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V 12 reactions. Read only if you finished.


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Holy shit, was that insane, like really insane, Amanda is a robot? There is a lava pit underneath the hospital? WE CAN TALK? Man, this was a crazy ride. First off, i really loved our little reunion with Nim, but man, was she utterly cheap, TWO trick room setters? Luckily both her Aromatisse and Slowbro are dumbasses and setup trick room together thus canceling each other out, also dev team if you read this, leave that in, it's hilarious. Anyway, i KNEW Nim and Crescent were working together, the question is WHY? Next point, two PCs were talking AND THEY ARE SIBLINGS? i picked Axel as my avatar, so seeing him talk to his sister was ...uncanny, and VERY relatable. Does it change depending on who you play? I guess my theory of the portrait in Crescent's office was right, those are different people. So what the hell did we do to our PC? It's going to be an Undertale thing ain't it? 


Oh Flora, i knew it would be a bad idea to side with you, and i'm truly satisfied with my choice to arrest you and your defeat in this episode. and man, i don't know if this is a good thing or not, but Ryland Flora has the dishonor of being one of those Gym leaders i beat in my first try. And my team is REALLY not equipped to take on ground types, luckily i have medicine, also i think my pokemon hate me now. whoops. ANYWAY, the sequence of events after that was insane, Surfer dude and dudette are working for Madame X? Madam X isn't future Melia or something? she looked like Nymei--Oh. oh god. Okay, i'm going to ramble on about our fight. I swear i stopped for like two minutes when i realized my opponents were a shiny Snorlax, and a Cherrim, and my partner was a Beehyem. Those cheeky bastards, but it was strangely satisfying to take both Aelita and Melia on. As i freely admit, i have an illegal Hydreigon and Mimikyu on my team, THEY ARE MY FAVORITES, DAMN IT, AND HYDREIGON IS HARD TO RAISE, I EARNED THE RIGHT TO USE HIM DAMNIT. so it was utterly insane, when my Bahamut went up against Melia's Unity, like WOW, was that COOL, also i really like Hydreigon's new shiny,no offense to our beloved artist, but Hydreigon's old shiny was garish, but it would fit Melia's thematic light i suppose in, hindsight. Also a Mimikyu vs Mimikyu fight is awesome. It's a crazy coincidence that Melia uses both of my top battlers.  Does anything change if you lose this fight? Also this is a nice reference to PULSE Hypno.


As for Isiah, uhhhh, i have no idea what to think, the twist is certainly unexpected, but... kinda out there you know? Also you have a fucking lava pit installed underneath a hospital? When did you become a bond villain? 


So Crescent has been defeated by the Surfer duo, oh boy, it's going to be really fitting karma if Crescent has her memories tampered with. Regarding my theory of Crescent being our mom, during that flashback to Ardest, the one he called mom, is THAT Crescent? The scenery does match the purgatory. 

I kinda wish we saw what exactly Bladestar was doing to GDC, all we get are reports, it would have been cool if we could see it. Maybe even a playable segment?

Lastly, Erin, Alice, Allen and Melia are related, whoooooooo. I'm just so tired from all the crazy shit that happened, i was desensitized, but Erin and Melia's interactions were sweet. As for Allen and Alice, i fucking called it, when i saw Allen's Theolia strike.



Anyway, i'm tired, good patch, Dev team, give yourselves a pat on the back. Thank you again for making a great game. Till next time, also please don't take away my Hydreigon and Mimikyu.   




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4 hours ago, Magus543 said:

Holy shit, was that insane, like really insane, Amanda is a robot? There is a lava pit underneath the hospital? WE CAN TALK? Man, this was a crazy ride. First off, i really loved our little reunion with Nim, but man, was she utterly cheap, TWO trick room setters? Luckily both her Aromatisse and Slowbro are dumbasses and setup trick room together thus canceling each other out, also dev team if you read this, leave that in, it's hilarious. Anyway, i KNEW Nim and Crescent were working together, the question is WHY? Next point, two PCs were talking AND THEY ARE SIBLINGS? i picked Axel as my avatar, so seeing him talk to his sister was ...uncanny, and VERY relatable. Does it change depending on who you play? I guess my theory of the portrait in Crescent's office was right, those are different people. So what the hell did we do to our PC? It's going to be an Undertale thing ain't it? 


