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Looking for some pokemon for Water-monotype run


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Hello there!

So, i started a monorun recently, i'm currently at the Orphanage raid. 

But i wanted some more pokemons to train, every water-type is very well welcomed!

But if possible, i'd like a azurill, since it wouldn't be so unfair, since we can get it in the officer mystery egg (i got the Phantump one...)


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25 minutes ago, Cleyson said:

Hello there!

So, i started a monorun recently, i'm currently at the Orphanage raid. 

But i wanted some more pokemons to train, every water-type is very well welcomed!

But if possible, i'd like a azurill, since it wouldn't be so unfair, since we can get it in the officer mystery egg (i got the Phantump one...)


Who all do you have so I can avoid doubles? I have a few you can have

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33 minutes ago, Starry Knight said:

Who all do you have so I can avoid doubles? I have a few you can have

I've got Swampert, Seaking, Lumineon, Clawitzer, Lombre, Ducklett, Sharpedo, Panpour, an Eevee and Buizel

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1 hour ago, Cleyson said:

I've got Swampert, Seaking, Lumineon, Clawitzer, Lombre, Ducklett, Sharpedo, Panpour, an Eevee and Buizel

I have the remaining starters, Tentacruel/cool, Seel, Horsea, Shellder, Lapras, Azumarill, corsola, Wailmer, Gastrodon, Frillish/Jellicent, Omanyte, Kabuto, Carracosta, Barbaracle, Starmie, Slowking, Toxipex, Walrien


Any of these you can have, some are ev trained if don't want one that is let me know

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16 minutes ago, Starry Knight said:

I have the remaining starters, Tentacruel/cool, Seel, Horsea, Shellder, Lapras, Azumarill, corsola, Wailmer, Gastrodon, Frillish/Jellicent, Omanyte, Kabuto, Carracosta, Barbaracle, Starmie, Slowking, Toxipex, Walrien


Any of these you can have, some are ev trained if don't want one that is let me know


16 minutes ago, Starry Knight said:

I have the remaining starters, Tentacruel/cool, Seel, Horsea, Shellder, Lapras, Azumarill, corsola, Wailmer, Gastrodon, Frillish/Jellicent, Omanyte, Kabuto, Carracosta, Barbaracle, Starmie, Slowking, Toxipex, Walrien


Any of these you can have, some are ev trained if don't want one that is let me know

I'd love one of the Azumarill line and a Frillish! The least trained the better actually. R you online now?

(Reposted cuz i didn't Quote it)

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1 hour ago, Cleyson said:


I'd love one of the Azumarill line and a Frillish! The least trained the better actually. R you online now?

(Reposted cuz i didn't Quote it)

Tomorrow around when you first posted this topic I'll be on

Male or female Frillish

I'll breed a marill since you'd prefer an in trained one

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10 minutes ago, Starry Knight said:

Tomorrow around when you first posted this topic I'll be on

Male or female Frillish

I'll breed a marill since you'd prefer an in trained one

Thank u so much man!

Either male or female goes :')

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