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Pokemon Desolation Episode 5


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  On 2/20/2017 at 7:47 AM, Nakuto said:

I'm probably not seeing it, but how do I even get the archives? I've gotten the key from Rosetta, and done the quest thing for Garret, but he won't get up off the couch. And theirs the guy still standing in front of the archives saying I can't enter.


Did Garret already talk to you about using Blue swimsuit Guy as a distraction? Because that needs to happen, then you go talk to the Blue Guy. He's in the bottom rightish corner IIRC...

Oh, he's on the couch in your basement still, isn't he? Whoops. I can't remember exactly... Sorry that wasn't very helpful :/ 

Edited by Dante52
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  On 2/20/2017 at 7:51 AM, Dante52 said:

Did Garret already talk to you about using Blue swimsuit Guy as a distraction? Because that needs to happen, then you go talk to the Blue Guy. He's in the bottom rightish corner IIRC...


Thanks!, finally found garret in the library to continue. I didn't move around or look too much


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Key not working is a bug which should be fixed in newest patch. If someone else is having problem with the key please PM me and I'll fix it for you (only works if you're still in the library)

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My key didn't work too and i'm way past the library part of the story . If anyone knows what's there (maybe another book about aurora and a tm) do say what happens there


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  On 2/20/2017 at 6:05 PM, BRS swag said:

My key didn't work too and i'm way past the library part of the story . If anyone knows what's there (maybe another book about aurora and a tm) do say what happens there


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Just thought to say, the starlight field does not get temporarily terminated by weather like it's  supposed to


Also: I'm looking for the scyther event and the froslass event if people can shed light for me

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unsure if these have been reported or are just bugs in my game but:

1. whenever my pokemon gets switched in by the foe's whirlwind (and I'm assuming by roar, too), my pokemon's sprite is invisible until I use a move or switch out (or possibly use an item, haven't tested)

2. AI tends to ignore that grass pokemon are immune to powder moves and will just use them

3. opposing meditite's sprite is too high

4. small capitalization error: on grassy terrain, if I use a move like Flame Burst or it's the end of the turn and everything's getting healed, the text always says "The wild/opposing _" even when it's in the middle of the sentence (e.g. "The grassy terrain healed The wild Seedot"). might happen with other terrains, but I dunno

5. during the hardy fight, the text said he was about to send in [the name of the last pokemon in my party] rather than larvitar (zorua)

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  On 2/21/2017 at 4:53 AM, LeonVermillion said:
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  On 2/23/2017 at 1:59 AM, N01788 said:

Is there a way to evolve Magneton? I keep trying to search the power plant areas, but I'm not sure which one if any I need to be in.


Caged room in the back of the Cellia power plant.

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Oh ok thank you. I figured after I finally realized the back room was locked. I'm really enjoying your game by the way. Besides a few graphical errors, the story is engaging and I enjoy the karma system you've worked into the plot. I can't wait to see what's next for the game. 

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  On 2/24/2017 at 1:53 AM, whodat09 said:


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He's in the alley behind the cellia manor. Just head straight west after leaving the storage facility.


Edit: I guess it's not exactly straight. I went and looked haha. Just take the first alley you come to south of the storage place.

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