Oh Flora, i knew it would be a bad idea to side with you, and i'm truly satisfied with my choice to arrest you and your defeat in this episode. and man, i don't know if this is a good thing or not, but Ryland Flora has the dishonor of being one of those Gym leaders i beat in my first try. And my team is REALLY not equipped to take on ground types, luckily i have medicine, also i think my pokemon hate me now. whoops. ANYWAY, the sequence of events after that was insane, Surfer dude and dudette are working for Madame X? Madam X isn't future Melia or something? she looked like Nymei--Oh. oh god. Okay, i'm going to ramble on about our fight. I swear i stopped for like two minutes when i realized my opponents were a shiny Snorlax, and a Cherrim, and my partner was a Beehyem. Those cheeky bastards, but it was strangely satisfying to take both Aelita and Melia on. As i freely admit, i have an illegal Hydreigon and Mimikyu on my team, THEY ARE MY FAVORITES, DAMN IT, AND HYDREIGON IS HARD TO RAISE, I EARNED THE RIGHT TO USE HIM DAMNIT. so it was utterly insane, when my Bahamut went up against Melia's Unity, like WOW, was that COOL, also i really like Hydreigon's new shiny,no offense to our beloved artist, but Hydreigon's old shiny was garish, but it would fit Melia's thematic light i suppose in, hindsight. Also a Mimikyu vs Mimikyu fight is awesome. It's a crazy coincidence that Melia uses both of my top battlers.  Does anything change if you lose this fight? Also this is a nice reference to PULSE Hypno.


As for Isiah, uhhhh, i have no idea what to think, the twist is certainly unexpected, but... kinda out there you know? Also you have a fucking lava pit installed underneath a hospital? When did you become a bond villain? 


So Crescent has been defeated by the Surfer duo, oh boy, it's going to be really fitting karma if Crescent has her memories tampered with. Regarding my theory of Crescent being our mom, during that flashback to Ardest, the one he called mom, is THAT Crescent? The scenery does match the purgatory. 

I kinda wish we saw what exactly Bladestar was doing to GDC, all we get are reports, it would have been cool if we could see it. Maybe even a playable segment?

Lastly, Erin, Alice, Allen and Melia are related, whoooooooo. I'm just so tired from all the crazy shit that happened, i was desensitized, but Erin and Melia's interactions were sweet. As for Allen and Alice, i fucking called it, when i saw Allen's Theolia strike.



Anyway, i'm tired, good patch, Dev team, give yourselves a pat on the back. Thank you again for making a great game. Till next time, also please don't take away my Hydreigon and Mimikyu.   





" I swear i stopped for like two minutes when i realized my opponents were a shiny Snorlax, and a Cherrim, and my partner was a Beehyem. Those cheeky bastards, but it was strangely satisfying to take both Aelita and Melia"- If you lose theey actually comment on it and congratulate you so I think that was the right option


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2 hours ago, Magus543 said:

Holy shit, was that insane, like really insane, Amanda is a robot?

I'll try to respond to a few of your points but these quotes are annoying so I won't use any more.

From the dialogue I think the real Amanda isn't a robot but the one we've been seeing is just an imposter.




That was the biggest mindfuck moment in Rejuv so far.

The Nim fight was so annoyingly hard. You can't prevent her from setting up Trick Room because of that stupid rage powder and the field also blocks priority moves while giving all her mons boosts.

After many attempts (and losing 2 battles because of hydro pump misses) I settled on stalling the trick room out with calm mind Sylveon and it was an easy sweep as soon as it ended.

As for why Nim is working with Crescent, Crescent saved Nim after she got turned to stone and dropped into a volcano then brainwashed her or something and she's been working for Crescent since then.


Regarding the fight vs Melia and Aelita, I figured out what was going on the second I saw the Togekiss. Admittedly the fact that Reborn already did the same thing probably helped. In that situation you should probably back away from everybody and tell them not to draw unless they're you're enemy. If you just fight alone and never lose then it doesn't matter who you're fighting. But  honestly your Pokemon would probably be able to tell. For example I've got a Weavile and a Greninja that are both immune to Psychic attacks.


" As for Isiah, uhhhh, i have no idea what to think, the twist is certainly unexpected "


That part was pretty anticlimactic honestly. Not the reveal itself but the fact that you just have a fairly easy 1v1 battle and I guess Isiah expected you to just stand there like a moron while he does his brain transfer thing. How stupid and incompetent does he think we are? I mean there's 3 of us and he has no Pokemon left. My Weavile could probably kill him with ice shard before he got anywhere near the machine. Not like Ren or Venam needed to show up or really anybody except the player.

Oh and if anybody is wondering what his final warning was about, IT'S THOSE FUCKING INJECTIONS I 100% guarantee it. They were suspicious as fuck from the start and I couldn't believe how stupid our characters were to take them without even questioning it. The entire world is after you at this point and you just let some stranger inject you some unknown liquid. ESPECIALLY Melia with the super special golden injection just for her. I mean come on. Looks like it's gonna bite them in the ass like I expected.


And yea I'm sure Crescent just died off screen. Totally believable.



