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Take a screenshot and post it here, show your current rejuvenation team, dont forget about thoes in boxes who helped you before, or are ready to fight, but just waiting. Also, recommend some of your best pokemons to the others.


Played time is 146h.

Everything is EV trained, with good/decent IV and "good" moveset. Everything expect Feraligatr, Dusknoir, Salazzle, Heracross and Scyther is shiny. Not everything is lvl 85, few of them i used in older versions of the game.

I recommend you all this Feraligatr:


Thanks Jan for adding life orb in v12 😆 Now we can abuse sheer force + life orb

With v12, you can learn egg moves from move relearner

Liquidation is egg move/move tutor move. You can teach it in Goomy village.

Dragon dance is egg move

Crunch is lvl up move

Ice punch is egg move/move tutor move. You can teach it in Axis high university


I prefer life orb over the crest, becouse its sheer force+life orb combo, cmon!


You can get it by picking Totodile as your starter, or catching Totodile in Chrisola Hotel in East Gearen City. He is in basements, surf is required. Its event pokemon, and if i remember correctly, its need to be night.

Edited by kulesiak
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My current team for my second playthrough.   Tangrowth and Tsareena were just trained up for the Valery battle, so they may not be permanent.........but will probably replace Roselia

xDIVzpf.png ewwLP4l.png




My 'current' team for my first playthrough.  I could still continue at any time so it's still 'current' in my eyes

R6PF3bN.png LBdh60u.png

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1 hour ago, seki108 said:

My current team for my second playthrough.   Tangrowth and Tsareena were just trained up for the Valery battle, so they may not be permanent.........but will probably replace Roselia

xDIVzpf.png ewwLP4l.png




My 'current' team for my first playthrough.  I could still continue at any time so it's still 'current' in my eyes

 R6PF3bN.png LBdh60u.png

pachirisu? You like it, or just for the memes

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15 minutes ago, kulesiak said:

pachirisu? You like it, or just for the memes

At first I just wanted to try it my first run, but it pulled its weight well for most of V9/10......though it did drop off a little at the end.  It's legit a great support mon, imo.


It definitely improved in V11 with it getting Electroweb for great Speed control (especially in doubles so far).  I'm going to keep using it until it starts not doing anything.  I've heard that V11 intense really ramps up from V9's intense, so it may start getting used less sooner this run.  Ironically, it's mostly useless in the Valery fight right now.


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current team of my first playtrought (have about 3 monotype runs running in the back and a second intense run but not going to post them all)


discaimer: top 2 rows are all shiny's and will (most likely) not be used [im a shiny collector ok, dont judge]


dislaimer 2: there is a sort of symbolism after the name i gave sylveon and silvally
sylveon is named 'Melia' because how she acts around her friends reminds me of sylveons caring nature
silvally (poison) is named 'Melia II' just because how hard melia can kick peoples asses when they hurt people she cares about

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My main team that was used for the majority of V12. Flygon and Dedenne are my favourite Pokemon (and I can't forget about Ninetales but unfortunately it's currently unobtainable). Kuri managed the later parts of the game and I couldn't be any prouder - and there's even a crest for her now!! Typhlosion is my favourite fire-type starter 😄. Alolan-Muk, Politoad, and Dusknoir are mons that I usually don't use but I decided to give them a try; they're bulky and hit hard so I was pretty satisfied with their contribution to the team.





Here are most of my other party members that I trained up. They're almost all max level and EV trained except for the newer ones I caught in V12 and a couple others. My original team that I used for the majority of the game (until around V9/V10) consisted of Serperior, Dedenne, Tyrantrum, Swampert, Chandelure, and Sylveon. Shout out to Lycanroc and Swoobat for carrying the early game and Gallade and Breloom for slaughtering endless amounts of Audinos. 






Oh and this....





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Current team at the end of v12, blastoise is a recent addition (added after completing v12), replacing my alolan raichu (who i will be keeping in reserve). The lycanroc is the only shiny on the team, my other shinies are in the next image.


Edited by connorjh01
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Current team is under construction right now, but I will say the one that is definitely in the team right now is crested Ledian. Gotta love using those punch moves over and over. xD

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First Row: Retired

Gastly - Trapnich: needs training and breeding to be perfect (also still expanding, might add Mareanie to it)

Rotom - everything else: Battle Ready 🙂

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6 hours ago, junjjang said:

My main team that was used for the majority of V12. Flygon and Dedenne are my favourite Pokemon (and I can't forget about Ninetales but unfortunately it's currently unobtainable). Kuri managed the later parts of the game and I couldn't be any prouder - and there's even a crest for her now!! Typhlosion is my favourite fire-type starter 😄. Alolan-Muk, Politoad, and Dusknoir are mons that I usually don't use but I decided to give them a try; they're bulky and hit hard so I was pretty satisfied with their contribution to the team.





Here are most of my other party members that I trained up. They're almost all max level and EV trained except for the newer ones I caught in V12 and a couple others. My original team that I used for the majority of the game (until around V9/V10) consisted of Serperior, Dedenne, Tyrantrum, Swampert, Chandelure, and Sylveon. Shout out to Lycanroc and Swoobat for carrying the early game and Gallade and Breloom for slaughtering endless amounts of Audinos. 






Where do you get larvitar??

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3 hours ago, UnkleUno said:




Current team is under construction right now, but I will say the one that is definitely in the team right now is crested Ledian. Gotta love using those punch moves over and over. xD

Did you find a razor fang for that gliscor? If yes, where?

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2 minutes ago, Blontary said:

Did you find a razor fang for that gliscor? If yes, where?

5% chance of finding a razor fang on bruxish, so yeah you can get it. As for where I found the bruxish, I went to River's End and fished with the good rod since it's good chances to find one over there.

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All in the second box are EV-trained and level 85 and many are IV-bred. Those in less-full box in the first two rows are the same, but the ones in the lower rows are either freshly bred Pokemon or Pokemon that I used to use before I retired since they need re-breeding. Invincible was the shiny Eevee I got from the Kimono Girls sidequest, and rifts really don't like it when he Transforms into them.





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16 hours ago, dragonza11 said:

current team of my first playtrought (have about 3 monotype runs running in the back and a second intense run but not going to post them all)


discaimer: top 2 rows are all shiny's and will (most likely) not be used [im a shiny collector ok, dont judge]


dislaimer 2: there is a sort of symbolism after the name i gave sylveon and silvally
sylveon is named 'Melia' because how she acts around her friends reminds me of sylveons caring nature
silvally (poison) is named 'Melia II' just because how hard melia can kick peoples asses when they hurt people she cares about

Also because Zetta, whose signature Pokemon is Silvally, is a clone of Melia, thus making him 'Melia II'

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The Gang:


So I trained up some new brokens for the rain squad.

Slyveon, Machamp, and Incineroar are some great honorable mentions tho, they've saved me multiple times


Kingdra and Croak are just unholy in rain lmao


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The team I used to finish V12:




(my nicknames suck btw except for grimes bcs that one is hilarious)

Not that solid of a team 😔😔 kinda struggled. Also, none of them are EV trained bcs I'm lazy!

I don't rotate as well dkjdjjdjfjf but these are my past team members:




Current playthrough:





May or may not EV train those when I get a solid formation, we'll see! I also plan to have a rotation this time 😓


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58 minutes ago, RedWolf705 said:

Also because Zetta, whose signature Pokemon is Silvally, is a clone of Melia, thus making him 'Melia II'

ah true true, i didnt even think about looking it that way XD

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