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The Apartments all over Reborn City


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So when can we use the apartments? It's like been 9 episodes and yet we couldn't use the apartments. It'd be awesome to have a place of my own there. And probably if like the game would go far, you could like make them like secret bases in Gen III and there would be trainers that would be found there if say *you linked one game to another* and something like that. you get the whole idea about secret bases.

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That'd be pretty cool to have. Imagine all the customization people could do.

Unfortunately, the linking part is probably never gonna happen. Ame isn't made out of money. I doubt she'd have the funds for buying that sort of equipment. (Now that I said that, someone is gonna make some huge donation to her the very moment they read this.)

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Ugh >.< I know I read something like this recently and I'm trying to find out where she said it, but I can't remember. /: Now I'm wondering if it was in Nickaboo's Nuzlocke Chat, but somebody asked her about her plans with the apartments and she answered what she had in mind. It was probably in that chat >.< Cause I can't find it anywhere.

I -think- based off of memory that she said she wanted to add more gang events. Don't quote me on that though. /: My memory can be pretty shotty sometimes <.<

Edited by ChocolateChip
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maybe she might go with the idea. but yeah, i'm assuming Ame isn't really funded so the whole thing might not come true about the linking thing, but the apartment idea, i hope that happens. think about the possibilities???

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To be clear I only meant those couple apartments in the Lapis wards

The rest of the ones in the city are just residential areas barred to the player because they would contribute nothing to the game- but I still wanted the lobbies of those buildings to be accessible.

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