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Pokemon Desolation Episode 5


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Hey thanks for correcting me on the number of pieces as I wasn't sure how many there were (very appreciated :) ) do u think that u could tell me where the other two pieces r and if possible majira's first key thx

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Hey thanks for correcting me on the number of pieces as I wasn't sure how many there were (very appreciated :) ) do u think that u could tell me where the other two pieces r and if possible majira's first key thx

The locations for pieces are:

Keneph Jungle, in the same cave as Croagunk

Redcliff Town cave

Weeping Depths, accessible after you have defeated Aderyn - you need the Odd Doll (iirc it was called that)

Blackview City, behind a locked door

As for Majira's first key, go check out the abandoned ranger base in Blackview.

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The locations for pieces are:

Keneph Jungle, in the same cave as Croagunk

Redcliff Town cave

Weeping Depths, accessible after you have defeated Aderyn - you need the Odd Doll (iirc it was called that)

Blackview City, behind a locked door

As for Majira's first key, go check out the abandoned ranger base in Blackview.

I am also assuming that the location of the next key is most likely at the top of silver mountain in the ranger base that is there(not the makeshift base but the actual one). however this location is as of now currently unavailable to us. I do not expect this key to be completely free either, i predict that we either have to find/do a sidequest to get the key to that building in the first place and then either find it hidden in the building itself of accomplish another sidequest in order to get it. This might be supplemented by the fact of how in silver mountain there is an area that is accessible by surf which is something we do not have currently and how the rangers near the locked out base said they lost the key somewhere. So in the end I think we will have to get surf first, then get the key hidden in that part of silver mountain that is only accessible by surf, and then go to the ranger base up top in order to get the next Majira's Key. While we are on the subject of surf, the in forest area where we cashed the black foxes for the first time/did the hypno sidequest, there is a surfable area that leads into a underground area. I believe that this hidden area will lead into a puzzle that will get us our 5th color piece or another hidden pokemon

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Major spoilers and speculations!

Ok this theory talks about Tristan. You could write Tristan off as a fabrication of your mind or 'the voice' which only you can hear and interact with, however there are some problems with it. First Tristan is too tied to the real world, he has existed and what we now about Tristan matches the real world. That doesn't rule out being a a fabrication of 'the voice'. The second problem is that we have interacted with Tristan. I'm not talking about the experience/damage our pkmn gained since you could say that everything from the dream is transferred to the body. Rather I'm talking about OTHER people who have interacted with Tristan namely every trainer on the first half of Silver Rise just before the ranger's camp.We fought double battles with them so what's the deal?

So we can't say that Tristan is always a non-existant entity. Welll you could claim that Silver Rise is a dream but where does the dream end then and where does it start. Well interesting theories can be found from these questions, I will discard them at the moment since they make any argument regarding Tristan irrelevant since: "it's just a dream".

So now that I have outlined that we can continue with my theory. My theory starts from Silver Rise. Silver Rise is just like Weeping Hill a spiritual place. However unlike Weeping Hill which summons memories, Silver Rise summons the victims it claimed or rather impression of them. Tristan was one of them. I think he died in that storm instead of landing safely. The reason why I think this is because there are totems all over the place. I'm not saying they're the source but they could be markers or amplifiers. Second is the ranger outpost. I mean there is probably a teleporter there so why doesn't Elliot use it? Even if there wasn't why does nobody mention the mission in which the rangers haven't opened that outpost? I mean nobody in the camp talks about it, Elliot doesn't talk about it neither does abybody else in Adenfall nor Blackview. That's because that mission was over long ago with the death of those rangers.

Now we still have seen Tristan outside Silver Rise. We even battled him outside it. This is the second major part, I think 'the voice' highjacked Tristan's impression as a vessel to gather information about you. It makes sense that the two are linked considering that Tristan was very interested in your dream just as 'the voice'. The voice also knows that Tristan is fake. However 'the voice' has not enough power to maintain Tristan for extended durations unless it can extract that power from it's surroundings, that's why tristan had to leave when you enterred the camp because you were leaving the area marked by the totems (there was only one totem left). It also explains why you could fight Tristan in a gym battle. The air of route 4 has a mysterious power 'the voice' could siphon. All your other encounters with tristan were relatively short and had no influence in the physical world. It also explains why Tristan can know about the black foxes or Rosetta, it's because 'the voice', who is with you constantly, knows.

