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Pokemon Desolation Episode 5


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Try using a tanky pokemon or a sturdy pokemon like boldore or a gengar or froslass to be faster and confuse it. Destiny bond makes sense here.

Edited by BRS swag
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  On 11/17/2017 at 10:25 AM, BRS swag said:

Try using a tanky pokemon or a sturdy pokemon like boldore or a gengar or froslass to be faster and confuse it. Destiny bond makes sense here.


Mega Lopunny has Scrappy, so Froslass is not as ideal as what you might expect. Most Rock-types lack coverage moves to deal significant damage on Lopunny, but they do work against Staraptor.

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Using Rock Smash every alternate turn and healing the other turn would do good with sturdy mons. Rock smash gives the defense reduction too, which is good. A Boldore or a Gigalith is great for this strategy. I've never tried it but seen it work well.

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Xatu and Emolga are giving me a lot of trouble and my team is:

Lv.32 Krokorok (Dig/Rage/Crunch/Assurance)

Lv.34 Pignite (Rock Smash/Rollout/Flame Charge/Heat Crash)

Lv.33 Swellow (Aerial Ace/Double Team/Focus Energy/Quick Attack)

Lv.32 Poliwrath (Body Slam/Bubble Beam/Hypnosis/Dynamic Punch)

Lv.30 Budew (Growth/Water Sport/Stun Spore/Mega Drain)

Lv.33 Magneton (Tri Attack/Thunder Wave/Flash Cannon/Spark)


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Which mon are using krokorok on? I haven't played desolation in a bit, but it seems krokorok would a good mon to take on both Xatu or Emolga, expecially if it has moxie and can nab a 1HKO with Crunch on Xatu to power up. You could give it metronome to try and up the damage of your Crunch spamming too (I think I remember having that..) 
I don't think budew is doing you any favors taking on the flying gym... 

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Level up your Magenton, it learns Electro Ball. You can also evolve your Pignite to Emboar and then just use Common Candy to bring it back to level 35.


Budew (why is it not Roselia?) is useless, and while I'd like to say the same for Poliwrath, I guess it can take a hit. Your best bet is using Magneton with Thunder Wave + Electro Ball combo. Like already mentioned, your Krokorok works against Emolga and/or Xatu. Use Swellow against her Hawlucha, you really want to save your Magneton, especially if it has Sturdy.



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  On 11/17/2017 at 3:07 AM, Chrono244 said:

Tristan needs a nerf IMO, her Mega Lopunny keeps sweeping my team, all level 45, none of my Pokemon can outspeed, and i keep getting oneshotted by HJK/ice punch/return. On my 6th attempt now, so far i only know she has a Heliolisk as the 4th team member on her team.

At the very least just take away the Mega since we can't even use Mega Evolution ourselves yet.


I made a post about it a while back. But yeah, Tristan is definitely the dumbest leader I've ever fought. Definitely needs a nerf. TBH, if Caz can't think of anything to do with the field given, then I wouldn't even mind if he copy pasted Noel's team for a version or two. Mega Lopunny at that stage is just too much. 

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  On 11/22/2017 at 1:41 AM, segaracing said:

Hey, does anyone know how to fix the tristan bug where he follows you again when you go back up to the top of the mountain and talk to him? 


I think Njab fixed that for me when it happened to me, and I think Caz recommends contacting him at the beginning of this thread if you have issues like that. So maybe give it a shot? 


I didn't think Tristan was THAT terrible... My Bannette with Will-o-wisp and curse seriously screwed up his team. 

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  On 11/24/2017 at 7:59 PM, Dante52 said:

I think Njab fixed that for me when it happened to me, and I think Caz recommends contacting him at the beginning of this thread if you have issues like that. So maybe give it a shot? 


I didn't think Tristan was THAT terrible... My Bannette with Will-o-wisp and curse seriously screwed up his team. 


Where did you find banette?

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  On 11/24/2017 at 6:00 PM, MomentousMaster said:

Xatu and Emolga are giving me a lot of trouble and my team is:

Lv.32 Krokorok (Dig/Rage/Crunch/Assurance)

Lv.34 Pignite (Rock Smash/Rollout/Flame Charge/Heat Crash)

Lv.33 Swellow (Aerial Ace/Double Team/Focus Energy/Quick Attack)

Lv.32 Poliwrath (Body Slam/Bubble Beam/Hypnosis/Dynamic Punch)

Lv.30 Budew (Growth/Water Sport/Stun Spore/Mega Drain)

Lv.33 Magneton (Tri Attack/Thunder Wave/Flash Cannon/Spark)



you should ditch the Budew until you find a Shiny Stone. MAKE SURE you don't evolve to Roserade until after you get Toxic Spikes, otherwise it loses huge potential as a setup lead.


  On 11/26/2017 at 9:34 AM, MomentousMaster said:

Where did you find banette?


Shuppet is at Weeping Hill as a wild encounter, evolves to Banette at lvl 37.

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  On 11/28/2017 at 8:35 PM, Pluto said:

where is togepi, i think i might have to grind up credits to either get ralts or settle for gengar cause tristan is kicking my ass.


You can get togepi later on in the game by finding all the mons of Boss(you get to choose between four mons with togepi being one of them)

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This might be the best fan made I have had the pleasure of playing, can't wait for the next update.

I'm a bit late for this but im curious. If Darkrai has a "mega evolution", will Cressilia also get a "mega evolution"?


I have a suggestion for desolation. Since this game has a lot of different "paths" to choose from and probably has multiple endings, replaying the game in a hard difficulty would be somewhat painfully (especially grinding some mons for 2 to 3 gyms and never use them again) since our goal would be to see the other options you had. So what I propose is what Rejuvenation also did and create a difficulty setting where you choose what difficulty you want to play.

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