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TyranitarTube's Pokemon Reborn Playthrough


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  On 1/20/2020 at 8:45 AM, Devilish said:

Called it. Toldya he was gonna ignore Ame's Rain Dance tip. 


but he didn't ignore Ame's beat fire with fire tip 😛 


it was expected that he'd struggle with Charlotte, but it was still impressive he managed to win it in 3 tries and without spamming X items. I thought using Explosion on the first turn wasn't going to be great but he proved me wrongo haha Debbie's flash fire really came through though. Idk if Rico really deserved the weakest link, since I think his rapidash also did a die in one turn.

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  On 1/20/2020 at 8:45 AM, Devilish said:

Called it. Toldya he was gonna ignore Ame's Rain Dance tip. 


There are more ways to beat Charlotte than using rain dance.  Not once have I ever used that tactic to beat her(I prefer sand) and as Candy said he did use the fire tip.  So just because he didn't use rain dance doesn't mean he ignored advice.

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  On 1/20/2020 at 12:22 AM, Devilish said:

Strategized better as well. 

Example; had he used Espurr/Meowstic fake out and Ampharos wipe out against Shelly that I believe you had given me, Tiki probably would have survived that battle and I wouldn't be surprised if he'd still be around now. I even pointed this out in that episode's comments. 

Even the Nuzlocke rules would have allowed it as he hadn't gotten his Aqua hideout encounter at that point. He had two chances to get a Fake Out Pokemon in that ally as Alolan Meowth also comes with it. 


Then we had that stupid stat battle with Kiki's Hitmonlee which cost him Belly. 


I'll admit it's all the more fun to watch him go into these battle ill prepared and The Peeko cheat win for him but he's a bit of a hypocrite to complain when he's making it difficult on himself. 


There is a significant difference between wanting him to fail and stating factually that it's a possibility or likelihood due to his circumstances. 
That aside, that said possibility of failing even exists and watching the player struggle against it is the point of a Nuzlocke is it not?


Yes, it was me who gave you that little strategy for Shelly. Glad you remember XD


That aside, he had more than just 2 chances to get Fake Out. The Pokémon available to him at the point where you face Shelly would have been Meowth (Level 9), Alolan Meowth (Level 9 as well), Purrloin (Level 21), Espurr (Level 19) and which some people easily forget: Pichu, who can have Fake Out as one of it's egg moves if you got the one on that roof in Onyx Ward. That makes 5 possible Pokémon that would have been available at that point in the game.


As for Hitmonlee, Fake Out again! Since Hitmonlee tries to uses Fake Out itself to use it's Normal Gem, triggering Unburden in the process, you would just need a Pokémon that is faster and has Fake Out to outspeed its Fake Out. If he had an Espurr, or rather a Meowstic at that point, this could have KO'd Hitmonlee easily after using Fake Out and go full out psychic moves afterwards.


And about him being a hypocrite.....yeah, i totally get you. I'll always end up thinking "It's your own goddamn fault, you idiot! YOU wanted to nuzlocke, yet YOU fail to prepare yourself properly all the time!"

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  On 1/20/2020 at 3:06 PM, Launce said:

There are more ways to beat Charlotte than using rain dance.  Not once have I ever used that tactic to beat her(I prefer sand) and as Candy said he did use the fire tip.  So just because he didn't use rain dance doesn't mean he ignored advice.


I specifically said he ignored the Rain Dance advice not all of it, the reason for which being because there was a bit of a debate as to whether or not he'd use Rain Dance. 

I did use Rain Dance but didn't think to give my user the Damp Rock (if I even had one then, I do now but don't remember if I did then) so it wore out before the end of the battle and she still got the burn field going. So I'll be the first to admit that Rain Dance won't always be successful. Though still that was the attempt I managed to win out of about three same as Ttar.  Earthquake, Dive and Rain Dance Quagsire FTW. 


  On 1/20/2020 at 4:36 PM, Edo said:

Well technically he didn't ignore it, he tried it on the second run, then immediately forgot for his next try though 😂


Did he? Honestly, my attention was split so I completely missed that. 
Though he might not have forgotten it in the next try, but just decided to ditch it despite not narrating this. 


  On 1/20/2020 at 7:04 PM, ShogokiX said:

That aside, he had more than just 2 chances to get Fake Out. The Pokémon available to him at the point where you face Shelly would have been Meowth (Level 9), Alolan Meowth (Level 9 as well), Purrloin (Level 21), Espurr (Level 19) and which some people easily forget: Pichu, who can have Fake Out as one of it's egg moves if you got the one on that roof in Onyx Ward. That makes 5 possible Pokémon that would have been available at that point in the game.


Well don't forget Nuzlocke rules and he'd already gotten Jacques (and Peanut permitted by the shiny clause) and Kiki from the areas where Meowth and Perrloin are available. So wither Espurr or Alolan Meowth were his best chances at that point. 



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  On 1/20/2020 at 8:30 PM, Devilish said:

Well don't forget Nuzlocke rules and he'd already gotten Jacques (and Peanut permitted by the shiny clause) and Kiki from the areas where Meowth and Perrloin are available. So wither Espurr or Alolan Meowth were his best chances at that point. 


