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Pokemon Desolation Episode 5


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  On 8/30/2017 at 3:56 AM, Matthatter03 said:

Where can I obtain Deino? I heard it was in the fight club, but I went through 5 elite trainers and still haven't gotten one. (In Celia) Is it just a higher reward or am I looking in the wrong spot?


You need to talk with the judge and when you leave thfight cllub you will get ambushed which starts the deino sidequest.

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Glad to hear you're back! I hope your difficult situation improves, good luck.


Is Episode 5 gonna have a speed-up button and/or Gen 7 mons/mechanics? Also, I've developed icons for the shiny Hydreigon, Gardevoir, and Infernape family lines if you, Ame, or Jan are interested.

Edited by GreenDecidueyeArrow
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Just defeated normal-type gym and damn it was hard, especially because the leader's pokemon have great coverage, his Starraptor in particular with Close Combat.

Managed to win by just taking most hits head-on with Toxicroak using Revenge, Earthquaking his Heliolisk with Flygon and taking down Starraptor with skill link kings rock Ambipom which has Rock Blast as event move.

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@Caz I'll keep waiting for desolation, for however long possible, because, to say the truth I'm most interested in how this game turns up. It isn't like any of the fan games. This game TOPS my fan game list. I'm proud of saying that loud here. All characters in this game are good in a way. None of them are a run-of-the-mill villain type. I'm most interested in Aurora, Ava, Shiv and above all Hardy. He's the coolest guy in the game. To sum it up, I'm most happy for the game's 5th episode as I played this game a second time and I never have played the same fan game more than once. This thread will always be active due to the beauty of this game. All of us were kind of ready for the game's release in 2018 but you brought the hypetrain now announcing it for feb. And do check out this thread below. I have posted a custom field effect idea in here, which I believe could be of overpowering use for darkrai perfection mode. It's in the 2nd page, last but one comment. If not mine, others idea are actually very great too.



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@Caz glad to hear that you're doing well. Also glad to see that your project still has a pulse.


I remember someone mentioning that you should make a patreon account. Not sure how you feel in terms of recieving support from fans and other people you don't know but I thought it was just an idea worth mentioning.


Hoping that things continue to work out for you both IRL and during the creation of Desolation.

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Well, that's a testament to the quality of the game you've made, isn't it, Caz? The world building in this game is second to none among the Pokemon fangames.


(As for the other plans we've discussed, I may need to rethink the entire thing. A lot changes in half a year.)

Edited by Alilatias
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I just wanted to say how incredible this game is and how much I've enjoyed playing through Ep. 4. Espurr as a starter was what lured me in, but the game itself is the true hook. It's probably my favourite fangame to date, so I'm very happy to hear it's still going. As others have said though, well wishes for your real life, and hoping things are going positively. 


I also second what Virtue said, the characters are top notch! Ava is probably my fav, I liked her in basically every scene she was in, and tend to agree with her opinions. I'm a also a fan of nice guy types, so Tristan is also among my favs. 

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