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Savefile Troubleshooting V12


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  On 2/10/2020 at 4:10 PM, MissMaya said:

So I beated Adam and talked with the group of Ren, Reina, Huey,... outside of the building.

Then I decided to fly away and do many other sidequests around Aevium...

Now I want to continue the story, but it seems I can't go back to the Tournament area.




Someone can help me?



Should be fixed.


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Hello, was running around and was on my way to Terujumas second visit, instead of running to the captain to travel immediately i ran into the building next to him. Then got insta killed by the trapped floor in the middle like a total klutz. My respawn point was in Akuwa and there is currently no people at the moment. I am trapped in the back room next to the heal machine (see screenshot) and cant move at all. I can still save and interact with the machine though. I just cant move character, it sounds like im constantly running into a wall (Side note if i tab out of the window it doesnt make the noise??). I have tried resetting controls as well. If possible id like this one back as my most recent backup save file otherwise is like 10 or more away. Anything helps, Ty


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I softlocked myself because i didn't know about the oshawott bug, would be nice if you guys could help me. 

Thanks in advance.


Edit: I have a question about the debug of v11. I used it on v12 and afterwards it screwed up my safe file and sice then i am missing some npc's. I redownloaded it and played through it again but I am still missing the same npc's and wanted to know if it is possible to change it back or do something about it. 



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Edited by Kuma45
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Heya so i'm at the part where you are supposed to meet aelita in the aquarium on akuwa town, buttt she's not there dont know if its a bug or anything last i remember is entering aquarium but but get out again cuz i forgot to heal and when im back she's not there and now i cannot continue to the story, so a help is appreciated thank you in advance



edit; Nvm manage to get back on the last save and she's there

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