I was intentionally not going for nuzlocke rules, i was only pointing out all possible Pokémon that would have had Fake Out available. But you are right, according to nuzlocke rules Meowth, Purrloin and Pichu would have been out of the picture, but Espurr and Alolan Meowth, both appearing at the same location would have been a viable option at that time.

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  On 1/21/2020 at 10:22 PM, ShogokiX said:

I was intentionally not going for nuzlocke rules, i was only pointing out all possible Pokémon that would have had Fake Out available. But you are right, according to nuzlocke rules Meowth, Purrloin and Pichu would have been out of the picture, but Espurr and Alolan Meowth, both appearing at the same location would have been a viable option at that time.



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Did you ever hear the tale of Savage the Silent? I thought not. It's not a story many would tell you. It's a Reborn legend. There once was a Challenger of the Pokemon league whose name has been forgotten, he was so powerful and so skilled he would his abilities to defeat several gyms... He had such a knowledge of the metagame that he could even bend the field effects to his will. The field effect system of Reborn is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. When he challenged Shade... the only thing he was afraid of was losing, he did, of course eventually he challenged Shade again, and again, and again, and again. Finally he managed to defeat Shade but he was never the same after that. Ironic, he could defeat Shade, but not save himself.

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Can I just say I can't believe man didn't figure out Lumi's diary. "man in black in Team Meteor with 3 consciousnesses fused into one" he says "never heard of such man" 

I guess it's been too long since he had a ZEL battle

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  On 1/23/2020 at 5:51 AM, Candy said:

Can I just say I can't believe man didn't figure out Lumi's diary. "man in black in Team Meteor with 3 consciousnesses fused into one" he says "never heard of such man" 

I guess it's been too long since he had a ZEL battle


I forget but when is the last time you fight ZEL before getting to this part in the story 

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  On 1/23/2020 at 8:37 PM, Candy said:

tbh when I played the game I was like "savage? oh ok" and forgot about him but now I'm wondering who this savage is and if we'll get to meet him lol


Savage was a challenger from the old RL reborn league who became something of a meme for trying repeatedly and failing to beat Shade - because his team couldn't touch Shedinja.

(The league had restrictions on changing your teams, especially mons and moves, so unless you were willing to restart at badge one, you were stuck with a team.)

He eventually did actually beat him, but it took him a lot of tries and he's not actually some Important Plot Point in the game or anything, it's just there for the joke. But if you remember, Ame talked in a patreon post about a promise she gave the champions of the old league~

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I mean, come on.......Shelly literally said that this book was titled "Lumina's diary". And Lumina wrote about her sister Evelynn building the pulse machine, the "organisation guy" showing up and the accident that fused them into one being with 3 minds in a single body.

Although Zero is not called by name in Lumina's diary, it should still be obvious that this diary is about how ZEL was "created", since Lumina and Evelynn are just the full names of Lumi and Eve. Lumi even calls her sister "Eve" multiple times in her diary.

And who was it again that does all the maintenance on the pulse machines for Team Meteor all the time?


No, SERIOUSLY, how much more obvious do you need to get? Man, now i get why people hate dem Zubats in da caves.....poor TTar got hit really hard by dem Confuse Rays.....

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50% of comments are yelling ZEL

while the other 50% are making the connection Evelynn = Lynn (Literally all of them forgot how its spelled)

  On 1/23/2020 at 8:49 PM, ZEL said:

Savage was a challenger from the old RL reborn league who became something of a meme for trying repeatedly and failing to beat Shade - because his team couldn't touch Shedinja.

(The league had restrictions on changing your teams, especially mons and moves, so unless you were willing to restart at badge one, you were stuck with a team.)

He eventually did actually beat him, but it took him a lot of tries and he's not actually some Important Plot Point in the game or anything, it's just there for the joke. But if you remember, Ame talked in a patreon post about a promise she gave the champions of the old league~


So in other words I was right when I called the tale of Savage the Silent a Reborn Legend.

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  On 1/23/2020 at 10:41 PM, ShogokiX said:

I mean, come on.......Shelly literally said that this book was titled "Lumina's diary". And Lumina wrote about her sister Evelynn building the pulse machine, the "organisation guy" showing up and the accident that fused them into one being with 3 minds in a single body.

Although Zero is not called by name in Lumina's diary, it should still be obvious that this diary is about how ZEL was "created", since Lumina and Evelynn are just the full names of Lumi and Eve. Lumi even calls her sister "Eve" multiple times in her diary.

And who was it again that does all the maintenance on the pulse machines for Team Meteor all the time?


No, SERIOUSLY, how much more obvious do you need to get? Man, now i get why people hate dem Zubats in da caves.....poor TTar got hit really hard by dem Confuse Rays.....


Precisely. The whole thing should have been obvious but particularly the part that bluntly describes 3 individuals being fused together.


  On 1/24/2020 at 3:13 AM, LeoYT said:

the other 50% are making the connection Evelynn = Lynn (Literally all of them forgot how its spelled)


......I can't......

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