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Help against Shelly


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This is my current team and I also have a Mightyena in my pc but it gets K.O.ed by bug types. Can you guys help me come up with a strategy to beat Shelly please. The main thing helping me at this point is Swalot with yawn and stockpile but I can only beat like 2-3 Pokémon.







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I heard from a guide that you cannot let her use rain dance!

Can't remember which one of her pokemon use it though 

I think the guide was called pokemon reborn guide {3.0}

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15 minutes ago, NullCat said:

I heard from a guide that you cannot let her use rain dance!

Can't remember which one of her pokemon use it though 

I think the guide was called pokemon reborn guide {3.0}

It's her Prankster Illumise.  A Fake Out can prevent it and a few pokemon before Shelly learn the move.

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Shelly has 2 Pokémon that can and will use Rain Dance. The first one is obviously her Illumise, which has the Prankster ability that raises the priority of her non damaging moves by +1, making it the same priority as Quick Attack for example.

Her second Rain Dancer is Araquanid.

Since you DO have a Combusken i dare to assume it is a Speed Boost user, otherwise there is no sense in picking this one as your starter over Infernape.


Here is a good Strategy that will work with your team. You just need to keep Ampharos and Combusken alive for this, so bring some heal items.


Now here is what you want to do:

Step 1: Catch yourself an Espurr. Make sure it knows Fake Out. You can catch Espurr in the Aqua Gangs hideout, which is located in the Lapis Ward alleyway. As long as you make sure your Espurr knows Fake Out you can even use it for Shelly without training it.

Step 2: Swap your Espurr for that Linoon on your team. Put Espurr and Combusken in the first 2 Slots of your Party.

Step 3: Fake Out on Illumise on the first turn, while Combusken Flame Charges Illumise into a one hit KO. Shelly will most likely use her Masquerain to Struggle Bug your untrained low level Espurr.

Step 4: Replace your fallen Espurr with Ampharos. It is likely that Shelly will bring out Araquanid to deal with Combusken. If she brings out any other Pokémon, make sure to keep Ampharos alive until Shelly swaps in her Araquanid.

Step 5: Take down Araquanid with Thunder Punch and have your Combusken attack Araquanid as well just to make sure it goes down before it can use Rain Dance. Just remember that Araquanid is a water type, so do not use Flame Charge.

Step 6: Keep Combusken alive to deal with the Speed Boost Yanmega.


This should work against Shelly. After you get rid of Illumise by using that Espurr, Combusken and Ampharos can take down this gym with just the two of them. Just remember that Shelly's Pokémon tend to use a lot of water and rock type moves, which will hurt Combusken a lot.

If anyone wants to add something to this strategy, feel free to do so. I just wanted to keep it as simple as possible.

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I dealt with her by killing the Illumise as quickly as possible, then stalling by t-waving the two pokemon she has in with t-wave and air slash flinches until the rain ended. Her more dangerous pokemon aren't usually out at this point. After the rain ended, I sent in either my Camerupt or Arcanine and Lava Plume'd to change the terrain away from her advantage,

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