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how can i beat shade


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Hello, everyone if you read the title I need help beating shade my team consist of :-

blaziken lvl :- 40 with speed boost

bulk up

blaze kick

double kick


rapidash lvl  :-40 with flame body

flame charge

take down

fire spin 

high horsepower

pacharishu lvl :- 37 with run away




super fang

urasing:-39 with quick feet

feint attack



play nice

noibat :-34 with frisk

air cutter


wing attack


aron :- 21 with rock head

rock smash


iron head

rock tomb

this team is not good but help



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maybe start by leveling your aron up to speed and evolve it. I think that should be helpful against Shade's ace pokemon.

since you have two fire types, why not get a dark type pokemon, maybe moxie mightiena to possibly sweep? otherwise you can check what coverage you lack and get a mon that covers it for this battle.

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  On 7/30/2019 at 6:40 AM, Candy said:

maybe start by leveling your aron up to speed and evolve it. I think that should be helpful against Shade's ace pokemon.

since you have two fire types, why not get a dark type pokemon, maybe moxie mightiena to possibly sweep? otherwise you can check what coverage you lack and get a mon that covers it for this battle.


i just got the carvanha by defeating magma and i think it could help as it is a water/dark then i also got mawile so what should i use between the two mawile or aron

ad rapidash also learn fire blast


Edited by kingarv
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  On 7/30/2019 at 6:47 AM, kingarv said:

i just got the carvanha by defeating magma and i think it could help as it is a water/dark then i also got mawile so what should i use between the two mawile or aron

ad rapidash also learn fire blast



if you can get mawile with sheer force, I think Crunch should do quite a lot of damage. if you could get iron head on top of it, that'd be awesome, but I don't think you have access to the move relearner quite yet... I think sharpedo is a good choice too, btw

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  On 7/30/2019 at 6:58 AM, Candy said:

if you can get mawile with sheer force, I think Crunch should do quite a lot of damage. if you could get iron head on top of it, that'd be awesome, but I don't think you have access to the move relearner quite yet... I think sharpedo is a good choice too, btw


mawile is level 1

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  On 7/30/2019 at 7:00 AM, kingarv said:

mawile is level 1


if you don't want to train it, I think your team + sharpedo instead of maybe noibat should do good against Shade. However, mawile definitely would pull a great deal of weight, especially with sheer force.

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Heliolisk and diggersby with their ghost immunity whiles are quiet powerful on their own

Zoroark exist 

Name a Pokémon with night slash 

‘and drapion and stunktank are rather worthy threats to shade.


oh yeah nature power busted with gear grind of used by the right mon 

‘But you should definitely catch some new mons 

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  On 7/30/2019 at 7:03 AM, Candy said:

if you don't want to train it, I think your team + sharpedo instead of maybe noibat should do good against Shade. However, mawile definitely would pull a great deal of weight, especially with sheer force.


i think it would do it but i have an pancham in the day care i took it out and it is level 39 with good moves maybe it could work


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Also getting rid of baby doll eyes which is priority lower attacks hurts me on a physical level my guy

As well using noibat at this stage when it’s base stat is actually below Goomy (God all mighty)

...wait pancham lv 39 oh you that’s actually nice. Good on ya

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Wait a sec.....didn't you ask for help against Shelly just the other day?


Did you catch an Espurr like i told you for the Shelly battle? If it's female it can learn Shadow Ball at level 31 once it evolves into Meowstic (at level 25). It will also learn moves like Extrasensory at level 35 or even Psychic at level 40.

I'll also agree on the Moxie Migthyena that Candy suggested. That thing can Crunch (level 40) through Shades gym like a boss.


Other than that you best bets would be to either train that Mawile of yours, or catch another Mawile in the Railnet right where you left Cain, Shelly and the orphanage kids. Those Mawile do have an encouter rate of 5% though....

But its worth it since they come with moves like Crunch or even Sucker Punch if you train them up for the gym.


If you don't want that i would try catching a Duskull inside the Power Plant that is Shade's gym. As long as its level has not reached 33 it will know Shadow Sneak and evolves to Dusclops at level 37.


And finally if you got that Whismur from the Lower Peridot Ward (only obtainable before beating Julia) it can be very strong against Shade if its ability is Rattled. In that case Whismurs evolved forms will have the ability Scrappy that allows them to hit ghost types with normal and fighting moves. Whismur evolves into Loudred at level 20 which evolves into Exploud at level 40.

If you were to train until it evolves into Exploud you would get a really nice move set with moves like Echoed Voice, Uproar and even Crunch. And being a normal type it will be immune to ghost type moves.

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