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Wondering about the Pokemon Crests in the game.


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Guess I can post all the ones I've got in my bag but I can't guarantee there's not more of them. I probably can't tell you where I found each one either but I know a lot of them were in the Labyrinth and the rest I found by doing version 12 side quests either as a reward or they were items that you can pick up. I just know Infernape was a reward for completing the Goodra side quest (the princess was right, this crest is smelly). Darmanitan, Torterra, Spiritomb and possibly Claydol and Ariados were items to pick up in the castle during Karen's side quest.


-Zangoose: Poisons the user and restores HP if the Pokemon is poisoned

-Ariados: Increases base speed by 1.5x and always hit critically if target is poisoned

-Claydol: Merges its defense and special attack stat to be the same

-Darmanitan: Forces you to stay in Zen mode

-Spiritomb: Makes Spiritomb stronger for each defeated ally. And recovers heath based on (text cuts off)

-Dusknoir: Increases base attack by 1.2x and boosts weaker moves (I'm assuming it works like technician)

-Magcargo: Swaps defense and speed. And increases Sp. Atk by 10

-Cofagrigus: Increases base Sp. Def and Sp. Atk by 1.25x

-Cherrim: Forces sunshine form

-Relicanth: Increases base attack by 1.2x and Sp. def by 1.3x

-Skuntank: Boosts attack when hit by ground move

-Leafeon: Haves damage from fire and flying attacks

-Glaceon: Halves damage taken from rock and steel attacks

-Fearow: Increases critical hit ratio by 3 stages

-Stantler: Increases attack and accuracy by 50%

-Hypno: Increases special attack and accuracy by 50%

-Oricorio: Increases speed and special attack by 1.25x

-Seviper: Causes Seviper to hit harder against healthier foes (whatever that means) and speed increased by 1.5x

-Castform: Causes Castform to use its first weather move and gives it a special ability (I guess it sets up weather and then gives you an extra ability to take advantage of it)

-Ledian: Causes Ledian to punch 4 times

-Deddene: Merges its speed and attack stat to be the same

-Bastiodon: Deals 50% damage taken as recoil and recovers that amount (this might actually be pretty good)

-Rampardos: Works like focus sash/sturdy

-Typhlosion: Atk scales with SpAtk, and contact moves do additional fire damage

-Feraligatr: Grants the ability strong jaw and the first move upon switch in gets priority

-Meganium: Meganium and allies take reduced damage and recover every turn

-Torterra: Swap resistances and weaknesses (so that's why my ice beam did nothing)

-Empoleon: Stat changes are doubled

-Infernape: Swap attacks and defenses


Edit: I added all the additional crests people posted bellow.


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In addition to above, I got a Typhosion Crest for doing the E4 Virtual Quest, after all 8 badges.

Typhlosion Crest - Atk scales with SpAtk, and contact moves do additional fire damage.

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Outside the Weather Institute on Terajuma, if you show the person the 3 weather TMs (Hail, Sunny Day, Rain Dance) you get a Castform Crest, which activates a weather move upon entry and confers an additional ability based on weather (rain dish, solar power, and I can't determine the one for hail/sandstorm). 
I read someone else mention crests for all John starters and Ledian, but I don't know how to get those and am especially curious on how they could make the latter remotely useful.

Zangoose/Ariados are in the underwater temple in route 6.


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5 minutes ago, nosoplz said:

Outside the Weather Institute on Terajuma, if you show the person the 3 weather TMs (Hail, Sunny Day, Rain Dance) you get a Castform Crest, which activates a weather move upon entry and confers an additional ability based on weather (rain dish, solar power, and I can't determine the one for hail/sandstorm). 
I read someone else mention crests for all John starters and Ledian, but I don't know how to get those and am especially curious on how they could make the latter remotely useful.

Zangoose/Ariados are in the underwater temple in route 6.


Ledian is actually one I have; It punches 4 times. You get it via a member of Novae's clan in a Zone Zero building, after the story in that area is done.

