Share Posted July 27, 2019 5 hours ago, Tomek said: I beat souta 2nd try, apparently tyrantrum survived SE attack from hawlucha, from there on I uses Crobat with a seed and taught him sky attack and easily disposed his team (I also had jolteon and kept spamming thunder which never misses) I managed to beat him by using the seed to set up tailwind on my side so both our speeds were even.. Either that or I changed the field to the point where he can't get back to the sky field! I did this in my Ice monorun where I used ingrain on Abomasnow to bring him down to the mountain field, then dig to the cave field, and finally blizzard to change it into an icy field 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
astralcryptid Posted July 27, 2019 Share Posted July 27, 2019 Souta was definitely HARD, but with some luck I beat him (Luxray saved my life and Accelerock? Good good). I believe the one I suffered the most was Angie and I had to use some seeds to beat her. Special mention to Erick, my laptop suddenly started to be slow af and the script wasn't loading, so the game restarted when I was about to beat him. It was hard but not as hard as Angie or Souta Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Akin Posted July 27, 2019 Share Posted July 27, 2019 Erik because murkywater field favored him a lot. And that damned thunderpulse hit both my mons and scored paralysis followed by sweeps. I needed to think a lot to come up with a strategy. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tomek Posted July 27, 2019 Share Posted July 27, 2019 Yeah and dont forget Crawli, I had to specially train 2 Crobats just to beat this guy LOL Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Caelliox Posted July 28, 2019 Share Posted July 28, 2019 Marianette, Angie and Ryland None of the mons in my team were fully evolved when I confronted Marianette so getting through her team was pretty difficult, especially her bulky Bewear I swept through Angie's team quite easily in V10 but the double battle it is now was hell and I had nothing to remove her field so I had to spam healing items on my Medicham with my second pokemon while he swept with high jump kick (I've lost count of how many times I lost because it missed lol, never trust a 90% accuracy) Had to use all the remaining revives I had to beat Ryland, and I really had an hard time beating his Claydol and Torterra because of how bulky they were (also it took me a while to understand why my Talonflame was powerless against Torterra xd) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Charon Posted July 28, 2019 Share Posted July 28, 2019 I know I had a hard time with Angie, but that was so long ago I don't remember the details. Souta, however, is fresh in my mind! He bodied me 3-4 times, with me getting him down to Mega-Pidgeot the last one before he outsped and killed me after turning the terrain back into the Sky Field. After that I did my Field research, pulled out my Lycanroc and Sturdy Stealth Rock Golem, had Golem set the SR and use Smack Down to turn it into Mountain, and Haxorus used Dig to turn it into the Cave field. Once Haxorus went down, I brought out Lycanroc and cleaned house with Accelarock. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tomek Posted July 28, 2019 Share Posted July 28, 2019 6 hours ago, Charon said: I know I had a hard time with Angie, but that was so long ago I don't remember the details. Souta, however, is fresh in my mind! He bodied me 3-4 times, with me getting him down to Mega-Pidgeot the last one before he outsped and killed me after turning the terrain back into the Sky Field. After that I did my Field research, pulled out my Lycanroc and Sturdy Stealth Rock Golem, had Golem set the SR and use Smack Down to turn it into Mountain, and Haxorus used Dig to turn it into the Cave field. Once Haxorus went down, I brought out Lycanroc and cleaned house with Accelarock. Nice strategy for souta my strategy was that his fields was also very good for my team, I only had to get rid of hawlucha and it was easy from there Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kream Posted July 29, 2019 Share Posted July 29, 2019 bro the water gym whoop my ass, swift swim qwilfish is such a raid boss Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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