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Pokemon Location Guide



Please view the updated Pokemon Location Guide V2 by Shattered Skys

--Thank you for your effort Nickaboo

I figured an all-inclusive guide to Pokemon locations would be a good thing. Help me with the ones that are question marks, please :D

NOTE: Some spoilers within.


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That's all five current gens, I'm sill missing some, so let me know if you know the ones I've missed!

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  On 11/12/2013 at 5:50 AM, apowerfulgengar said:

So far I have found heracross, rotom, tyrogue, Joltick, and Solosis, are there any more event pokemon for episode ten?

Pinsir, but you can't get it since you went with Heracross

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  On 11/27/2013 at 11:46 AM, Crimson said:

How to catch rotom and solosis may i ask?

Rotom: Use the Yureyu Key on th locked doors located at Shade's gym

Solosis: While doing the Yureyu Key event, you can get it on a cave near it.

(You need to ride a Tauros inside Tanzan mountain, near the place where you talked with the Dragon Gym Leader. Teleport helps a lot!)

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I found Baltoy, Elgym, and Drowzee in the grass outside the place with the truth riddles where you confronted El and his ditto. Carvahna can also be found using the good rod in Aqua's hideout, you don't need to side with them. Could somebody update the list?

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I kinda just went through the entire topic to find if anyone had updated on ariados lol D:

two points.

1) Yes, Poliwag AND shroomish are extremely rare. You know how gloom is rare on Azurine Island? Multiply that rarity by like quite a bit (if you want to exaggerate, thats fine, the number is a big mulitiplication anyway. I've spent about 3 hours training a woobat, numel, and leavanny on azurine island, I only found one shroomish)


2) Ariados is a rare encounter on Azurine Island at nighttime. It shadowsneaked my woobat and KOed it (That pissed me off severely so I just OKed it with a psychic from my gardevoir D:<).

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I also found a Tranquill in the Jasper Ward Streets, although Im not sure if its affected by the weather, I found it on a sunny day and haven't found it since.

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gliscor found where elekid is found during a windy day. Starly found where you find pichu windy day as well. Hondour in magma base super rare. Pansage and the others can be found on where the tauros are fighting in the jungle bits( common) carnivine- sunny day before the poison gym ( rare) and munna in the bxy wasteland at morning (rare)

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- I've just noticed that You've only mentioned Pidove being headbutt-able. Idk if anyone's mentioned this yet, but Pidoves can also be found in the Jasper ward, and also the Obsidia Slums. Trubbish can also be found in the slums, along with ratatta, which can also be found in the Jasper and Beryl wards (that thing reigns everywhere. its a frickin breeding machine, rattatas frickin EVERYWHERE :L)

Zubats can be found in every bloody cave I can think of. I've found at least one in every cave, except the grand stairway cave. I've found it in Tanzan Mountain, Rhodochrine Cave, and I think also the Beryl Ward Cave. and it can also be found in Pyrous Mountain and I think Apophyll cave. Golbats can be found in Pyrous, and also the underground railnet, although I think they're an uncommon find in both areas.

Glooms can be found in Azurine Island. So can Oddish. Oddish can also be found in the Beryl and Jasper wards.

Venipedes can be found in both Jasper and Beryl Wards. Whirlipedes can be found in the Byxbysion Wastelands AFTER beating Aya (I never found one beforehand). Same goes for Sewaddle, it can be found in both Beryl and Jasper.


MOOOOOVING on.... That Magikarp Price is 3000 off the mark, I think Ame probably reduced it because thats how much I got him for (bloody Hidden Ability REEEEAAAAALLLLY isn't fucking helping me at the moment).

I think I found Yanma in the grass of Azurine Island as well, Im not TOO sure anymore. But for all I know, its really rare in the grass, I only found one.

Okay. I think thats all I've noticed thats not on your list. Sorry if its hard to comprehend, but Im just too damn lazy to properly space this out. lol D: sorry! but here you go, hope this helps.

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- I've just noticed that You've only mentioned Pidove being headbutt-able. Idk if anyone's mentioned this yet, but Pidoves can also be found in the Jasper ward, and also the Obsidia Slums. Trubbish can also be found in the slums, along with ratatta, which can also be found in the Jasper and Beryl wards (that thing reigns everywhere. its a frickin breeding machine, rattatas frickin EVERYWHERE :L)

Zubats can be found in every bloody cave I can think of. I've found at least one in every cave, except the grand stairway cave. I've found it in Tanzan Mountain, Rhodochrine Cave, and I think also the Beryl Ward Cave. and it can also be found in Pyrous Mountain and I think Apophyll cave. Golbats can be found in Pyrous, and also the underground railnet, although I think they're an uncommon find in both areas.

Glooms can be found in Azurine Island. So can Oddish. Oddish can also be found in the Beryl and Jasper wards.

Venipedes can be found in both Jasper and Beryl Wards. Whirlipedes can be found in the Byxbysion Wastelands AFTER beating Aya (I never found one beforehand). Same goes for Sewaddle, it can be found in both Beryl and Jasper.


MOOOOOVING on.... That Magikarp Price is 3000 off the mark, I think Ame probably reduced it because thats how much I got him for (bloody Hidden Ability REEEEAAAAALLLLY isn't fucking helping me at the moment).

I think I found Yanma in the grass of Azurine Island as well, Im not TOO sure anymore. But for all I know, its really rare in the grass, I only found one.

Okay. I think thats all I've noticed thats not on your list. Sorry if its hard to comprehend, but Im just too damn lazy to properly space this out. lol D: sorry! but here you go, hope this helps.

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Swinubs can also be found in the Chrysolia Forest Grass area.

PS. Don't accuse me of copying if you've said anything I've said, I only breezed through this thread once trying to find the word ariados with the wordsearch function. D:

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  On 12/10/2013 at 8:25 PM, Amphouse said:

Did you ever find Ariados? I heard it was found rarely on Azurine island at nighttime.

yes, but not that rare.you can find it in several places at night. Tanzan of cove as well and later on route 1

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On another note, Nickaboo's going to be gone for a while. It might be best to let this topic die and start a new one that can actually be edited and updated.

On another other note, I'd suggest not doing that until after 10.5

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  On 12/10/2013 at 11:36 PM, Amethyst said:

On another note, Nickaboo's going to be gone for a while. It might be best to let this topic die and start a new one that can actually be edited and updated.

On another other note, I'd suggest not doing that until after 10.5

I can start working on that from next week and maybe put some effort during holidays...

When are you expecting to have 10.5 ready?

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