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Oh boy here we go:

-When the MC talked (my favorite scene)

-when red headed(Freya) came back literally after ruining Keta’s life (😡)

-Mind blown when Alice, Allen, Erin(Erina?) and Melia are not only siblings, but also the Light Proficiencies.

- The MC and their past(I almost cried, I cried)😭

-Venam came back from being stone and wanting the will to change( I FUCKING burst into tears this scene 😭😭😭😭)

-Ren and Melia made up and are friends again (😁)

-Reunion with Aelita (:D)

-Madame X and Mysterious Figures VS us and Aelita( I was so pissed they played a dirty trick 😡)

-Half of Madame X face was revealed (OH SHIT)

-Karen being normal (WTF o_O)

-(another favorite and funny scene) when Venam jumped on the couch next to Melia and the MC followed 😂

-Last but not least (THIS SHIT HAD ME DYING XD) Ren and Reina’s family is messed up oh my lord I lost it XD


But yeah these are my reactions and hoping for more fun times to come shout out to @Zumi @Azery @Alex@Flora Grevillea And any other Dev Workers got making this game and hoping for more times! 😊

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1 hour ago, Tri_Blu said:


  Reveal hidden contents

Can we all talk about the part at the sky view where we got jebaited into making those three options. After that I was on the floor dying


That shit had my heart pumping until I saw wait for a phone call. 


6 hours ago, Gheist said:

I'll try to respond to a few of your points but these quotes are annoying so I won't use any more.

From the dialogue I think the real Amanda isn't a robot but the one we've been seeing is just an imposter.




That was the biggest mindfuck moment in Rejuv so far.

The Nim fight was so annoyingly hard. You can't prevent her from setting up Trick Room because of that stupid rage powder and the field also blocks priority moves while giving all her mons boosts.

After many attempts (and losing 2 battles because of hydro pump misses) I settled on stalling the trick room out with calm mind Sylveon and it was an easy sweep as soon as it ended.

As for why Nim is working with Crescent, Crescent saved Nim after she got turned to stone and dropped into a volcano then brainwashed her or something and she's been working for Crescent since then.


Regarding the fight vs Melia and Aelita, I figured out what was going on the second I saw the Togekiss. Admittedly the fact that Reborn already did the same thing probably helped. In that situation you should probably back away from everybody and tell them not to draw unless they're you're enemy. If you just fight alone and never lose then it doesn't matter who you're fighting. But  honestly your Pokemon would probably be able to tell. For example I've got a Weavile and a Greninja that are both immune to Psychic attacks.


" As for Isiah, uhhhh, i have no idea what to think, the twist is certainly unexpected "


That part was pretty anticlimactic honestly. Not the reveal itself but the fact that you just have a fairly easy 1v1 battle and I guess Isiah expected you to just stand there like a moron while he does his brain transfer thing. How stupid and incompetent does he think we are? I mean there's 3 of us and he has no Pokemon left. My Weavile could probably kill him with ice shard before he got anywhere near the machine. Not like Ren or Venam needed to show up or really anybody except the player.

Oh and if anybody is wondering what his final warning was about, IT'S THOSE FUCKING INJECTIONS I 100% guarantee it. They were suspicious as fuck from the start and I couldn't believe how stupid our characters were to take them without even questioning it. The entire world is after you at this point and you just let some stranger inject you some unknown liquid. ESPECIALLY Melia with the super special golden injection just for her. I mean come on. Looks like it's gonna bite them in the ass like I expected.


And yea I'm sure Crescent just died off screen. Totally believable.



A while back, I speculated that Bim was working for Crescent even before Valor mountain, they both have access to the psychic dimension, Nim and Crescent are both Psychic specialists, and lastly Creacent knew where to find Nim after Valor mountain.





As someone who snitched on Flora, is this episode any different if you sided with Bladestar?



And if you do lose to Aelita and Melia, does anything change significantly?

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1 hour ago, Magus543 said:

And if you do lose to Aelita and Melia, does anything change significantly?


The red-haired lady will comment that she can't tell if the loss was because you saw through her tricks or because you just suck (yes, even when you've been blatantly whaling on all of her pokemon not named Beheeyem stinkin' Telepathy...), and then Kieran hoverboards everyone unconscious anyway. I'd imagine that there's some Relationship Points gained here, but of course those are invisible...


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1 hour ago, Magus543 said:

As someone who snitched on Flora, is this episode any different if you sided with Bladestar?

I sided with Flora whenever possible and I'm pretty sure the story plays out exactly the same. She still completely hates me, says she should have killed me back at the forest, the plan falls apart after the phone call and she gets arrested. I assume that's what happens either way since nothing even remotely resembling friendliness with Flora happened in this version.

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