Zarc Posted September 12, 2018 Share Posted September 12, 2018 @fotis123 on the cave before Blackview City , where Ava beated Hardy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Swamp King Posted September 12, 2018 Share Posted September 12, 2018 (edited) 16 minutes ago, fotis123 said: thanks you guys. any1 knows the loc of the clefable?:D Spoiler I hope this helps Ninja'd Edited September 12, 2018 by Swamp King Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Feng Lei Posted September 12, 2018 Share Posted September 12, 2018 I just finished the game. Here are my thoughts: Overall, it is a fantastic game. Going in, I feared a second Rejuvenation. And while it's clear Jan has a wealth of talent, and goes through far more work, I think, than even the Reborn devs.... I just could not enjoy that game. It required far, far too much exploration and complexity that didn't interest me. And the story... even to this day, my reaction to each piece was mostly "wait, wut." I know that's how it is supposed to be, but the insanity and lack of questions was just too much. The plot for Rejuv is all over the place, and answers leave me more confused than questions. As such, I was turned off very badly. And then I learned about Desolation. Funny thing is, I wouldn't have bothered if Rejuv hadn't been down, as I was contemplating letting go of sanity one more time for the sake of a replay. Thank goodness I was redirected to this, indirectly. Where to start? Ah, yes... The MUSIC! The music is amazing. Easily the best soundtrack of any pokemon game I've ever played, hands down. Reborn's has changed too much and not in good ways. Pokemon Desolation by comparison is a pure, untainted masterpiece, a real gem of sound design. Blackview City's theme is probably my favorite. Each piece is selected with care and excellent taste. Every note provides what the music is intended to bring, be it engrossing atmosphere, engaging fun, energy, horror, dread, suspicion, it's all there exactly as it should be and I cannot thank the dev enough for creating this came. Second, the characters. I found them all very engaging, and dare I say it, better than even the Reborn cast. That is not ultimately true, but what we get is still quite good. The lack of overwhelming sexual puns and profanity save at certain intervals was a nice touch for me. At first I thought Ava was a Charlotte rip-off, and I never did end up traveling much with Scarlett long enough to save her. But Ava turns out to be her own fleshed out character in the end. Same goes for most everyone. I much enjoyed how Garret and Aurora are developed so swiftly in so short a time. Same goes for Rosetta and Tristan. And oh, Tristan, Tristan, your character yet drives the story to an extent. The map design: here I am conflicted. The routes are laid out beautifully. And they have far less going on compared to Rejuvenation. And yet, they are somehow less memorable overall compared to Reborn, and I do not know why. There's some beautiful layouts. Each place should feel iconic. Silver Rise, its forest included, was amazing. So was the volcano. Weeping Hill, as well, was most enjoyable. And of course, the soundtracks for all these areas was stellar. But what grabbed me was how everything outside of such specific places was somewhat... emptier than elsewhere, I guess you could say. What I did find was that Caz is a master of city design. Blackview and Celia are exactly what I always wanted out of Reborn and Grand Dream Cities. Despite being so large, both Blackview and Celia are masterfully designed, not only in their atmospheres, but in their geographical layout. Let us take Blackview, for instance. Everything in this city is spaced so perfectly, I don't even know what to say. To digress for a bit, the atmosphere is amazing in its claustrophobia. There is this constant balance between a ruined slum like Reborn's Obsidia, and a still thriving industrial complex. The oppressive yet not totally malevolent aura pervading this city is excellent, and its soundtrack ties it all together. It is mysterious, treacherous, yet also opportunious. Heh, new word. Imma coin it. Opportunious. Anyway, within this atmosphere, the ominous sense of impending violence, I navigated what I feared would become a navigation hazard. To my overwhelmed astonishment, it turned out Blackview's street layout actually helped me. The layout is such that every important location is spaced so that it facilitates swift plot advancement or furthers the player's understanding of the city's locations. A couple circuits around it and I had memorized more or less where I needed to go, and due to its excellent atmosphere, I enjoyed exploration without growing tired or exhausted. It felt just like my first playthrough of Reborn, but far cosier and less empty feeling. And then came the Plot to poor Blackview. . . and as for the rest of the plot, each segment is well done. My complaints are few and far between. I would perhaps mention Weeping Hill as an example of Team Crescent just being there with no buildup. And I think the sequence of events should have been prepared for longer. Or at least the events that follow it in the Sky. That portion was perhaps the most contrived and frankly senseless. It also raised questions. Exactly who was it that the flying Gym Leader -cannot spell her name, Aederyn? - wanted us to meet? I thought it was Tristan, because I was sure he mentioned something about knowing her. But maybe not. At any rate, everything starting from Silver Rise and beyond was solid, gold storytelling. And apparently it is story that can radically change. Another example of great plot and game layout was Celia. Now this place is what Grand Dream City was supposed to be. And after enjoying Blackview, I felt confident I wasn't in for a second Grand Dream NIGHTMARE. *Screams incoherently while clawing bloody divots into the wall* Instead, it was a pleasant exploration interspersed with a quickly and pleasently violent escalation of the plot. And it had an explosive and eventful climax. If only I had found the