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Pokemon Desolation Episode 5


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  On 1/17/2017 at 5:48 PM, Sapphire Mahala said:

Well that's just great i already saved in the house before i talked to ava and the game ends so yeah...


Don't worry. You can save anywhere you want, just obviously not during the final cinematic where saving is impossible. When Episode 4 starts you can just return to the house to complete the sequence and initiate Episode 4.


  On 1/17/2017 at 5:48 PM, Desaya said:

Glad to see Ep. 4 is coming soon.


Also a quick question. Will the new changes in reputation affect the older episodes or only the choices made from now on?


Nope. They won't. Choices and rep in the beginning of the game will still be present, making them far more important now.

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  On 1/17/2017 at 8:49 PM, Elios said:

I am gonna ask something I already did for Rejuvenation but I know some people would want to know as well for this game, will we have a fast-foward button?



That's not something I've actually considering or even looked into. If it's simple enough to implement, when I figure it out that is, then I see no reason why not. 

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  On 1/17/2017 at 1:54 AM, Caz said:

romance could indeed help deliver the message of Desolation



Romance and the message of Desolation in one sentence? This can't be good. Caz kills off your love interest, confirmed.


That being said, am excited to see Episode 4 come out soon.

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  On 1/18/2017 at 3:57 AM, Anthony810 said:

Are you still looking for beta testers?





  On 1/18/2017 at 6:08 AM, Kim said:


Romance and the message of Desolation in one sentence? This can't be good. Caz kills off your love interest, confirmed.


That being said, am excited to see Episode 4 come out soon.



I spent a lot of time making this decision lmao. I really believe it will work, if I play my cards right. Who knows, your guess may be right.

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So could female protagonists have a romance with other female characters as well as guys with guys? I ask because as a gay person, I like to see that kind of things in games. It is not like I would dislike the game if not, I love games despite it, just curiosity.

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  On 1/19/2017 at 2:57 AM, Elios said:

So could female protagonists have a romance with other female characters as well as guys with guys? I ask because as a gay person, I like to see that kind of things in games. It is not like I would dislike the game if not, I love games despite it, just curiosity.



I don't want to talk to much about the romance aspect because it won't play a role yet - not for a while yet, to be honest. But I can say that there will be no barriers in that regard.

Edited by Caz
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  On 1/19/2017 at 3:02 AM, Caz said:


I don't want to talk to much about the romance aspect because it won't play a role yet - not for a while yet, to be honest. But I can say that there will be no barriers in that regard.


I understand, as I said it was just curiosity, anyways I am glad to hear it.


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  On 1/21/2017 at 5:13 PM, doombotmecha said:

Where do they store their loot: Black Boxes

Black Foxes live in a run-down house: Shack Foxes

Unexplained Kindom Hearts crossover: Black Roxas



It was only a matter of time until it would come to this .-.

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Seeing as 4.0 is about to drop in the next month or so, I think it is about time I provide my opinion of this game because I have stuff to praise it for and a lot more to criticize.  Mind you this is gonna be a long post due to the many issues I have for this game. Thus, I'm breaking this up into parts, just so I don't take the whole damn page. I'll try to keep this as unbiased as possible, but there were a lot of things that annoyed me in this game that needs to be addressed, because Desolation has a lot of promise.

Positives (Stand-out features)

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tl;dr: Excellent defining mechanic that may make-or-break your game, excellent side content, convenient tools, moderate interest in Event Pokemons.

I don't think I need to elaborate further, considering most of the stuff I've mentioned are things people might have praised about before. However, know that these features were truly some of the most fun I've had in any fan game that I have played. Unfortunately, this is where I take the kiddy-gloves off.

Negatives (A fuck ton)


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too fucking long; why would you read: Dungeons are long and annoying rather than difficult, overuse of  awkward progression of Pokemon levels makes everything overlevel, main story is shallow, main antagonists would appreciate further development, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD FIX SCARLET'S WRITING

Honestly I may come off as a presumptuous douche, but these are my thoughts for the current state of Desolation. While I don't hate it (I love it more than 90% of Pokemon fan games out there) it has some massive issues that straight up sacrifice the positives of the game. As mentioned numerous times in this post, Desolation is still in early development, so I don't expect my issues for staying too long. In fact, I am very eager for 4.0 just to see if Caz and whoever is helping him improves the overall quality of the game, because it certainly as the potential to sit with games like Rejuvenation.

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  On 1/22/2017 at 6:23 AM, The Radiant Aeon said:

Seeing as 4.0 is about to drop in the next month or so, I think it is about time I provide my opinion of this game because I have stuff to praise it for and a lot more to criticize.  Mind you this is gonna be a long post due to the many issues I have for this game. Thus, I'm breaking this up into parts, just so I don't take the whole damn page. I'll try to keep this as unbiased as possible, but there were a lot of things that annoyed me in this game that needs to be addressed, because Desolation has a lot of promise.

Positives (Stand-out features)

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tl;dr: Excellent defining mechanic that may make-or-break your game, excellent side content, convenient tools, moderate interest in Event Pokemons.