Johto starters is based on Virtual Quest and which starter you've used all the way through.

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1 hour ago, TDoggyDog said:

In addition to above, I got a Typhosion Crest for doing the E4 Virtual Quest, after all 8 badges.

Typhlosion Crest - Atk scales with SpAtk, and contact moves do additional fire damage. 

Do you happen to know where the other leaders are? I think I've only got the first 4 badges from the guy at Gearen laboratory and the one on the route next to Sheridan. Apparently there's 1 in West Gearen but I think I need to battle some other people first.

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1 hour ago, Gheist said:

Do you happen to know where the other leaders are? I think I've only got the first 4 badges from the guy at Gearen laboratory and the one on the route next to Sheridan. Apparently there's 1 in West Gearen but I think I need to battle some other people first.

You need to fight one that's in the Rec Room at the Ranger Station in Kakori then the one in the Kristiline which is the house next to the Help Center, then you can fight the Elite Four in West Gearen

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Upon further testing: It adds the Strong Jaw ability to Feraligatr, and the first attack it has upon send-out is priority. Works just like First Impression/Fake out. Not sure how much priority it gives, but I think +1 priority on the first move you use is a safe bet.

On the flipside, can somebody help me with the Ledian Crest? I have no idea where to look and where to start. I checked all over Zone Zero and I'm not really finding much.

Edited by Meteordash
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1 hour ago, Ricochet Ray said:

You need to fight one that's in the Rec Room at the Ranger Station in Kakori then the one in the Kristiline which is the house next to the Help Center, then you can fight the Elite Four in West Gearen

Thanks I managed to complete it finally. And you get a department store sticker which is way more valuable than the crest in my opinion.

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4 hours ago, nosoplz said:

Outside the Weather Institute on Terajuma, if you show the person the 3 weather TMs (Hail, Sunny Day, Rain Dance) you get a Castform Crest, which activates a weather move upon entry and confers an additional ability based on weather (rain dish, solar power, and I can't determine the one for hail/sandstorm). 


For Hail, I believe it gains Slush Rush. I test on a wild high level Oricirio and Castform outsped despite quiet nature and sandstorm? Doubt it has one because it doesn't have a sandstorm form.

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14 minutes ago, Mr.Fahzy said:

Where are the feraligatr and Meganium crests? I've been looking and cant find 'em


You get the crest for your virtual badge starter from that questline. The other two are in Kecleon's shop on route...2? The one before Amethyst Cave/Sheridan with the big tree

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6 hours ago, Meteordash said:


Upon further testing: It adds the Strong Jaw ability to Feraligatr, and the first attack it has upon send-out is priority. Works just like First Impression/Fake out. Not sure how much priority it gives, but I think +1 priority on the first move you use is a safe bet.

On the flipside, can somebody help me with the Ledian Crest? I have no idea where to look and where to start. I checked all over Zone Zero and I'm not really finding much.

Near Lux apartments; the bit after everyone drops down to help you with the horde of bladestar, but before you come across the area with the prison cell, there's an open door that was previously closed, you have to go through some grass to get to it.




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11 hours ago, Gheist said:

Guess I can post all the ones I've got in my bag but I can't guarantee there's not more of them. I probably can't tell you where I found each one either but I know a lot of them were in the Labyrinth and the rest I found by doing version 12 side quests either as a reward or they were items that you can pick up. I just know Infernape was a reward for completing the Goodra side quest (the princess was right, this crest is smelly). Darmanitan, Torterra, Spiritomb and possibly Claydol and Ariados were items to pick up in the castle during Karen's side quest.


-Zangoose: Poisons the user and restores HP if the Pokemon is poisoned.

-Ariados: Increases base speed by 1.5x and always hit critically if target is (text cuts off so I can't read the rest)

-Infernape: Swap attacks and defenses

-Claydol: It merges it's defense and special attack stat to be the same

-Darmanitan: Forces you to stay in Zen mode.

