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Thoughts on status conditions


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When walking around with a poisoned Pokemon the status condition goes away when the Pokemon reaches 1 hp.  Stating that the Pokemon survived.  This does not occur for any other status conditions in any Pokemon game.  So, that got me thinking what if something similar happened for the frozen and sleeping status conditions.


Now I'm not sure of the difficulty of implementing this is, but the frozen and sleeping status conditions could be lifted by just walking around outside of battle.  I mean if you think about it logically one's Pokemon should naturally thaw or wake up after a short while and in battle this is what happens.  Frozen Pokemon could potentially thaw faster is hot weather and slower in cold environments or even not untill treated.  


Now I understand that burn, and paralysis should remain untill treated with methods that are already available in-game.  And it is kind of a minor thing in the long run, but it is something that would make training and adventuring a bit easier, more enjoyable, and more immersive.  Does anyone else have any thoughts on this idea.

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I think it should not be cured instantaneously, and it should only be cured after walking enough with it in the front of the party so as not to make it unbalanced. Do you put the disabled Pokémon up first to try to cure it, or do you play it safe but deal with the disability?

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im pretty sure its a legacy thing. up until gen 4(if im not wrong?) poison do killed your mons over time. sometimes they survived, sometimes they didn't. its the reason zubats are so annoying in early gen caves. you was gona get poisoned, and die, since you was in a cave with limited resources in early game.

with that said, the whole point of poison is to.... kill your pokemon, or reduce it's life. so make sense for it to work out of battle as well, and that is why it is the only one that has that effect.

one could consider burn, but honestly... burn (for me at least) is way more significant because of the ATK drop than the life damage. and the other effects.... whatever? can't imagine a field effect for them.

the point is, status are there to hinder your pokemon in a specific way. poison hinders by killing your mon... so makes sense for it to do so out of battle. and heck, if you made status go away with time, would you REALLY buy awakenings/full heals/anything that cures the ones that dont hurt you?

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Right, status conditions are there to hinder your Pokemon in battle, however in battle Pokemon are healed of both frozen and sleeping status conditions at a Max of five turns.  So, outside of battle should this not also be a thing.  I'm not saying instantly, but after awhile of walking, say like 30 steps or so.  I don't believe it would get rid of the need for status cleansers like full heal and etc., because one would still need them in battle and in some instances outside of battle.


However on the topic of burn and paralysis outside of battle.  Burn could make it so repellent items and abilities are less effective and paralysis could make it so Pokemon can't use HMs outside of battle.  But I'm not entirely sure, just spit balling ideas.

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