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Okay, NOW I'm worried.


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So Nintendo is going after fangames now.


Nintendo sent a DMCA and the admins had to unpublish over 500 flash games that featured assets and characters from Nintendo to evade any legal consequences. To me it seems like Nintendo is lately on a roll when it comes do making their fans upset, they also went against Let's Plays for a bit.

I want to say the end is nigh. But for now... Amethyst, please consider seeding Reborn.

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I think by seeding...

She means begin uploading it as a torrent.

Eh, personally I don't see it s a big deal. Newgrounds is one thing, Reborn is another. Seeing as you're not making a steady income or actual profit off of the game, to my knowledge there isn't anything they can really nail you with. There are a LOT of Pokémon Fan Games and Adaptations out there, hell this game isn't even a ROM Hack like a good 80% of them; so that throws you in the clear as well I would believe. You've built the game from scratch.

And, the Lets Play thing was reversed any way; so if they do start actually making a statement out of filing DMCAs on fan games they'll more than likely reverse it after a gigantic uproar. The internet gives, in all honesty, more powerful of a voice than even I expected.

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They can very well still sue if there is no profit being made on the game. Neither does the fact that this isn't a rom hack. Source: someone who has been shut down by nintendo before.

I personally don't see it as a big deal because personally I don't care about decisions like this one. I wouldn't worry about jumping to only having a torrent of the game as it wouldn't necessarily stop them from finding it if nintendo really cared.

*my two cents on the matter*

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Hmm... Taking down fan made games and modified versions of the original series would hurt Nintendo more than anything... especially if it's free content!

I mean, what do they gain by doing that? They have the reputation and success they need. Maybe those flash games featured some shop-based stuff or were not free?

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