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Wondering about the Pokemon Crests in the game.


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  On 7/11/2019 at 12:30 PM, Andrewwww1010 said:

Where is the Typhlosion's Crest? 


Depends on which starter you chose for the whole virtual badge thing. If you didn't choose cynda, it'll be on route 2. But if you did, you would have to beat the virtual elite 4 in west gearen to get it.

Edited by UnkleUno
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  • 2 months later...

The Sinnoh starters crests are still unavaliable right?


Torterra one seems bonkers and Infernape's is interesting since it got a plenty of supportive moves, so making it tanky might have some use.

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RoyChaos: I don't know the answer for sure (I haven't trained up my cyndaquil, and can't really do the calcs even if I had), but I would assume that the second blow would indeed have STAB. It's just a really weird Crest to wrap one's head around in general, so don't worry about being a bit confused by it.


Melkor: As of Patch 12.1, every Crest currently programmed into the game ia available somewhere except for silvally's. The Sinnoh starters' Crests are actually all in different places, and each of them are connected to a different sidequest, so they'll take some effort to get ahold of.

For reference,

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  On 9/19/2019 at 11:08 AM, Autumn Zephyr said:

RoyChaos: I don't know the answer for sure (I haven't trained up my cyndaquil, and can't really do the calcs even if I had), but I would assume that the second blow would indeed have STAB. It's just a really weird Crest to wrap one's head around in general, so don't worry about being a bit confused by it.


Melkor: As of Patch 12.1, every Crest currently programmed into the game ia available somewhere except for silvally's. The Sinnoh starters' Crests are actually all in different places, and each of them are connected to a different sidequest, so they'll take some effort to get ahold of.

For reference,

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Dont ypu get Empoleons crest after the diving sidequest from Volta's mom?

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Ledian Crest- It helps Ledian punch 4 times. Effects occur on the first two hits


One heck of a good crest, though through personal use, effects from moves (i.e. Ice punch) aren't guaranteed to happen. Once the tm for Power-Up Punch becomes available this ladybug is gonna merciless rip through anyone standing in its way. Also using comet punch is quite fun.

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  On 9/20/2019 at 6:48 PM, Crimson_Mc_Black said:

Ledian Crest- It helps Ledian punch 4 times. Effects occur on the first two hits


One heck of a good crest, though through personal use, effects from moves (i.e. Ice punch) aren't guaranteed to happen. Once the tm for Power-Up Punch becomes available this ladybug is gonna merciless rip through anyone standing in its way. Also using comet punch is quite fun.


It means they can only activate on the first two hits (so power up punch gives you +2 not +4)

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  On 9/15/2019 at 7:00 PM, RoyChaos said:

Does Typhlosion's contact moves make STAB if held Typhlosion crests?


Upon looking at the code and then testing, the "additional Fire damage" on the second hit doesn't seem to be a thing--Thunder Punch was still being resisted by wild Maractus on the second hit. So it's basically just Parental Bond that only applies to contact moves (and does 20% damage instead of 25%)

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  • 1 month later...
  On 7/7/2019 at 11:19 PM, TDoggyDog said:

In addition to above, I got a Typhosion Crest for doing the E4 Virtual Quest, after all 8 badges.

Typhlosion Crest - Atk scales with SpAtk, and contact moves do additional fire damage.


What does attack scales with special attack actually mean? I read it as your attack stat is the same as your special attack.

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  On 11/20/2019 at 9:13 PM, Dai Laughing said:

That is really useful. Typhloson suffers from a very limited special attacking move pool, so being able to give it some physical moves is great.


I thought the same until I used it. The issue I ran into is that its coverage moves usually weren't powerful enough to OHKO and are only better than Eruption vs. thing that will KO it back anyway (Rock or Water types). So I usually ended up going back to Charcoal to secure KOs.


Also, the Beheeyem Crest always disables if the attacker isn't already disabled (that or I was playing pokemon when I should've been buying lottery tickets) and it's a massive 33% damage reduction. That's the equivalent of having an Eviolite, which makes Beheeyem bulkier than Toxapex, and with significantly better offenses

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  On 11/22/2019 at 5:43 PM, reaper. said:

are the boosts given by these crests permanent? what will happen if i use haze on any of these like the boosts to the stats? will they be reverted?


The crest don't boost the stats like say sword dance would (by giving stat stages) but rather modify the stat directly (when they modify stats) while held, so haze doesn't do anything, and due to how big the changes crests can make are, crest can't be taken away in battle while held (via say trick or knock off) so the same way it works for z-crystals or mega stones
Which is also why pokemon holding a crest have a specific icon in the Battle UI

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  On 11/22/2019 at 5:43 PM, reaper. said:

are the boosts given by these crests permanent? what will happen if i use haze on any of these like the boosts to the stats? will they be reverted?


The Crests are essentially like weaker Mega Stones, which means that the opponent cannot interact with them in any way. They can't be Knocked off or stolen with Thief, and since their bonuses aren't in stats stages, Haze, Clear Smog, and Freezy Frost won't get rid of them. 


Edit: It would seem that I've been accelgor'd. Whoops.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  On 11/21/2019 at 2:50 AM, Paperblade said:

I thought the same until I used it. The issue I ran into is that its coverage moves usually weren't powerful enough to OHKO and are only better than Eruption vs. thing that will KO it back anyway (Rock or Water types). So I usually ended up going back to Charcoal to secure KOs.


Also, the Beheeyem Crest always disables if the attacker isn't already disabled (that or I was playing pokemon when I should've been buying lottery tickets) and it's a massive 33% damage reduction. That's the equivalent of having an Eviolite, which makes Beheeyem bulkier than Toxapex, and with significantly better offenses


It appears that Typhlosion can learn slash and burn which is a custom grass TM physical move with base 90. It seems that it does not gain additional fire typing as I have tested it on water types and is still super effective. Could be very useful against rock and water types that Typhlosion can outspeed particularly those with a 4x weakness to grass. Admittedly even a boosted STAB eruption is mighty even when resisted.

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  On 12/17/2019 at 7:49 PM, Dai Laughing said:

It appears that Typhlosion can learn slash and burn which is a custom grass TM physical move with base 90. It seems that it does not gain additional fire typing as I have tested it on water types and is still super effective. Could be very useful against rock and water types that Typhlosion can outspeed particularly those with a 4x weakness to grass. Admittedly even a boosted STAB eruption is mighty even when resisted.


I have been testing out the Typhlosion Crest on the Gearen Audino trainer. Using slash and burn without the crest deals just over  a quarter damage, rock slide about one quarter. With the crest, slash and burn does around half damage and somewhat strangely there is a second hit that does about one eight damage. Rock slide goes from one quarter damage to half damage with the crest. When using the Crested slash and burn on water Pokemon the move is still described as super effective so I don't think secondary fire typing applies.

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  On 12/18/2019 at 10:01 AM, Dai Laughing said:

Using slash and burn without the crest deals just over  a quarter damage, rock slide about one quarter. With the crest, slash and burn does around half damage and somewhat strangely there is a second hit that does about one eight damage. Rock slide goes from one quarter damage to half damage with the crest. When using the Crested slash and burn on water Pokemon the move is still described as super effective so I don't think secondary fire typing applies.


I remember someone on Discord talking about the Typhlosion Crest giving it something like Parental Bond (the Mega Kangaskhan ability). Probably that's why there is a second hit that is doing only a quater of the orginal damage. Maybe the fire damage only applies to the second hit? Probabaly is easier to test on a Grass-type, the first hit should be not very effective and do some damage, while the second should be neutral and do about half of the first hit. 

Edited by TripleHHH
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