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Pokemon Location Guide



Please view the updated Pokemon Location Guide V2 by Shattered Skys

--Thank you for your effort Nickaboo

I figured an all-inclusive guide to Pokemon locations would be a good thing. Help me with the ones that are question marks, please :D

NOTE: Some spoilers within.


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That's all five current gens, I'm sill missing some, so let me know if you know the ones I've missed!

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well im at the place where magby originally was, but now its replaced by pansear but I cant get him to join or battle me, i figured that I must do something first but I hav no clue x.x

Same thing goes for ralts, u can talk to it but it wont join ur party rite away

Edited by GrayKun
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  On 1/19/2014 at 5:59 PM, ShatteredSkys said:

stunkfish is found by the cave near the rocks where you find barbaricle

Stunfisk was already in before 10.5

Also Buizel are now in Aventurine Cave, previously you could only get the evolved form Floatzel there.

Skiddo can be found on on route 1.

Swirlix is a reward for completeing the tile puzzle in the sweet kiss candy shop.

Smoochum is a reward, the girl in the house right outside of the jasper ward gave me the egg. (Yes same place as the second sticker)

Gothita is an in game trade found in north obsidia ward, the old man inside the building next to the move deleter wants a sunkern.

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  On 1/20/2014 at 1:50 AM, ShatteredSkys said:

whoops my bad, but you could find buziel in the cave during ep 10

Then clearly I have horrible luck, it took me three hours in that cave just to find a floatzel never saw a buziel even once during 10.1.

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Depression. The one pokemon nobody's mentioned is flabebe, which sucks balls. Im just gonna sleep and see if theres an improvement tomorrow qq

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  On 1/19/2014 at 6:06 PM, 2tousent said:

noibat is found in the rail thingy, allong with the swoobats that fall on top of your head from the ceiling

So as in, they fall on your head too? Or theyre just found in the railnet much like a zubat?

also, I found a spinda in the chrysolia forest. Now, to spam find a noibat. Btw, you know that hidden grotto in chrysolia forest? Can you surf past the water or is that just a permanent barboach spamspot? lol

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  On 1/21/2014 at 10:09 AM, Lynxiechan said:

So as in, they fall on your head too? Or theyre just found in the railnet much like a zubat?

also, I found a spinda in the chrysolia forest. Now, to spam find a noibat. Btw, you know that hidden grotto in chrysolia forest? Can you surf past the water or is that just a permanent barboach spamspot? lol

noilbat is pretty much zubat v3, there found in pretty much every cave and i haven't ha one fall on my head yet. oh and the hidden grotto used be the only place where u find tynamo ,no idea why it got the ax in 10.5.

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Does anyone have a clue about finding Pumpkaboo?

I mean, I would guess it's in the Beryl Graveyard, since you know pumpkins everywhere, but it cannot seem to be found in the grass and talking to vegetables doesn't do any good either. I've also tried changing the weather to nightime and windy night. I can't seem to get the thunderstorm night anytime soon or I would have tried that as well.

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  On 1/21/2014 at 12:16 PM, ShatteredSkys said:

noilbat is pretty much zubat v3, there found in pretty much every cave and i haven't ha one fall on my head yet. oh and the hidden grotto used be the only place where u find tynamo ,no idea why it got the ax in 10.5.

Hmm? I only found Barboach in the hidden grotto though...

And totally off topic, I don't think you'd WANT a noibat to fall on your head, it is literally a zubat v3, right down to the noise output it gives, LOL

Edited by Lynxiechan
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  On 1/21/2014 at 6:39 PM, Andi said:

Way can't I find flabebe in the flowers, i used sweet scent and nothing?

You need to bring a floral charm which u buy in the new flower shop and a flabeebe will appear when u step on the flower, make sure its one of those flowers in the adventurine forest that knock u out.

Edited by ShatteredSkys
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