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What is your favorite crest and why?


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the question is in the title, personally mine is definitely zangoose crest, it acts like poison heal and combined that with toxic boost boosting up it attacks by 1.5 Zangoose is now literally the strongest member in my team atm. Im just really glad that the dev give under used pokemon the help they needed, looking foward to see more crest be realease. What do you guys think?

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Mine is definitely the Ledian crest. Literally because you can attack with punching moves 4 times with it's fists, not just that, but he's a great user for mons to baton pass into. Stat boosts + 4x punching attacks is really gonna hurt. Another favorite of mine is the Ariados crest, with it boosting speed by x1.5 and giving it merciless on mons that have lowered speed and/or that are poisoned. Gives it great use of sticky webs/poison thread and the sniper ability to boost crits. Both are beautiful under their own respective crests.


After looking at the new crests, I might consider doing a mono run with one of the new crested mons included.

Edited by UnkleUno
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Having recently finished a rock monotype run in intense mode I was extremely impressed with Bastiodon's crest. If it can survive a hit it essentially halves all damage  boosting its already high base defences to astronomical levels and the recoil damage helps shore up its weak offensive presence. With sturdy and Metal Burst it will 1v1 even the boosted rift bosses and still be healthy enough due to the recovery to not die immediately if it is a doubles fight. Having never used the pokemon before it was really cool to see a crest alleviate so many of its weakpoints.


As for the other ones I tried:

Rampardos - good for endeavor shenanigans and not dying to head smash recoil.

Magcargo - I liked the idea behind it but was just too squishy most of the time and SpaAtk still too low; would die to any priority even when high HP, prefer using another item and shell smashing instead.

Relicanth - Needs to be in a rain team with swift swim. Really strong in rain but still seemed too weak and slow without it.


Other than the rock type ones I like the theme of Spiritomb's a lot but I never used it so idk how good it is.

Edited by Mithy
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I can't use crests on my baby pokemon 😞 I wish they applied to the entire line.


On a conceptual level I'm not a big fan of the Leafeon/Glaceon ones, or Torterra one. I haven't figured out a way to know in advance if a mon has a crest or not (is there?), and it feels like swapping resistances without telling the player is a bit unfair.

I love the Infernape one, as basic as it is, because Infernape always had a great defensive underused movepool (Will-O, Bulk Up, CM, Slack Off, SR), would be even better if it could give some kind of defensive ability like Regenerator instead of blaze/iron fist to really fit the theme

I have no idea what the Spiritomb one *really* does but it sounds cool. Claydol is cool too finally giving it the offensive pressure it needs.


I also don't think I have all crests unlocked yet since I see some mentioned that I don't know about xD

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  On 8/1/2019 at 3:47 PM, Mionee said:

On a conceptual level I'm not a big fan of the Leafeon/Glaceon ones, or Torterra one. I haven't figured out a way to know in advance if a mon has a crest or not (is there?), and it feels like swapping resistances without telling the player is a bit unfair.


Crested Pokemon have an icon next to their health.  Personally, I had a great time figuring out the Torterra one.  I went for a Blizzard thinking I was going to one-shot it, then saw it do about 10 damage and the not very effective text come up.  After the initial shock wore off, I had to come up with a new strategy for dealing with it.

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Stantler is a big sleeper powerhouse, you get the equivalent of a choice band power boost on top of a 50% boost in accuracy, giving you a 90% accurate hypnosis and perfect accuracy jump kick and zen headbutt, meaning that coupled with intimidate as an ability it becomes stupidly powerful in most conditions

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Personally, I'd say mine's either the Beheeyem Crest or the Dusknoir Crest... even if they're both kinda frustrating to get. Whoops?

  On 8/2/2019 at 12:05 AM, Enigma Shot U said:

Does anyone know if Golurk has a crest?


It does not, at least as of V12. More are planned on being added for a few Versions, however, so it'll probably be worthwhile to stay patient.

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Like others said, Ledian for me. It has the perfect balance of OP effect offset by Ledian still being (physically and type wise, special moves you're not weak to you can tank) now a glass cannon (instead of a glass peashooter) with an effective attack stat that rivals if not beats Mega Mawile's with proper EV training. It doesn't appear Power Up Punch is available as a TM, but once that is you also have the bonus of a super swords dance along with doing a modest amount of damage as demonstrated by the person who gives it to you. 


Typhlosion is another one I like. Instead of focusing on its already strong points, it gets the ability to become a hybrid attacker (with an extra fire damage effect that I don't know the mechanics of). Seems like whoever designed it wanted Thunder Punch Typhlosion back from Gen 1-3! (Also, works well with physical Nature Power moves). Also, unless I don't quite understand how it works, it makes a Modest nature like having a nature with two pluses instead of a plus and a minus (assuming it makes ATK = SATK if it's lesser than SATK, unless it adds part of SATK to ATK instead). Has anyone done testing on it? I haven't gotten to the Virtual E4 sidequest...

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  On 8/2/2019 at 7:51 AM, gryson said:

where in the game can you first find crests?


First known place you can find crests is in the Zorrialyn Labyrinth. Course, if you wanna explore it fully you'll need dive and to have beaten Adam. Other than that, there are crests all over the world for you to find. Refer to the item guide if you wanna find 'em.


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Empoleon Crest.

Cuz is Fun to Use with Physical Empoleon... with Some Agility and SD And then Spam Power Trip like no tomorrow.

I Haven't Tried using with Special Set (Work up) but someday...Who knows.


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