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You can find a hidden Focus Sash (or band I don't remember) in the cave on the grand stairway (North Obsidia ward). It should be close to the entrance. I haven't found it myself yet though...


It's just a very tricky situation. You would have to pair the sash with a mon that has destiny bond. I believe there are some other ways, but they too, require some specific things.

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2 hours ago, AntonyJr said:

Is there anything you get if you beat him or not worth trying?

You get some relationship points, a battle change-up later, and some modified dialogue; but that's it. Its not really worth starting over for.


As for beating him. There's lots of ways. Pretty much all of them involve Focus Sash or Sturdy. My favorite is Power Split. Basically you take most of Garchomp's attack away and give it to something else, then wail on the stupid thing until its finished. Also burn it. And leech seed it if possible. Cofagrigus and Shuckle work pretty well I've found.

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You can use a wild Sawk with Sturdy+Counter and EV train its HP, or do the same with a Slaking and give it a Focus Sash. Intimidate spam with something like Granbull works wonders as long as you don't get crit. There are also some mons that can just straight up take hits, but they're few and far between and most will struggle to kill it alone. If you're going the tank route, try Aromatisse, since Misty Terrain + Moonblast will chunk its health pretty well and it's completely immune to Dragon Rush which allows you to easily stall out Earthquake.

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