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Pokemon Desolation Episode 5


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Beartic probably needs it the most after mightyena. He is a slow but strong pokemon but his abilities are trash. If he got either pure power, so that he could just kill everything or intimidate, so that he can actually live some attacks, he would be a lot better off.

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Mini Announcement

The first island of the Ayrith Region, the Amaria Island, finally has its functional map in place for Episode 3.


This is only the map for Amaria Island. The other islands maps will be revealed as you reach them. I'm rushing through testing feedback and bug fixing, but it's almost time.

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  On 4/27/2016 at 9:32 AM, Masquerain said:

Hard vote there, was torn between Weavile and Mightyena (Chose weavile cuz Weavile.) Would quite wish to see a mega hyena too though

Don't worry. Second and third place will make it to the voting table for the next Mega Evolution selection.

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I voted for Delphox for 3 reasons. First of all it's a psychic type and psychic types are my favorite. Second, it's a fire type fox so either this or mega ninetales would be cool. Third, out of all the starters delphox has of the worse abilities, at least for a regular game and it tends to fall off later in the game so a mega evolution could help it keep up with e.g greninja. (I just hope i don't have to restart so i get fennekin >.>)

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I was actually hoping for a megaevolution for Vivillon, just to make it somewhat viable.

Could I ask you why did you chose those specific pokemons? Is it a plot related thing?

I ended up voting for Weavile, btw.

Edited by Edea
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  On 4/27/2016 at 7:50 PM, FairFamily said:

Uhm, I'm not sure if this alraedy mentioned in the 52 pages, but how can i find a gastly?

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  On 4/27/2016 at 3:46 PM, Zargerth said:

I'm not a big fan of fan-made Megas, but I still voted for Mightyena. If there will be a Mega Mightyena, then I might consider not replacing my Mightyena later on.

I know people are often not a fan of fan-megas. This is why I'm being as cautious as I can trying to make a mega that is not only authentic, but balanced and of high quality.

  On 4/27/2016 at 3:59 PM, Edea said:

Could I ask you why did you chose those specific pokemons? Is it a plot related thing?

They were all 'mons I had already thought of concepts for. I said I would accept PM's for ideas too. Vivillon is actually one of these, along with Butterfree.

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So, I just finished this game till the last episode and apparantly giving a rock to the person who is not a guy who scares his own brother (and later you know he killed him) ,has strange magical powers and condoned mass hypnosis, is the equivalent to fully supporting the insane and naive dream of girl who wants peace and her completely dangerous team. And of course your friend trusts the word of the leader of the team she despises so much without letting her friend defend herself.

Don't get me wrong I really like the choice between Shiv and Nova, it made think very carefully since ther was no definitive best choice and made me afterwards doubt if I made the right choice. Not a lot of choices made do that. However I dislike how such a seemingly heavy choice is then treated so binary by the game. I think it would be better if there was some follow up to this choice with some other choice to personalise your decision more, because right now I feel that the game well forced me into a choice I didn't want to make. I also think this has to be done for big choices (not the small ones like if you think Scarlett could beat Connor, but certainly of the stone magnitue).

For the rest I really liked the game, I like the credit system and its scarceness, I like the guild(s), I like the characters, ... overall it was a good play. The only thig I don't like is how binary the choices feel or at let the big one. Also I had really annoying bug with my Floette, it's grassy terrain works like some kind of screen/safeguard/... move.

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  On 4/27/2016 at 11:52 PM, Chubb said:

Well, I'm hoping that you'll have Mega Flygon in Desolation, too, seeing how it was supposed to be in ORAS. I don't have any concepts or anything for it, though, so I won't PM a suggestion.

Yes please make mega-flygon happen.

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  On 4/28/2016 at 12:04 AM, FairFamily said:

So, I just finished this game till the last episode and apparantly giving a rock to the person who is not a guy who scares his own brother (and later you know he killed him) ,has strange magical powers and condoned mass hypnosis, is the equivalent to fully supporting the insane and naive dream of girl who wants peace and her completely dangerous team. And of course your friend trusts the word of the leader of the team she despises so much without letting her friend defend herself.

