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TyranitarTube's Pokemon Reborn Playthrough


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  On 10/2/2019 at 11:36 PM, GreatNinja said:

 I am so stupid. I meant Gourgeist not Pumpkaboo lol. But didn't he had Gourgeist at some point? Or was it really just Trevenant and my memory is just trash? I can remember Trevenant but he had a Gourgeist once right?


I didn't play before E16, but he didn't have one then, and I've never heard about it before now.

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With every gym leader having 6 Pokémon it's easy to get a few things confused in terms of which Pokémon were changed and/or swapped out for every gym leader. Especially since the number of gym leaders you could actually battle went up over the episodes.


And since we don't know very much about the things that may change with EP19 we might still be in for a surprise. However, thats fine.

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  On 10/8/2019 at 6:31 PM, doombotmecha said:

You know what? I think this guy can go the distance. Unless Kiki or Pulse Muk has something to 2ko swalot (or OHKO after a boost) he'll probably manage just fine.


Kiki has a CM Psychic Lucario which could do the job, but swalot has yawn which is insanely broken and had been the only reason why Thamill hasn't wiped yet. The only place I can see swalot dying is in a double battle where it doesn't resist the two opposing pokemon *cough* Dr. Connel *cough*.

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TBH any of Kiki's mons can be a threat to his team

Meditate boosts attack X3

-Machamp is really strong with empowered strength

-Medicham gets a free Crit on its first attack

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-Belly can't stall all the way with the Kiki fight (Lucario/Gallade/Medicham)

-Kiki (Mightyena) can't tank any fighting attack

-Jacques w/Wing Attack doesn't do much damage, not to mention he barely uses Pidgeot

-I see him losing the Nuzlocke with Kiki, given he uses the current team


Plus, I believe Debbie won't evolve till he gets the Fire Stone at Pyrous Mountain

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Wow. Ok, I'm so surprised he managed to defeat Shade with no losses. (I don't count that stupid bird.) Kiki was more useful than I expected. That's because I expected a Discharge from Rotom to actually OHKO Kiki and that Cruncz barely misses the KO on Rotom. 

But I swear after each Episode Ame changed Gengars Attacks. I swear he had Shadow Ball first, then Shadow Claw and now he has Shadow Ball again. But I really miss the old Shade. Who remembers Spiritomb?

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  On 10/8/2019 at 5:48 PM, ShogokiX said:

Seriously, how did he cheese that fight that easily? This guy has more luck than all people who EVER won the jackpot in the lottery together....


This one didn't even feel like luck, he just played to his win conditions well (even if those conditions were yawn+stockpile+potions and moxie mightyena). little bit of level advantage and bam.

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  On 10/8/2019 at 8:35 PM, GreatNinja said:

(I don't count that stupid bird.)


The tragic part is that Fearow would've been a much better help to him in the earlygame so far than the Pidgey line with its horrendous movepool lol
Not to mention that if he had trained up his Spearow at the current point, he could easily have delayed the evolution and gotten Drill Peck at 32 and Roost at 24

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  On 10/8/2019 at 10:30 PM, ZEL said:

The tragic part is that Fearow would've been a much better help to him in the earlygame so far than the Pidgey line with its horrendous movepool lol
Not to mention that if he had trained up his Spearow at the current point, he could easily have delayed the evolution and gotten Drill Peck at 32 and Roost at 24


Just letting you know, spearow learns roost at level 32 and drill peck at level 36. Reborn still uses the USUM moveset.

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  On 10/8/2019 at 10:30 PM, ZEL said:

The tragic part is that Fearow would've been a much better help to him in the earlygame so far than the Pidgey line with its horrendous movepool lol
Not to mention that if he had trained up his Spearow at the current point, he could easily have delayed the evolution and gotten Drill Peck at 32 and Roost at 24


Well, yeah, you are right about that. I like that Pidgeot even less. He really should train more these pokemon in the Box. He has a frikkin Mareep and doesn't use it. That's so sad. ;(

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  On 10/8/2019 at 7:57 PM, LeoYT said:

TBH any of Kiki's mons can be a threat to his team


TBH we also thought Mimikyu would give his Mightyena the bye-bye and yet the only Pokémon he lost was a low level Spearow that he decided to throw out as death fodder anyway....

We might be in for another surprise once this guy fights Kiki.....If he makes it all the way there that is....


  On 10/8/2019 at 10:02 PM, DreamblitzX said:

This one didn't even feel like luck, he just played to his win conditions well (even if those conditions were yawn+stockpile+potions and moxie mightyena). little bit of level advantage and bam.


Yeah well.....it sounds lame to just go Yawn/Stockpile/healing items on every fight, but that seems to be his new "strategy" now that he can't press that Tiki button any more.....but as long as it works it would seem it still counts as a win....

In terms of Mightyena i think the only real threat here was Mimikyu, since it is faster than Mightyena and has Play Rough. If it wasn't for Mimikyu anyone could just sweep Shade's gym with a Mightyena.


  On 10/9/2019 at 4:48 AM, Eagleby18 said:

Dang I've been playing Reborn wrong this whole time.  I should have blind-nuzlocked it and not even touched the field effect readouts.  I'd have first-tried every fight.


You're right, this guy makes you wonder how people who actually try to prepare for battles by reading field notes and bringing Pokémon with type advantages could lose to fights like Shelly and Shade, while a guy who's doing a blind nuzlocke and doesn't prepare at all just beats them all.....He's 4 badges in now and the only real loss he has suffered was his Blaziken. Everything else he "lost" was just thrown out as death fodder anyway....


And here everyone says Torchic is the best starter Pokémon for Reborn, while TTar clearly proves that in reality Gulpin is the real MVP.^^

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