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Team Help


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Hello! Just started Reborn, and was hoping some players could give me some advice. Because I'm a noob, I chose Torchic and I'm wondering who to put on my team as of now.


My Team As Of Now:


Torchic (Level 11)- Careful/Speed Boost/Scratch, Ember, Growl, Sand Attack

Gulpin (Level 12)- Lonely/Sticky Hold/Sludge, Yawn, Poison Gas, Pound


I'd really appreciate your help!

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The best advice I can give "noobs" is that you start a new game and to save your game before you take Torchic to be able to reset until it gets an adamant nature and Speed Boost as an ability. This mix makes early game a lot easier.


For your next team member, below the Neo Circuit Power Plant is a hobo, who blocks the way between 2 houses until you pay him 150 Pokédollar. When you enter the house that follows you could be able to recieve an Espurr if you found Pokesnaxs already, which should be female for better attacks later on with a modest or  maybe timid nature, depending if you are interested in Special Attack or Speed. 


In the street above the Power Plant you'll be able to get one more Team Member, as well as the first thing necessary to get another team member. In the last house on the left before entering the underground railnet is a girl near a Couch who worries about her Cricketot, talk to her so she tells you that her Kricketot doesn't feel well, soon a purple haired little "Cuddlebug" (sorry for the pun) enters the building who was alerted by the girl since she is Shelly, a gym leader who specializes in Bug Types.


After Shelly has checked Cricketot she askes you if you would take Cricketot with you, for it I would go with a Jolly Nature and the ability Technician since it learns fury cutter early on and it is a useful Attack for the first two gyms, since it, with exception of Oricorio in the first gym and Cradily in the second shouldn't  have any problems to sweep the first 2 leaders.


I hope that'll helps your struggle at least a bit, if more questions arise feel free to PM me if you like


I was happy to help





Edited by Hyena2305
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When it comes to a good set of early game Choices of Pokémon you might want to consider getting a Caterpie. Butterfree might be weak against the first gym, but it will be a big help in the next 5 or 6 gyms at least and might even carry you all the way.

For the first gym i recommend getting a Mightyena with Moxie ability. You need to catch a Pochyena with the Ability Rattled to get one. It evolves at Lvl. 18 and can solo clear the first gym by spamming Bite.

The Espurr that Hyena2305 mentioned is a good coice as well, but since there can also be a Minccino at the same place (it's a 50/50 chance) you might not be able to get that, since the Pokemon found there is set at the beginning of the game.

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