-Torterra: Swap resistances and weaknesses (so that's why my ice beam did nothing)

-Spiritomb: It makes Spiritomb stronger for each defeated ally. And recovers heath based on (text cuts off)

-Dusknoir: Increases base attack by 1.2x and boosts weaker moves (I'm assuming it works like technician)

-Cofagrigus: Increases base Sp. Def and Sp. Atk by 1.25x

-Cherrim: Forces sunshine form.

-Relicanth: Increases base attack by 1.2x and Sp. def by 1.3x

-Skuntank: Boosts attack when hit by ground move

-Leafeon: Haves damage from fire and flying attacks

-Glaceon: Halves damage taken from rock and steel attacks

-Fearow: Increases critical hit ratio by 3 stages

-Stantler: Increases attack and accuracy by 50%

-Hypno: Increases special attack and accuracy by 50%

-Oricorio: Increases speed and special attack by 1.25x

-Seviper: It causes Seviper to hit harder against healthier foes (whatever that means) and speed increased by 1.5x

-Castform: Causes Castform to use first weather move and gives it a special ability (I guess it sets up weather and then gives you an extra ability to take advantage of it)

-Typhlosion: Atk scales with SpAtk, and contact moves do additional fire damage.

-Feraligatr: Grants the ability strong jaw and the first move upon switch in gets priority

-Meganium: (No idea)

-Ledian: It punches 4 times


Edit: I added the 5 more crests people listed bellow.



10 hours ago, TDoggyDog said:

In addition to above, I got a Typhosion Crest for doing the E4 Virtual Quest, after all 8 badges.

Typhlosion Crest - Atk scales with SpAtk, and contact moves do additional fire damage.

What does Typhlosion crest do? I dont get it.

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Ariados Crest make Ariados a bit faster and always crits the opponent if its poisoned apparently. (Basically it gains a hidden Merciless ability.)


Though its still pretty slow (unless it's because I didn't max out the Speed stat?) and need Toxic Spikes and Sticky Web support to work properly.

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7 hours ago, nhehvnukl said:

What does Typhlosion crest do? I dont get it.

I'm assuming it raises your physical attack the higher your special attack is. The bonus fire damage probably works like flying press and grants the move an extra fire typing. So I guess if you use a normal type move like double edge against a steel type, it would do neutral damage because the weakness/resistances cancel out. And if you used it against a grass type it would be super effective.

On the other hand if you used double edge against a water type it would resist it so this has some downsides. This is all my speculation since I don't have an actual Typhlosion to test it out.


3 hours ago, Crickzilla said:

Ariados Crest make Ariados a bit faster and always crits the opponent if its poisoned apparently. (Basically it gains a hidden Merciless ability.)


Though its still pretty slow (unless it's because I didn't max out the Speed stat?) and need Toxic Spikes and Sticky Web support to work properly.

Okay I changed the text. And yes Ariados is just really slow.  This crest basically gives it a free choice scarf but with a base speed stat of 40, even if you give it max speed it would only hit 294 speed at level 100 with the crest on. For comparison, Typhlosion hits 328 without a choice scarf obviously. Infernape 346. Greninja 377. Gardevoir hits 284 so there's one threat you could outspeed as long as it's not mega.

So yea it makes you faster but it just raises your terrible speed to average speed. You might be better off with a focus sash if you want to set up webs. Or use Galvantula instead since that hits 346 speed with no crest/choice scarf.




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Just to mention effects here too:
Bastiodon Crest - Deals 50% damage taken as recoil and recovers that amount.

Rampardos Crest - It helps with Rampardos always hang on with 1 HP regardless of HP, once per battle.

Dedenne Crest - It merges it's Speed and Attack to be the same.

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On 7/8/2019 at 10:07 AM, Ricochet Ray said:

You need to fight one that's in the Rec Room at the Ranger Station in Kakori then the one in the Kristiline which is the house next to the Help Center, then you can fight the Elite Four in West Gearen

Where exactly is the Elite Four I have all 8 virtual badge but I can't find it in west gearen

Edited by Kyubeytor
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