means to save Nova, even if she did not deserve it, I would have liked to give her just a few more chances... I hear there is a way to do this, but how, exactly? Food for thought on the next run I guess, whenever that be. The Pokemon: I admit I was spoilt by adding a modified file that gave me speed run abilities. This patch also, fortunately or unfortunately, gave me the luxury of the debug menu, my sweet salvation for surviving to the end of Rejuv, and this one as well. I don't think I abused it much, save to get me a Shiny Turtwig and as many repels as I could. I also ended up using it to give myself a team of mono-fire types. They... did far better than I thought they should. That all said, there seems to be more than enough pokemon to make the game feasible if not easy. Which leads into the Difficulty: I don't know. I liked the difficulty level, but only because I was enjoying the fast-paced thriller story too much to desire a significant wall. However, I do think the game should be more Difficult. As with Rejuvenation, I did not get the sense that the field effects were put to such masterful use as Reborn uses them, where the field makes or breaks your team over its knee and leaves you scrambling to find countermeasures. And the battles... were definitely not that hard. The only trainers to give me real pause were Hardy in my rematch with him in the tournament, Aurora and Amelia. Perhaps the difficulty should spike after the Awakening. The AWAKENING: This has to be one of the best plot twists I have seen in a pokemon fan game. My experience with the larger population of games in general is limited, but this really felt original to me at least, and very well crafted. All along, I did feel like I might suddenly be forced to wake up. But for that to happen at the end like it did. Wow. My questions are many now now, but the story has laid them out in a proper order that I can manage and follow without getting utterly overwhelmed, or feeling like there was never a point, a flaw in Team Meteor's plot, which persists to this day. But foremost among the lingering questions is: What is Tristan?!? This game is extremely well crafted. I especially loved the dialogue boxes. About time someone added those to a fangame. It was a nice feature from Black and White that I enjoyed, and this game surprised me by adding in and expanding this visual tool. Favorite designs were Hardy and Garret. But Ava grew on me quickly. Scarlett's as well, if not for her being sidelined in my playthrough. My rating, 9/10. And I can't wait for more. But it looks like we'll all have to. Thank you Caz, for creating a stunning game. Here's to whatever you have planned for the future, and and best of wishes to you in or rl endeavors, should they force you to abandon this story here. If this is the end, then it's a satisfying one to close the curtain on. And if not, well, looks like we trainers have some answers to uncover. 8 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Frostthefox24 Posted September 13, 2018 Share Posted September 13, 2018 hey im playing pokemon desolation and im doing the puzzle in the weeping dethp but it won't work can somebody do it for me help me plz Game.rxdata Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zarc Posted September 14, 2018 Share Posted September 14, 2018 @Izuke someone posted the solution one or two pages before Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
maor80 Posted September 21, 2018 Share Posted September 21, 2018 I started playing pokemon desolation it seemed so far this game is like gen 6 meta game chosen elektrike as my starter and added poochhyna since mighthyhyna have mega do you think i should use mightyna in my team? Which of the 18 starters i should pick so far thought either on mudkip chimchar or torchick who is the best starter to choose to my team? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zarc Posted September 21, 2018 Share Posted September 21, 2018 @maor80 If i remember correctly , you can have mightyena mega stone at the end of this episode , so yeah you should keep it imo. As for starters , thoses you mentionned are all corrects , maybe mudkip because it will help you especially in first and 4th gym leader Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Alilatias Posted September 22, 2018 Share Posted September 22, 2018 @Feng Lei If you haven't already, I would recommend catching up on all of the possible sidequests as well. Some are long-running alongside the main plot (particularly the Ranger story and the photo-taking pilgrimage). As someone who is assisting Caz with designing the pilgrimage, it's meant to span almost the whole game, and there's already several size-able rewards for keeping up with it. Though I gotta carefully figure out where the sidequest goes from here, since it's been about 2-3 years since this whole concept started. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Anthony810 Posted September 23, 2018 Share Posted September 23, 2018 When do we expect an update? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Alilatias Posted September 23, 2018 Share Posted September 23, 2018 8 hours ago, Anthony810 said: When do we expect an update? Not for a very, very long time. The creator is studying at university now, so the game is more or less on hiatus indefinitely until the creator finds time to work on the game again. Still, though, the fact that this thread has remained extremely active during the past year and a half since the last update is a testament to how strong this game's narrative and design is. 1 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Feng Lei Posted September 24, 2018 Share Posted September 24, 2018 So... I am notoriously bad at sidequests, triggering them and completing them in general. The photo quest for instance, my camera will not let me take pictures when I want, and I haven't the slightest clue where the landmarks are. The game is so generally beautiful, that just about everything qualifies as a landmark in my eyes. I mean, in Blackview for instance, I would consider the old