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Grass Starters


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The best one is probably Serperior thanks to Contrary Leafstorm shenanigans. Sceptile is the most straightforward offensive one of the bunch while all of the remaining ones are more focused around bulky or stall playstyles; of those I've heard some good things about Chesnaught.

Decidueye could be interesting for its Ghost typing and ability to trap opponents.

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Personally i would pick either Treecko or Bulbasaur as a grass type starter, depending on whether i want my starter to be offensive or defensive.


Sceptile is a very strong attacker, also quite fast for a grass type. It is the single fastest non legendary grass type, outspeeded only by Shaimin, which in turn is outspeeded by Mega Sceptile, and it can be played on either physical or special attacks quite well. Even a mixed set might be an option.


Venusaur is a great staller with a nice choice of stalling options to choose from. What it misses in Speed it more than makes up for in it's ability to withstand attacks that don't hit one of it's weaknesses. Mega Venusaur is even more of a beast and i used it a lot on competetive matches. It can put the opponent to sleep, poison or paralyze it, use Leech Seed, Giga Drain is not only a strong attack but also a strong recovery move, and if you go for Chlorophyll + Solar Beam it can even be a heavy hitter in offense terms if combined with a Pokémon that sets up sunny weather.

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