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1 answer to this question

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There is only one Ditto in the game as of Ep18. You have 2 chances to get it.

The first is chance is where you are trapped inside that cell in Blacksteam Factory, where you have to solve a puzzle by using the stolen Pokémon that are also being kept there.

The second chance is the guy who sells the stolen Pokémon on 7th street, but only if you didn't already get Ditto at Blacksteam Factory.


So yeah, if your Ditto has bad IVs you are pretty much out of luck. Your only option is to either get another Ditto by trading or using mods to change your Dittos Stats.

If you want to use Mods i would highly recommend using the Sandbox Mode mod. This mod should serve all your needs without risking to break something by accident.


Edited by ShogokiX
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