I don't think I need to elaborate further, considering most of the stuff I've mentioned are things people might have praised about before. However, know that these features were truly some of the most fun I've had in any fan game that I have played. Unfortunately, this is where I take the kiddy-gloves off.

Negatives (A fuck ton)


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too fucking long; why would you read: Dungeons are long and annoying rather than difficult, overuse of  awkward progression of Pokemon levels makes everything overlevel, main story is shallow, main antagonists would appreciate further development, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD FIX SCARLET'S WRITING

Honestly I may come off as a presumptuous douche, but these are my thoughts for the current state of Desolation. While I don't hate it (I love it more than 90% of Pokemon fan games out there) it has some massive issues that straight up sacrifice the positives of the game. As mentioned numerous times in this post, Desolation is still in early development, so I don't expect my issues for staying too long. In fact, I am very eager for 4.0 just to see if Caz and whoever is helping him improves the overall quality of the game, because it certainly as the potential to sit with games like Rejuvenation.


Team Crescent isn't meant to be a ripoff of Madara. This has come up several times in the thread and Caz has said he doesn't like Naruto. IIRC it was inspired more by Inception.

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  On 1/22/2017 at 6:38 AM, Ice Cream Sand Witch said:

Team Crescent isn't meant to be a ripoff of Madara. This has come up several times in the thread and Caz has said he doesn't like Naruto. IIRC it was inspired more by Inception.


That would be more plausible if that is the case, although it very uncanny how similar Team Crescent and Madara's ultimate goals are down to the end game "world peace." Now that I know its not the case, and more like Inception, I feel a little bit better about Team Crescent, though they are still highly generic. Still ant to know more about Black Foxes I mean come on why the suspense for them but not for Crescent.

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  On 1/22/2017 at 6:57 AM, The Radiant Aeon said:

That would be more plausible if that is the case, although it very uncanny how similar Team Crescent and Madara's ultimate goals are down to the end game "world peace." Now that I know its not the case, and more like Inception, I feel a little bit better about Team Crescent, though they are still highly generic. Still ant to know more about Black Foxes I mean come on why the suspense for them but not for Crescent.



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Before you jump to criticize, I ask you realize that the game is in development. I don't have time to address every complaint, as I have an Episode to finish. A lot of your criticism is totally understandable - most importantly the Jungle in Episode 1. I would like to point out this is the first map I ever made in RPG Maker. I also agree with your Silver Rise complaint - but I have already balanced it more for Episode 4.


I will address as much as I can remember, it won't be in order.


Blackview City: All intentional. This isn't the games main city - it's meant to be cramped, awful even. This sets the tone for what the city really is - overpopulated, overrun with criminals and ultimately an unhappy experience.


Scarlett: All intentional, believe it or not. All I can really say is that the story is planned out entirely, Scarlett's strangeness and stereotype will make sense in time. Her betrayal is extremely convenient, and by the end of the game players will realize this is on purpose.


Rejuv: The funny thing here is that I havent even finished Rejuv. Oh look, Desolation has a volcano - must be a Caratos rip off right? I understand that the volcano is due for an improvement, yes, certainly. But a ripoff? No. Yeah, course. Desolation starts on a boat, yes. I never actually wanted to start it on a boat, but rather, I had to. It made sense for how the player would end up on the island. Sure, it could be a plane crash, but when I first started making my first fangame I don't think I was thinking far enough ahead for that. In the future, maybe.


Crescent and Black Foxes: The Black Foxes are my games "evil team" when it comes down to it. More will be revealed. That's all I need to say about them. Team Crescent however play a far broader role - they feel out of place in Desolation and its world. Trust me, it's intentional. One thing worth mentioning is the "grand plan". Firstly, most of the grunts don't care about it, they're paid. Only Baron and Nova know it, really. And if you really paid attention, it's certain that Baron doesn't even like the plan, or even care much. It's all very much Nova's plan - and the reasoning for her plan is not as cliche as what she TELLS the player. Many people have pointed out how nuts Nova is, would you really believe what she told the player?


NARUTO: For the last time. I used to actually like Naruto, but every time my game is compared to it I like it much less. My game is entirely inspired my Inception, my all time favorite movie. I want to break even Inceptions walls in this game. I don't give a toss about Naruto - this isn't some simple lame ass linear story. Perhaps I should just reveal the entire plot of Desolation on my thread, so this complaint ceases to exist?


Sorry mate. I'm not annoyed at you for the complaint, because it comes up all the time. Perhaps after Episode 4 comes out people will stop drawing the parallel. I see where it comes from, but humbly, the end product of all this is FAR more complex than that of Naruto.


Thanks for your feedback, however. Don't think it has gone to waste. I will certainly contemplate some of these things. Especially to do with the dungeons and replaying.


EDIT: Choices will become a huge part of the game - far more than just dialogue changes. Trust me. Wait till you see Episode 4 mate.

EDIT2: Also, the Vejyr mountain having no road is because Team Crescent destroyed the bridge.



