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Amazing Luck in Breeding


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So, FINALLY got Ditto, Destiny Knot, and the Day-Care so I started breeding out a group of mons so I have more then 5 good mons in all my box, I actually Shiny hatch the ones I'm breeding for egg moves or better natures, So after almost two hours this morning hatching Cubone for a good IV line with a decent nature I started shiny hatching Tynamo for a better nature then it had (It was Impish with almost perfect ivs) and in the first group while I was nature hunting this guy hatched.




It was MODEST nature by random nature since I wasn't using the Everstone. I think the game took pity on me since Cubone took so long to get (I still have to take my Butterfree when it gets dark in game and get its Thick Club). I was going to Quiet (And the one that hatched after this one was Quiet but not shiny and there was also a Timid one after it) since I plan on running Drain Punch but I can change its nature later on and Modest is better then its Impish nature was. Currently shiny hatching an Ice Shard Phanpy.

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