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Should i make my Hydreigon pure Sp. Atk


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Hey guys i was wondering if i should change my Hydreigon to what would essentially be a pure special attacker

i know this seems obvious but i use fly on it and i dont want to have to change fly all the time, other than that most of my team are also just pure physical walls which is why i need a Special attacker


my current team is


Hydreigon (mixed)


Greninja (mixed)


Toxicroak (physical)


Blaziken (physical)


Luxray (physical)


Metagross (physical)


the moves dont matter fly is my only flying attack but i can easily use Fire moves to fight Bug and Grass types and Psychic attacks for Fighting

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If you truly want a special attacking monster, I would go for Modest, since it already has a good physical base attack stat from it's time as Deino and Zweilous, special attack outshines Attack stat-wise in about 10 levels (I think).


Should you consider to run it mixed I always prefer timid natures, since then, if I recall correctly, physical and special attack are more balanced with Speed as the most supported stat.


I hope I was able to help

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I'd say keep hydreigon as pure special attacker since it has a great spatck stat and great special moves like Draco meteor and dark pulse.


Also Ur team has 4 ground weaknesses and hydreigon being the only switch in. If u want,u cud tweak it abit to deal with that.

Edited by qwayne
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Here's how I would think of this situation:


What physical moves would you want your Hydreigon to run? Looking at it's movepool I can see there's not many, but some notable ones (Not STAB) are Steel Wing, Bulldoze (Earthquake is not released), Acrobatics, and Rock Slide


You have steel coverage taken care of with Metagross, so steel is not necessary. As for the others, bulldoze is low power and highly situational, so probably not worth it. Acrobatics requires no item, so not worth it in my opinion. Rock slide isn't obtained until laaaaate game, so might as well disregard that. So with all of this in mind, I'd say go all special. the other members on the team could run the same coverage listed above at a much better success rate.


The thing that stands out to me more is that your team overlaps a bit with its fighting types. Blaziken is superior to Toxicroak for sure, but the secondary poison typing for toxicroak is really only good for fairies. Thing is though that you have the game's BEST Fairy answer on your team already with Metagross (slap an iron plate on metagross and NOTHING wants to take that... and Metagross is rarely OHKO'd in this game too.) I'd say to swap Toxicroak out with something that's a special attacker. Roserade/Nidoking (life orb is available) would be a fantastic option to retain the poison typing while amping up the power. Togekiss is available soon considering your point in the game, so that'd be a great way to add a special attacker with flying and Fairy STAB, which you could definitely benefit from. Florges could add some great special bulk while hitting hard too. Volcarona being so good is the only reason I'd say it'd be ok to double up on fire types, and it offers something TOTALLY different than Blaziken. Starmie is great if you want to add more speed, and I wouldn't call that doubling up on waters since Greninja is most of the time not gonna be a water type thanks to protean. In my most recent playthrough I ran Sigilyph and I was surprised at how strong it was with Magic Guard + Life Orb. That's another special option to keep Flying coverage in your team.


Lastly, it pains me to say this, but Luxray really falls off in performance as the game goes on, especially since Wild Charge is it's only reliable STAB move. It's slow and doesn't have much strong coverage moves. The only upside is intimidate, but I don't think it's worth it. Most of the good electric types are legendaries, so there's not much availability in Reborn. BUT, the Rotom forms (mainly Wash, Heat, and Mow) are excellent and the best electric types available. Not only can you change the typing at will which is super valuable in a game like this, but you get levitate to be a ground switch-in and they have great support moves like thunderwave and will-o-wisp. Plus the rotom forms are much bulkier AND faster than Luxray. I'd go with Rotom Wash/Mow preferably on your team to diversify the defensive/offensive typing spread. Of course though, if Luxray is your all-time favorite pokemon or something then stick with it and keep things fun! But if you're looking to have a stellar team in the scope of Reborn specifically, then I'd say Luxray is weighing you down a bit 😕 If only it were a dark type too.....


I've played through this game 6 times, so all of these suggestions come with some experience behind it.


EDIT: Completely forgot Magnezone, which I have used a LOT. That's the best electric type especially with Sturdy and thunderwave, but it doesn't seem to fit your team in my opinion. As someone above mentioned, you do have a BIG ground weakness!


Hope this helps!

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The main draw about mixed Hydreigon is having access to Superpower through move tutors in neo Reborn City (after Titania I think?), which deals with bulky sandstorm abusers like Tyranitar very well and saves a slot on Flamethrower as your Steel killer. For the most part, it's better to go with Focus Blast, but it's something worth considering. I don't have a Hydreigon in my rotation personally but if I did and I decided to go mixed I'd run it with Draco Meteor/Dark Pulse/Flash Cannon/Superpower, with Dark Pulse as the spammable STAB, Draco as a nuke, Flash Cannon for Fairy coverage and Superpower for steels and sand teams.


If you're running mixed, the best nature is probably Rash - Defense should be kept as high as possible to soak up something like Mach Punch so Special Defense is the better stat to lower, and it isn't necessary to boost Speed since Hydreigon doesn't compete with the common base 100 tier anyway, so Special Attack should be boosted instead. Pure special sets should run Modest.

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