Edited by Caz
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Hmm, I actually agree with some of your assessments, though mostly regarding Vejyr and Silver Rise, along with Connor being a little too over the top for a first gym leader. For Vejyr and Silver Rise in particular, I was actually the one that suggested putting repel vendors in front of those places (they didn't exist prior to Episode 3 full release), and Weeping Hills used to be located in Route 1 (I suggested moving it to Route 2 for obvious pacing reasons).


Perhaps Vejyr would benefit from being redone. It doesn't really make sense for it to be riddled with lava jumping platform puzzles when it's supposedly supposed to be one of the main roads connecting the various areas on the island. It is also a bit over the top for an early dungeon to have what I would refer to as an 'attrition field' in general (though it is important to note that the Crescent grunts you fight are just as subject to the field's effects as you are). Well, the early game is extremely unfriendly to those who chose grass starters, the field just makes it even more so.


As for everything else, I found the forest section to be the most interesting beginning phase for all three fangames (the other two I refer to are Reborn and Rejuvenation, I consider Desolation on the same level as those two), although I do agree with the boat thing. That said, I don't think Desolation is really any edgier than the other two, I actually found it to be -FAR LESS- so compared to Rejuvenation (which made frequent references to non-plot essential NPCs dying for no real reason at all). The vast majority of the edginess so far in Desolation in comparison basically revolves around one of the admins of the Black Foxes and an admin of Team Crescent only, everything else that could even be remotely considered edgy was important for advancing the plot.

Edited by Alilatias
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Thanks for that. That definitely piqued interest for Black Foxes; just the right amount of cryptic with enough info to understand the general goal. Most certainly would side with Foxes over Crescent.

oh and the part where her "powerful Umbreon" beat the police? lel I suspect foul play

  On 1/22/2017 at 7:18 AM, Caz said:

Before you jump to criticize, I ask you realize that the game is in development. I don't have time to address every complaint, as I have an Episode to finish. A lot of your criticism is totally understandable - most importantly the Jungle in Episode 1. I would like to point out this is the first map I ever made in RPG Maker. I also agree with your Silver Rise complaint - but I have already balanced it more for Episode 4.


I will address as much as I can remember, it won't be in order.


Blackview City: All intentional. This isn't the games main city - it's meant to be cramped, awful even. This sets the tone for what the city really is - overpopulated, overrun with criminals and ultimately an unhappy experience.


Scarlett: All intentional, believe it or not. All I can really say is that the story is planned out entirely, Scarlett's strangeness and stereotype will make sense in time. Her betrayal is extremely convenient, and by the end of the game players will realize this is on purpose.


Rejuv: The funny thing here is that I havent even finished Rejuv. Oh look, Desolation has a volcano - must be a Caratos rip off right? Yeah, course. Desolation starts on a boat? Ripoff. I never actually wanted to start it on a boat, but rather, I had to. It made sense for how the player would end up on the island. Sure, it could be a plane crash, but when I first started making my first fangame I don't think I was thinking far enough ahead for that. In the future, maybe. But really? Flay me because I had to use a boat like Rejuv?


Crescent and Black Foxes: The Black Foxes are my games "evil team" when it comes down to it. That's all I need to say about them. Team Crescent however play a far broader role - they feel out of place in Desolation and its world. Trust me, it's intentional. One thing worth mentioning is the "grand plan". Firstly, most of the grunts don't care about it, they're paid. Only Baron and Nova know it, really. And if you really paid attention, it's certain that Baron doesn't even like the plan, or even care much. It's all very much Nova's plan - and the reasoning for her plan is not as cliche as what she TELLS the player.


NARUTO: For the last time. I used to actually like Naruto, but every time my game is compared to it I like it much less. My game is entirely inspired my Inception, my all time favorite movie. I want to break even Inceptions walls in this game. I don't give a toss about Naruto - this isn't some simple lame ass linear story. Perhaps I should just reveal the entire plot of Desolation on my thread, so this complaint ceases to exist?


Sorry mate. I'm not annoyed at you for the complaint, because it comes up all the time. Perhaps after Episode 4 comes out people will stop drawing the parallel. I see where it comes from, but humbly, the end product of all this is FAR more complex than that of Naruto.


Thanks for your feedback, however. Don't think they have gone to waste. I will certainly contemplate some of these things. Especially to do with the dungeons and replaying.





No problems, just wanted to speak my mind on the game. In fact your clarifications did clear up some of my issues. And if all of these are intentional, then please, continue because it really intrigues me (still don't like Scarlett though :0). And a lot of this comes from memory, so things like Baron which I may or may not have noticed might have been skipped over entire (again not willing to play version 3 again; Silver Rise was too traumatic). Though I do recall repeating my understanding of this game being very early in development. Then again what do I know I'm suffering from cranknstein and caffeine from hours past and am only comforting my poor self with internet rants and haagan dazs

Also I'm sure you can admit the rejuv and naruto situations are pretty freaking hilarious. irony i guess

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No worries. I get where they come from it just hurts when they pop up so often rip. Scarlett is also my least favorite character, as to me, she serves to be more a tool than a character.


EDIT: Thanks for bringing Silver Rise to my attention more. I'll be certain to work on it.

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