cathedral a landmark. Regardless of where they are, I can't take pictures with them because the camera does not work, as aforementioned. Next, the Ranger station on top of the mountain is still locked. I have far too many keys to keep track of, but I am pretty none of them have worked thus far. Any way to get into that place? And then the locked wooden door in Weeping Depths. I believe there was a woman who wanted me to find a book there. How might this room be unlocked? And finally, the Arceus painting gets stolen? Someone mentioned that was possible, maybe? And lastly, that secret diary. Where is it? I have a tiny key, does it work on the diary? Sorry for all the questions, but I could wonder around forever and not get it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Alilatias Posted September 28, 2018 Share Posted September 28, 2018 Photo quest: You have to go to three specific landmarks and merely interact with them. The first is the giant tree at the Weeping Hill. The second is the statue of Moltres at Vejyr. The third is at the main entrance of the Keneph Village. And uh... Do be prepared. Ranger station: Currently can't be opened as far as I know. Locked door in the Weeping Depths: There's actually two of them, one involves solving the gravestone puzzle in the area, the other requires you to accept a specific quest from the Route 2(?) Ranger Outpost. Latter might be missing a detail or two, it's been a long time since I did a playthrough of the game. Arceus painting: Progress further in the photo quest to see what happens. Secret diary: I'm unsure what you're referring to. If you're talking about the diary required to unlock a certain dialogue option towards the end of the game... You can easily lock yourself out of ever finding it. Only hint I'll give you is this: Consider all options instead of doing what the first people you meet after each event tell you to do. (Also I believe the tiny key is the one that opens the door at the house on the top of the Silver Rise, above the locked Ranger station. Not sure. There's a lot of keys in this game. Sort of a running joke.) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BRS swag Posted September 28, 2018 Share Posted September 28, 2018 I believe, around page 71 or so, there is a post by ICSW about sidequests, if anyone needs. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Feng Lei Posted September 28, 2018 Share Posted September 28, 2018 Thanks! Funny how I missed most of the easier ones but did well with the more obscure quests. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Samgyeopsal Posted September 29, 2018 Share Posted September 29, 2018 >Be me > Fighting Tristan, down to last Pokemon, a slow Aggron, fighting Tristan's last Pokemon, Datum. >At impasse, can't beat each other. >Proceeds to win by stalling Datum out, who commits suicide from recoil >Suck it, Tristan. Your team is inferior to mine Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ermac Posted September 30, 2018 Share Posted September 30, 2018 Darumaka location? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Arlonen Posted October 1, 2018 Share Posted October 1, 2018 10 hours ago, Ermac said: Darumaka location? Do the Photo Quest mentioned by Alilatias 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BaratheonStag Posted October 1, 2018 Share Posted October 1, 2018 I lost my old savefile and am doing a rerun of this game. How do I get Croagunk? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BRS swag Posted October 1, 2018 Share Posted October 1, 2018 I believe it's nearby that puzzle which we perform in the caves in Keneph jungle to get a Shard piece or so......Played long ago, so the details might not be exact. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BaratheonStag Posted October 1, 2018 Share Posted October 1, 2018 1 hour ago, BRS swag said: I believe it's nearby that puzzle which we perform in the caves in Keneph jungle to get a Shard piece or so......Played long ago, so the details might not be exact. Damn, already past keneph village arc. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Samgyeopsal Posted October 3, 2018 Share Posted October 3, 2018 Anyone know where swablu is? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AzureC Posted October 3, 2018 Share Posted October 3, 2018 On 10/1/2018 at 2:13 PM, BaratheonStag said: Damn, already past keneph village arc. To get a Croagunk, you need to go to the hidden cave behind the waterfall in the keneph jungle, then you must contunue to press in the stone tablet until it reveals a hidden passage where a Croagunk and a Shard Piece awaits. 12 hours ago, Corusco said: Anyone know where swablu is? You can find a Swablu at Addenfall woods, the place where you battle Amelia for the first time, you will see one in a tree, you will need a GourmetTreat in order to battle it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Samgyeopsal Posted October 4, 2018 Share Posted October 4, 2018 10 hours ago, AzureC said: To get a Croagunk, you need to go to the hidden cave behind the waterfall in the keneph jungle, then you must contunue to press in the stone tablet until it reveals a hidden passage where a Croagunk and a Shard Piece awaits. You can find a Swablu at Addenfall woods, the place where you battle Amelia for the first time, you will see one in a tree, you will need a GourmetTreat in order to battle it. Thanks, man. Been running back and forth looking for it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Destinymon Posted October 7, 2018 Share Posted October 7, 2018 Hi Ummm I'm having a problem opening it, so 3 things #1: is it supposed to be a RAR file if so... #2:when i use RAR opener it only comes with the audio files #3 making sure but it is this one right I would really appreciate it if u help :) thx Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BRS swag Posted October 7, 2018 Share Posted October 7, 2018 It works for me. Try to use both links. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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