Last major part is 'the voice' : 'the voice' is the only entity that only we have interacted with. So something about us, is special. We also know that the voice only came after we fell of the clouds so what made the connection with 'the voice'. My theory about it is that 'the voice' is Darkrai or something very related to it. The link we have we have with Darkrai is the onyx stone. However both Shiv and Nova have had contact with the stone so they should hear the voice, however we are humans whil they aren't. Shiv is a clear example of that, he looks younger then his younger brother (and I mean a lot), has magical powers and his memories are imprinted in the weeping hills. On top of that I'm pretty sure we fought his ghost in the cave in Addenfell (the sprites looked similar if i recal correctly). Another argument for 'the voice' being related to Darkrai is that the voice is very interested in the character's dreams. Darkrai is a being of dreams and meeting someone who doesn't dream is for him something very intersting/frightening. Also 'the voice' is 'concerned' about the battle between Shiv and Nova, which could be explained because they are fighting over his ownership.

tl:dr Tristan is a ghost highjacked by 'the voice'. 'The voice' being an entity strongly related to Darkrai.

Edited by FairFamily
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hey thx for the help, but do u think u could tell how to solve the puzzles for the first two locations? I got inside the redcliff town cave, but all I found was a dusk stone, and the keneph jungle cave I could never figure out. I'm not really that great with these puzzles.

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hey thx for the help, but do u think u could tell how to solve the puzzles for the first two locations? I got inside the redcliff town cave, but all I found was a dusk stone, and the keneph jungle cave I could never figure out. I'm not really that great with these puzzles.

For the one in Keneph: Keep clicking on the wall until it moves, revealing a passage behind it.

For Redcliff: In the braille room, click on the tablets in this order: CENTRE NORTHEAST SOUTHWEST SOUTHEAST NORTHWEST NORTHEAST SOUTHWEST SOUTHEAST NORTHWEST CENTRE. Then in the Bidoof room, talk to the four Bidoof at the leftmost part of the room from top to bottom.

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For the one in Keneph: Keep clicking on the wall until it moves, revealing a passage behind it.

For Redcliff: In the braille room, click on the tablets in this order: CENTRE NORTHEAST SOUTHWEST SOUTHEAST NORTHWEST NORTHEAST SOUTHWEST SOUTHEAST NORTHWEST CENTRE. Then in the Bidoof room, talk to the four Bidoof at the leftmost part of the room from top to bottom.

Thank you! :feelsgd:

As embarrassing as it is, I didn't know about the first one ;-;

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Guys i need help, can someone tell me how to fight the gym leader of blackview city?I go at the gym i talk at the people outside but nothing happens.

This will need more detail. Where exactly are you up to?

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Guys i need help, can someone tell me how to fight the gym leader of blackview city?I go at the gym i talk at the people outside but nothing happens.

You can't go in the gym yet, because the gym is locked. What you have to do is talk to the person in front of the gym, then in her home.

Her home is the house with purple triangle above the door. The woman then tells you to talk to Ava. Ava suggests you pay a visit to the Trade Center, which is accessible by climbing over the broken part of northern wall around the building.

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Thanx for the reply, i talked to her then i went to the house with the purple symbol but the house is locked.i also talked to Ava but nothing happens.Maybe there is a problem because after coming to blackview city i pretty much ignored the main storyline and did the various missions?

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Thanx for the reply, i talked to her then i went to the house with the purple symbol but the house is locked.i also talked to Ava but nothing happens.Maybe there is a problem because after coming to blackview city i pretty much ignored the main storyline and did the various missions?

That's odd. I've never had this issue myself. Did you do missions after talking to her at the gym, but before trying to go to her house?

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Yes i talked to the person out of the gym while i was talking to everyone at the city.Then after did some stuff i talked to ava then to the people out of the gym but nothing happens.

Then, by the looks of it, you have discovered a bug. It's mentioned in the Bugs- list that this part of the game can in fact break. I don't know if Caz fixed this issue in 3.0.1., but 3.0.2., which is another bugfix patch, is on it's way and should release soon afaik.

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Yes i talked to the person out of the gym while i was talking to everyone at the city.Then after did some stuff i talked to ava then to the people out of the gym but nothing happens.

The same happens to me. If it's a bug... then I can not continue the story. -_-

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I see,thanx for the help.I am in 3.0.1 so i guess i will wait the 3.0.2 and hope that will solve the problem.I really dont want to start again,after i did almost all the missions of the current release.

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Darn. Milotic has caught up to Mightyena :/

Wish the poor thing got a break but this may not be the case. #feelsabitbadman :feelsgn:

That's not fair we hit 100 before milotic caught up Mightyena still wins Pls

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The bug associated with the Gym is an existing bug. Although it is fixed for 3.0.2, affected saves must be fixed manually. If you triggered this bug please send me a PM with your save so I can fix it.

@ICSW: That's so cool to hear! It'd be cool if they get the chance to play it.

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So I just got to the Rangers guild, the obvious question: should I join? I'm kinda worried I might miss out on other cool guilds. Can you join multiple ones?

Yes you can join multiple guilds, and you should most definitively join The Rangers because they have some great rewards for their sidequests and they are one of the best ways to earn credits.

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