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reporting a bug


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after defeating souta, normally you would head south from rt 9 to meet up with melia and erin to the blakeory library. This is just my guess but if someone were to interact with the tournament by going on the train BEFORE meeting up with melia and erin, then they no longer appear on rt 9 and you would have to keep going in the tournament.  now at this point, by going through with the tournament, you end up skipping the content with hiyoshi city in the past\going to sashila village with kanon, ren, huey, and reina and head straight to when flora exploded the building. And when i say its my guess, its more like thats what happened to me in my game, i was forced to learn what happened in between with playthroughs.

To sum it all up, by exploring too much and participating in the tournament too early, I fast- forward to the events of the pyramid .



I have no need for a fix, just wish to share this information  🙂

Edited by animated_johny7
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