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TyranitarTube's Pokemon Reborn Playthrough


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He seems to be set on only having one static encounter per area I hope he falls back on that because the main reborn city has several static encounters in addition to that I can see him easily confusing one static encounter as being in the same location as another without actively checking on the map. Also he totally missed the drifloon reference and thought it was talking about zapados lol

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This is actually hilarious, I didn't even know such hijinks could be found before Julia- no, before even meeting Fern.  I'm looking forward to what laughs are to had when he actually gets into the game.


>Local man thinks he's gonna nuzlocke Reborn blind

>People warn him

>He tells them they're wrong because he beat the tutorial battle

>Spends all his money on a Premier ball and 3 Potions

>Two seconds in, almost dies to a Ducklett

>Uses all 3 Potions to survive the Ducklett 

>Now he's out of items and money

>Has big brained new plan:  "I'll just level grind a bunch".  Doesn't realize yet how restrictive the level cap is

>Now he's overlevel before Julia and has to spend the money he gets back on Common Candies*


Of course it'll stop being funny if he actually quits the game after getting wiped...  When he almost lost to Ducklett he said something like "see you guys in the next game haha" and I'm not sure if he was joking.


*This actually hasn't happened yet, in fact it could be even worse:  he could spend all his money on more Potions and be unable to buy Common Candies.

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Somehow this reminds me of a friend of mine.....

After i told him about Pokémon Reborn he wanted to do a Nuzlocke on his first playthrough. Well....he didn't play any other Pokémon game any other way than Nuzlocke them in any way possible...

I warned him, told him about the differences between Reborn and official games, especially the way higher difficulty, but he was like "You said you can pick out of EVERY starter of all 7 Gens, and every Pokémon can have it's hidden ability....how hard can this be?"

Long story short.....he got trashed by Julia. And then he was like "Dude, this game is insane! ....... I LIKE IT!!!" And after that he started a normal playthrough and still got his butt handed to him every now an then, even though i gave him some useful hints now and then....

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  On 7/23/2019 at 8:33 PM, Eagleby18 said:

This is actually hilarious, I didn't even know such hijinks could be found before Julia- no, before even meeting Fern.  I'm looking forward to what laughs are to had when he actually gets into the game.


>Local man thinks he's gonna nuzlocke Reborn blind

>People warn him 

>He tells them they're wrong because he beat the tutorial battle

>Spends all his money on a Premier ball and 3 Potions

>Two seconds in, almost dies to a Ducklett

>Uses all 3 Potions to survive the Ducklett 

>Now he's out of items and money

>Has big brained new plan:  "I'll just level grind a bunch".  Doesn't realize yet how restrictive the level cap is

>Now he's overlevel before Julia and has to spend the money he gets back on Common Candies*


Of course it'll stop being funny if he actually quits the game after getting wiped...  When he almost lost to Ducklett he said something like "see you guys in the next game haha" and I'm not sure if he was joking.


*This actually hasn't happened yet, in fact it could be even worse:  he could spend all his money on more Potions and be unable to buy Common Candies.


Ha.... i laughed. still, i wouldn't be worried about him quitting if the playtrough gets enough support. i remember that he blacked out on insurgence for a fact, but doe to how much people enjoyed the series, he kept it going. pretty sure he would do the same for reborn.

plus, honestly.... while ttar is good at pokemon, he kind of misses a bunch of details.... so, its like watching a big train-wreck. hence, why i watch, and why i find it so much fun to do so, although a bit infuriating at times.

I bet he's gonna wipe out at Julia at the worst, annd at best at the first PULSE battle.

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Things I'm predicting for future events:

-Won't bother reading the field notes and just assume its regular electric terrain

-Be oblivious to how broken the Kricketot is

-Underestimate Fern's Rowlet

-Miss the super potion vendor at Axis

-Underestimate Taka's Chatot

-Get the Mareep and immediately spam the shit out of electric terrain until the comments tell him to stop

-Fail to save all 5 cops

-Not realize how important shards are until AFTER he sells them all



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  On 7/25/2019 at 6:56 PM, LeoYT said:

Things I'm predicting for future events:

-Won't bother reading the field notes and just assume its regular electric terrain

-Be oblivious to how broken the Kricketot is

-Underestimate Fern's Rowlet

-Miss the super potion vendor at Axis

-Underestimate Taka's Chatot

-Get the Mareep and immediately spam the shit out of electric terrain until the comments tell him to stop

-Fail to save all 5 cops

-Not realize how important shards are until AFTER he sells them all


Sounds like an average first playthrough of Reborn 😂

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  On 7/25/2019 at 6:56 PM, LeoYT said:

-Get the Mareep and immediately spam the shit out of electric terrain until the comments tell him to stop


Yeah, bout that.....does the Mareep even HAVE Electric Field? I tried soft resetting for about an hour and didn't get that move, so i just took what i could have by going for decent IV, Ability and nature.....but the moves did not change once....

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  On 7/25/2019 at 9:09 PM, ShogokiX said:

Yeah, bout that.....does the Mareep even HAVE Electric Field? I tried soft resetting for about an hour and didn't get that move, so i just took what i could have by going for decent IV, Ability and nature.....but the moves did not change once....


Electric terrain was removed in e18 following the spam of it in the pentalocks.

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  On 7/26/2019 at 7:14 PM, nepeta100 said:

I think he'll like the pulse mons he loved the delta pokemon and custom insurgence megas as well as already one of the custom reborn shinies


yeah he comes off as the kind of guy that would really like pulses considering they're actual RPG bosses and I doubt that's something he actually experienced before in a pokemon game

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I always enjoy watching Tyranitartube, but playing Nuzlocked in Reborn is way harder than Pokemon Insurgence, he almost even lose the nuzlock challenged from episode 2 lmao, I hope he doesn't continue this as a nuzlock because it will be a fun playthrough.

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Why am expecting him to lose at least 2 of his Pokémon in the upcoming "boss fight"?

Also he's cutting so many battles....how do we know he didn't already get one of his mons wasted during one of the cut battles?



The way he keeps using only 1 or 2 Mons he might be in REAL trouble once he faces Julia.....IF he even makes it past the "boss fight" of the Mosswater Factory in the next part XD


And someone might want to tell him that he didn't get any of his static encounters up till now....except for Gulpin, which IS technically a static encounter, even though it's not visible....it's always there and you can't get a second one out of that trash bin.

But i guess i won't tell him.....i want to see his face once he realises how much he underestimates this game^^

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  On 7/30/2019 at 10:30 AM, ShogokiX said:

And someone might want to tell him that he didn't get any of his static encounters up till now....except for Gulpin, which IS technically a static encounter, even though it's not visible....it's always there and you can't get a second one out of that trash bin.



Currently watching his Insurgence nuzlocke, and I think he's operating under the rule that he's only allowed to get a single static encounter in any area, which probably won't work all that well with a game like Reborn, where the static encounters are pretty much essential. 

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