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Pokemon Desolation Episode 5


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For those that think the game is dead caz the developer of this game is often absent for long periods of time in between posting the next update. Unless he posts saying the game is cancelled we cant assume anything

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Does anyone know where (and if) I can get a dwebble before fighting Connor? I am trying a bug monotype run and it's pretty impossible to defeat Connor with only leavanny, Vivillon, butterfree, kricketune and beedrill...

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@JessFor what it's worth, iirc both Wurmple and Spinarak are obtainable, meaning you can get Dustox/Beautifly and - by overleveling a bit - Ariados. I've only done Ground monotype run and I picked Ground simply because of good availability right from the get-go and because Connor is a douche

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@ZargerthI did it. Only swadloon, Vivillon, butterfree, kricketune and beedrill (with a fodder scatterbug to max revive someone).I didn't find wurmple or spinarak. Even searched with different clock day periods. Maybe they are after first gym badge. BTW, butterfree with compound eyes sleep powder is op. Not just wrecked house, but even tanked an acrobatics from fletchinder to shut it down afterwards. I'm glad I didn't fail my Bug Monotype run before even starting it. 

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@J-Awesome_One Thanks! Pity I wasn't recording it. I am on holidays so playing on my laptop and the only pc I have installed my recording software on is my home's pc. So, I was playing just for fun! It took me like 2hours of trying, but I did it... Haha! 

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@Jess That's odd, maybe I failed to understand the Pokedex.

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Even so, congrats for beating Connor. In my opinion he, along with Tristan, are the toughest Gym Leaders in the game (so far).

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@Zargerth I found wurmple in the area where you first meet Hardy, right after defeating Connor. Spinarak is still MIA though... Thanks! Connor is tough, yeah. An early game blazing field and drought vulpix? Too strong! I had to sack my swadloon to protect and bug bite on vulpix to get rid of that annoying oran berry. But it didn't heal my swadloon... Maybe a bug... Pun intended! Also, the rock smash on kricketune and beedrill helped me deal some damage or finish off things. it is my first take on desolation anyways, so it is even tougher, for being a blind monotype... 

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You defeated Vulpix with Swadloon on burning field and drought???? Wow, that's awesome. I was always telling my brother that bugs have great potential and I was right. But, I usually specialise in tanky mons and most bugs are not that, so, I've not been able to keep bugs every now and then in my team.

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@BRS swag Thanks! Well, I am kinda the bug junkie of the forums, so I just had to use bugs. You sound like a forretress kind of guy! Both tanky and shares the bug typing.. Eh, actually all I did with swadloon was protect to stall out one turn of sun and bug bite to eat the oran berry, so vulpix doesn't heal. My Vivillon actually killed it with stun spore and psybeams! I wanted to play desolation in ages,but I was wondering if I would get past Connor and vejyr fire cave with only early bugs. But going pretty well, I am just after my first battle vs Scarlett, and only battle I had to try many times to win was with Connor. 

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  On 4/7/2018 at 2:13 PM, Jess said:

@BRS swag Thanks! Well, I am kinda the bug junkie of the forums, so I just had to use bugs. You sound like a forretress kind of guy! Both tanky and shares the bug typing.. Eh, actually all I did with swadloon was protect to stall out one turn of sun and bug bite to eat the oran berry, so vulpix doesn't heal. My Vivillon actually killed it with stun spore and psybeams! I wanted to play desolation in ages,but I was wondering if I would get past Connor and vejyr fire cave with only early bugs. But going pretty well, I am just after my first battle vs Scarlett, and only battle I had to try many times to win was with Connor. 


vejyr is gonna kill you


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@JessYup, Vivillion can do that good. I like forretress because of its tankiness and the sturdy ability, my fav bug is escavalier tho............cool army man

@ArcherEric Yup true that. Vejyr is crazy. My spheal had ice body and poor thing it was...

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@ArcherEric @BRS swag I had cleared vejyr when I sent my previous message. It wasn't that bad, Vivillon butterfree duo cause they don't get field damage. They carried me. But true, that cave is hell. I laughed ironically when ava asked me to do the battling cause her grass types can't take the heat. LOL, as if my bugs were more suited for the job XD 

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Sorry for double post, but new question. So, first gym leader is fire Connor in Charlotte's blazing field practically. Then, fiery Vejyr cave. And second gym leader is flying, Aderyn? Caz must truly hate Grass and/or Bug types... Unless I am mistaken and we don't fight Aderyn for a badge yet... 

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  On 4/7/2018 at 8:13 PM, Jess said:

Sorry for double post, but new question. So, first gym leader is fire Connor in Charlotte's blazing field practically. Then, fiery Vejyr cave. And second gym leader is flying, Aderyn? Caz must truly hate Grass and/or Bug types... Unless I am mistaken and we don't fight Aderyn for a badge yet... 


Yep. She is the second Gym Leader in the game. And still no Dwebble for you.

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  On 4/7/2018 at 8:25 PM, Jess said:

@Zargerth And no Joltik either... I start wondering how heavy my sins must be for me to deserve it... LOL! What is her team? BTW I got Dustox now,but no sign of Spinarak... 


Spinarak (probably) is in the next area, which is accessible after you defeat Aderyn. Unless I remember wrong yet again, there's Yanma in there too.


If you wish to know her team, it's:

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  On 4/7/2018 at 8:30 PM, Zargerth said:

Spinarak (probably) is in the next area, which is accessible after you defeat Aderyn. Unless I remember wrong yet again, there's Yanma in there too.


If you wish to know her team, it's:

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Hmmmm that's a pity... Some priority by Ariados would come in handy. Together with Yanmega's Ancient Power... Now I will have to do the typical Stun Spore, Sleep Powder shenanigans again... And hope that some of my special attackers have good Hidden Power typings... But I expect it to be hell even passing through Chatot. Especially if it has Chatter. 

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