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Early Game Team


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K, so rounded up a lot of event pokemon and can't find anymore. It is raining at the moment in my game so if anyone knows any good encounters feel free to leave them for me. I believe I got a good-rounded team but I'll put this up in case anyone have any tips. My starter is the only nicknamed one due to it being Shiny (I'm aiming for a full shiny team so normal ones have no name since they are filler until I can bred out shinies for the mons that make Rotation).


First up is my Lucky Shiny Modest Snivy (I'll most likely to put him on Rotation if I encounter a better grass-type).





My male Bold Espurr. I do plan to breed out a male with its HA cause I think screens will come in handy in the future.




My Relaxed Gulpin that took FOREVER to get with good IVs.. Its ability is horrible but after all the time it took to get it I don't care.




My Hasty Panpour (I need something for Fire/Grounds).




Then Timid Tynamo. I wanted Modest at first but her IVs are amazing. Plus no weaknesses.



Then Modest Igglybuff simply cause its a duel type and honestly I'll most likely swap her out as soon as I can get Numel after the first gym.





Edited by Nue
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decent IVs, great nature. damn thats good. itl help with the first gym being an electric resist. but the problem is after that itl mostly be a hinderance in battles till well...it becomes serperior and gets leaf storm. bug, poison, fighitng, poison again, then ice. Serperior really wont be much of a benefit till the later game sadly. at least from my perspective. 

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15 hours ago, MachoPony said:

decent IVs, great nature. damn thats good. itl help with the first gym being an electric resist. but the problem is after that itl mostly be a hinderance in battles till well...it becomes serperior and gets leaf storm. bug, poison, fighitng, poison again, then ice. Serperior really wont be much of a benefit till the later game sadly. at least from my perspective. 

Well like I said I like the shiny though if I run into a better grass type when I can get to the daycare I'll put it onto Rotation then. Usually like to keep my starter in my party but I'll make an exception since this is one of the hardest fan games.

Edited by Nue
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If you want some decent early game Pokémon i would also catch a Poochyena. It evolves at Lvl. 18 and Mightyena has some pretty nice abilities. While Quick Feet may come in handy at times, the thing you really want though are either Intimidate or Moxie. A Mightyena with any nature that boosts attack stat and the Moxie ability will sweep through the first gym like crazy by just using Bite.

If you don't get Moxie, at least go for Intimidate and use Howl to boost your attack.....works as well in the first gym, but may require the use of a Potion or two to set up.


Also, if we are talking about really good early game Pokémon you should never underestimate a Butterfree. It has a good special attack and special defense stat and does not only learn some decent bug and flying type moves, but also some decent psychic type moves and the 3 powder attacks Sleep Powder, Stun Spore and Poison Powder. It does not really matter which ability you get, since Compound Eyes increases your hit rate, while Tinted Lens lets you do double damage on "not effective" moves.

It may be useless in the first gym, but after that this thing might become one of your playmakers...

Edited by ShogokiX
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my tips:

  1. get a steel cloak wormadame. It learns quiver dance at 20 and will wreck every gym until hardy, which is well in the game.
  2. DO NOT evolve snivy and put him in the box until after Serras gym fight. he learns Leafstorm at around lvl 48, so he will greatly benefit your team come Noel, Radomus and Luna
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There's a lotad in the coral ward on the docks, as well as a simipour in the tunnels. I don't think this is tied to any weather but there's also a joltik you can get in the left ward from the grand hall, it's prett good early and sticky web stays valuable for a long time.

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I recommend as far as "early game" goes, get the castform as soon as you can, sunny day+rain dance with weather ball can actually delete so many early game gyms. You don't get weather ball until 25 but once you do, you have coverage on several types, including bug (cough screw shelly cough) and is also pretty useful against Shade and Corey. Corey because the rainbow field from mixing rain and sunny day cancels out the poison field which screws with a lot of what Corey's team relies on (venoshock, merciless ability, etc) and works against Shade because it gets rid of the dark machine field so rotom gets screwed as well as most of his team besides mimikyu. Probably use castform to replace igglybuff, as numel doesnt really get much value besides Shelly and later down the road Aya (imo numel doesnt have any good ground attacks until after corey.)

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