Shiv obviously has powers of some degree and as does Nova. The reasoning is explained later. Your friends reasoning is also explained later. She desperately wants to live in a world with no fighting, but her naivety gets in the way.

I also understand that it's a choice one would not want to make. Although I agree more followup could and should be added, the choice itself should remain. It forces the player to not make the right choice, but choose the lesser of two evils. Sounds like politics.

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  On 4/28/2016 at 12:26 AM, Caz said:

Shiv obviously has powers of some degree and as does Nova. The reasoning is explained later. Your friends reasoning is also explained later. She desperately wants to live in a world with no fighting, but her naivety gets in the way.

I also understand that it's a choice one would not want to make. Although I agree more followup could and should be added, the choice itself should remain. It forces the player to not make the right choice, but choose the lesser of two evils. Sounds like politics.

First, I think you got the wrong friend in mind I meant Ava. She basically flips when she hears from Nova that you knew her, while you could argue that Shiv gave the finishing blow even than to Ava. Shiv is a stranger and the same principle applies, trusting a stranger over a friend.

Also I stated that I didn't mind the choice, in fact I loved that I had to make it. I just don't like how it is handled afterwards.

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Oh, I should mention that while you all are waiting for Episode 3, I've noted during testing that it's very, very easy to hit the level cap for the 4th gym long before you actually get to challenge it, assuming you're the type of person that likes to clear every sidequest possible before challenging the gym. Consider training one or two additional Pokemon throughout the course of the episode if you want to use as few Common Candies as possible, especially after the 3rd gym. Those extra Pokemon will definitely help you out in the long term. (I trained THREE extras and I still had to use a few Common Candies... And I don't regret it. I actually needed those three to beat the 4th gym.)

If there aren't any Episode 1-2 Pokemon that interest you enough to make plans to train those, don't fret. The Episode 3 Pokemon selection is MASSIVE.

Edited by Alilatias
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  On 4/28/2016 at 12:45 AM, Alilatias said:

Oh, I should mention that while you all are waiting for Episode 3, I've noted during testing that it's very, very easy to hit the level cap for the 4th gym long before you actually get to challenge it, assuming you're the type of person that likes to clear every sidequest possible before challenging the gym. Consider training one or two additional Pokemon throughout the course of the episode if you want to use as few Common Candies as possible, especially after the 3rd gym. Those extra Pokemon will definitely help you out in the long term. (I trained THREE extras and I still had to use a few Common Candies... And I don't regret it. I actually needed those three to beat the 4th gym.)

If there aren't any Episode 1-2 Pokemon that interest you enough to make plans to train those, don't fret. The Episode 3 Pokemon selection is MASSIVE.

Guess that will ease the pain of having to temporarily bench two mons due to shiny stone being in ep 4

Might train another team to handle gimmicks if the right pokemon are available.

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  On 4/28/2016 at 12:45 AM, Alilatias said:

Oh, I should mention that while you all are waiting for Episode 3, I've noted during testing that it's very, very easy to hit the level cap for the 4th gym long before you actually get to challenge it, assuming you're the type of person that likes to clear every sidequest possible before challenging the gym. Consider training one or two additional Pokemon throughout the course of the episode if you want to use as few Common Candies as possible, especially after the 3rd gym. Those extra Pokemon will definitely help you out in the long term. (I trained THREE extras and I still had to use a few Common Candies... And I don't regret it. I actually needed those three to beat the 4th gym.)

If there aren't any Episode 1-2 Pokemon that interest you enough to make plans to train those, don't fret. The Episode 3 Pokemon selection is MASSIVE.

I agree; after doing most of the side quests and about none of the plot, half of my main team is already above the level cap and the other three are just nearing it. I wasn't expecting that due to not being so leveled when going to fight the third Gym... Luckily, I have a couple of Pokemon (and by that I mean a third of a PC box) I've been wanting to use but never had the chance to grind up (although one of them is also already above the level cap due to a certain side quest).

also *mutters about something something getting lost in a certain city multiple times something*

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  On 4/28/2016 at 1:41 AM, nepeta100 said:

My hype for this new version is so high cant wait to see the finished result and give all my hard earned credits to scientists

Your Jinx friends don't need your donations in Episode 3. You can certainly spend it elsewhere.

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