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This thread is making me realize I really need some backup pokemons uh? 😔


First row is my current team and the second row is the pokemons I've used at some point

IV and EV are messy but I guess I'm going to spend some time breeding so I can have a better team,,, :thonk: 

I'm happy with them and I don't think I need to do some big changes -- but I've considered to switch Roserade and Incineroar at some point

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Team I played through much of V12 with. I need to get around to properly EV training them and fixing their natures as EV training is so much easier in this version and I didn't see it necessary so far on Normal, but now I don't have much of an excuse! The only shiny one in my main team is Torterra, but it also was shiny without having to reset at all! (Serperior is the starter, Torterra was from the event)


Pokemon I have used, intend to use, or are full-on rotation members (notably Mismagius, Typhlosion, Lanturn, to a lesser degree A. Muk, Beheeyem, and Lycanroc). Gligar I might actually train to be an Eviolite Gligar now that it's obtainable in V12. 

Edited by interdiction
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3 hours ago, luis said:

I have more pkmns in the pc but these were the main 6 for v12.

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Where did you get the bagon? I’m just wondering cause I would like to use salamance in my current run

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7 minutes ago, Frozenwolf94 said:

Where did you get the bagon? I’m just wondering cause I would like to use salamance in my current run

IIRC, people who helped in the shiny spriting before V9 got a special initial patch of the game which gave the player some extra rewards, one of them being Bagon.   @luis helped with the spriting, though I don't remember which mons he did.


I suppose he could have also degugged it in later.

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5 minutes ago, Frozenwolf94 said:

Where did you get the bagon? I’m just wondering cause I would like to use salamance in my current run

It was a gift from Jan for helping with the sprites. Don't know if it's available in this version.


what @seki108 said 😄 

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7 minutes ago, seki108 said:

IIRC, people who helped in the shiny spriting before V9 got a special initial patch of the game which gave the player some extra rewards, one of them being Bagon.   @luis helped with the spriting, though I don't remember which mons he did.


I suppose he could have also degugged it in later.

Oh ok then thanks for the info

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I'm pretty sure you can actually answer the question "Is a pseudo-legendary available yet" by "Can it learn Dragon Dance", because I'm pretty sure every one that can is not, and every one that can't, is, outside of mystery egg Larvitar. (Which I get, considering how it's one of the most busted setup moves on top of powerful Pokemon.) Dratini, (non-egg) Larvitar, Bagon, and Jangmo-o are all unobtainable currently unless I missed something. (which I may have, I thought Vulpix was still unavailable but it seems to not be in V12)

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Here is the squad!




Ophio and Wolf have been with me from the very start. They're kinda like my babies now.


It was hard to let go of Nancy (Mom's Mawile), but I wanted to use Pink even for a little while. I'll probably use Nancy again if I can access it's mega form soon!


Nevertheless, Pink has been very formidable, especially with that Calm Mind. TYL also for dual screens TM being available for V12!


Mistress has been in and out of my rotation, but her fantastic moveset is what got her the spot. Nasty Plot and Perish song, love you guys.


Neptune and Dian are my new cadets! They are MONSTERS. Neptune with that Sniper ability together with Scope Lens? He is out here with the GUNS.


Dian is just... broken. I wish we can get the move tutor of power-up punch next version! Then he will really be unstoppable. He's powerful enough without it 😄 Plus he has tailwind? I am living.

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So I have these six as my main team. The first four were the first important mons I added to my team from the places I went to (Starter, Goldenwood cave, Amethyst cave and Sheridan) while the last two are recent incorporations (Clefable being the main star in this V12 and saving my ass through sheer stalling in more than one plot battle)


Then I have a box in the PC with some of the mons I can rotate with, I try to maintain them in a minimum of utility mons, previous team members or mons I really like:




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  So my Main team is the in the first pic, and the second pic contains all the Pokemon I've used throughout my second playthrough (my second playthrough was when i discovered Debug Mode, hence the Latias....) [also, Blaziken, Venusaur, Lopunny, Silvally and Nidoking are all shiny.... all lucky catches, and 2 hours of soft resetting in Blaziken's case]



Edited by RedWolf705
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Well, I'm a little past the point where I stopped last time in V10, so I'll updated my 'Current Playthrough' team.


Here's my current bloated rotation.  Having the EXP ALL does make having a selection more viable, even without the Lucky Egg boosting the Audino trainers.  One or two were added since I got a lucky shiny. 


Slurpuff is on a 'trial' to see if it will be able to really do anything.  The only planned addition is Cell Doggo once I get to that point.    Abomasnow, Grumpig, and Roselia are 'retired'.  Banette is on the verge of being retired since she only makes occasional meaningful contributions.





Have to include my 'side players': My Pickup squad, Yamma the wild item Theif, and Marcargo the hatchery.   The Kimono Girls Eevee is here until I decide if I'm going to try adding it......I'm not sure which Eeveelution I would even need at this point.




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No screenshots, but my current team consists of:

Shiny SpAtk Lucario

Shiny Delphox






Lucario, Lycanroc, and Lapras are recent additions, replacing Breloom, Magnezone, and Exploud respectively, who I've had for a long time. I also have a Sturdy Golem I pull out when I encounter a fight I'm having enough trouble with to require Stealth Rocks.

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