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A short story, written by me. (Submission for Runebook's Shaco position.)


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Date: 29 October, 15 CLE

A citizen by the name Dyrian awoke from his slumber one night, having heard a loud thump from outside of his window. He slowly arose out of his bed, lifted his window and opened it; extending his head outside to look around and investigate. He saw only the streets of Noxus and the lights of the city, he disregarded what he had heard and returned to his slumber.

Whatever had made the noise, was gone - he was sure it was just a stray animal or something of the sort, but he was nowhere close to being right. Just outside of his window, underneath a bag full of trash and filth lay the Demon Jester himself; Shaco. A large grin widened across his face as the faint sound of the window being closed shut came across his ears.

Shaco climbed from his previous hiding spot to the window from which Dyrian had stuck his head out, and squatted on the windowsill, peeking in at the once again now sleeping citizen. He suspected that the window had been shut completely, but it had not. He slowly lifted it up to stop himself from awakening the boy once more, and invited himself inside.

Unsheathing his shivs, he stared menacingly at the citizen and only three words came from his devious grin, silent enough to not wake him; "Why.. so.. serious?" He questioned, as he brought a shiv to his neck and held it there, before a loud thump caught his attention and disrupted his attempt. He quickly escaped out the same window, only leaving behind a card which had a portrait of the Jester himself on it.

Date: 30 October, 15 CLE

Dyrian awoke from his slumber early in the morning, around 6:45 A.M and sat up, stretching as a loud yawn escaped from his lips. He became concerned as he noticed that his neck had been rubbed raw by something, and shrugged it off as not a concern.

The citizen continued on with his normal daily routines, doing work as necessary and enjoying himself with his friends. The Jester stalked him throughout the day, becoming more confident as the day grew into the night, disappearing in clouds of orange smoke whenever necessary.

The people of Noxus knew about the Demon Jester and suggested that all citizens be wary, even if he was welcomed in the city-state. Shaco was known for his devious and deadly tricks and schemes, especially since now the news had wind of him murdering innocent people.

Dyrian didn't think too much of the warnings or the news, and continued to live on his life as if Shaco didn't exist. Dyrian split off from his friends, ready to return to his home and get a night's sleep. Shaco didn't plan on allowing this, getting more consistent in keeping right on Dyrian's heels. Dyrian had made it back to his house in one piece, and quickly ascended the building through the stairwell to get to his room.

Shaco seemed slightly irritated and disappointed in his failure to catch a simple citizen, but decided that he would try again the next day, and would not fail. Dyrian finally realized that there was a card with a portrait of the Jester himself on the front, and became a bit paranoid. He shrugged what he could of it off, and went to sleep.

Date: 31 October, 15 CLE

The next day, Shaco had planned out all of his moves for the night when it comes around. Dyrian is sure to be attending the festivities that come along with the holiday of Halloween. Dyrian awoke from his slumber, a bit later this time, around 12:00 P.M and quickly got prepared, dressed and ran off to meet up with his friends.

The day quickly became night- Dyrian and his friends were all ready for the festivities on this night, and had been prepared for the two weeks before. Whilst Dyrian's friends were all getting ready, he was approached by a citizen that he had never seen before in Noxus. The citizen introduced himself, and told him that there's a more private party happening in the heart of the city, but failed to mention that it was in a back alley.

Shaco was prepared this time, ready to finally make his kill and end his bloodlust for the time being. Dyrian showed up at the designated location on the letter that had been given to him, and noticed that the room was empty. In the middle of a room lay a box, empty and brand new.

He approached the box, inspecting it and thinking to himself how much use he could make out of this box that someone had seemingly abandoned. Shaco dropped from the rafters of the building and landed near silently behind the citizen. A large, devious grin widened across his face. "Well, well, well.. Look at what we have here." He stated, hands on both handles of his shivs.

Dyrian quickly turned to face the Jester and soon realized who he was face-to-face with; his heart dropped to his stomach and his eyes widened. "You.. you're.." He stuttered. "That's right! Shaco, the 'Demon Jester' - in the flesh!"

Dyrian stuttered again and quickly fell back onto his rear, letting out a slight yell of pain from the impact. Shaco leaned forwards to him and started laughing; "Look at you, falling over like a bumbling idiot! Oh, I'm going to enjoy this." And with that statement having been said, he began to slowly dismember the citizen after taping his mouth shut. The sound of shiv against bone and muscle made Dyrian cringe and the pain was overwhelming, but he couldn't scream. No one would hear him even if he could. After hours of this occurring, Shaco had finally killed the poor citizen and contorted his body to fit into the box, lacing the corpse with clockwork and metal; "Welcome to the family.. child." Dyrian was now one of Shaco's very own, Jack in the Boxes.

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