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Treecko playthrough shenanigans

The Radiant Aeon

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Now that I've gotten 2 playthroughs out of the way (w/ blaziken and feraligatr, another with infernape, but got bored of it 5/7 badges of the way, since I'm using it w/ platinum) I decided to play with something new. A starter type in which I have not used in well over 2 years.



Anyways, so I decided to choose my favorite starter in general, Treecko. I wanted to post my team idea on here.


Strider Inazuma Yasha Jetstream Chrono Bestia

(Please note that I have not used the fore mentioned pokemon in a playthrough.)

Pokemon in consideration: Crobat (used 3 times), Umbreon(used 2 times), Staraptor, Togekiss, Magnezone (used), Ninetales, Magmar (used), Omastar(used), Gyarados (Already have one w/ adamant so.. :rolleyes: ) Camerupt, Gardevoir (used), Gengar, Alakazam (used), Swampert (used), Scrafty(used), and Vaporeon.

Please give me feedback

Edited by Lunar081
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I made a few updates to my team. This is how my team looks currently.

253.gif M level 30 (Official)

Strider: serious nature (He means business)

Ability: Unburden

Moves: Screech

Leaf Blade


Quick Attack

130.gif M level 28

Kohryu Adamant nature (sweet)

Ability: ...Moxie (TwT)

Moves Splash



D. Rage

58.gif Fm Level 25 (Official)

Bestia Lonely nature

Ability: Intimidate

Fire Fang

Flame Wheel


Take Down

169.gif M Level 30

Brobat Hasty nature

Ability: Inner Focus

Moves: Wing Attack
C. Ray
328.gif M Level 28 (Official)
Jetstream Naive nature
Ability: Hyper Cutter
Moves: Bulldoze
F. Attack
R. Slide

263.gif Nobody cares...

Cut.. Yeah

Edited by Lunar081
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Well Zigzagoon/Linoone comes in handy with pick up and it being able to learn strength, cut, and rock smash. Soo Pick-up HM user? Does unburden work in game? Because if it does, you could do some major grass gem damage.

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It's been a while since I posted huh. Well, the story to this is simple, I lost a LOT of progress. What I mean is that when I was playing a session of this game, I hadn't stopped to save. Once. So when it was time for me to sleep, I just, you know, PUSHED THE POWER BUTTON WITHOUT THINKING. So yeah, all of that progress? In the toilet. That Naughty natured Sharpedo? Gone. The Abandoned factory? The Power Plant? SHADE?!!! Well, you get the idea. Oh well, I made a suitable replacement.

Here is my team:


Moves: Leaf Blade, X-scissors, Screech, Quick Attack


Moves: Flamethrower, Fire Fang, Retaliate, Agility


Moves: Dig, Rock Slide, Dragon Breath, Crunch


Moves: Ice Fang for now. Back then it was naughty with slash, aqua jet, and crunch. Oh, did I mention it evolved too?

So, yeah, gonna have to raise Chrono from scratch. Again. Oh well, it has a great mixed nature. (Not as good as my naughty nature, but I can take what I get.)

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