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So i've finally finished Ev training these sons of bitches and wanted all of your opinions on which pokemon you feel should be my sixth. I'm going for more underused pokemon, but any recommendation is welcomed. If you could give me a reason why i'd appreciate it, thanks.


Primeape- CrossChop, Thrash, Screech, (Eventually)CloseCombat
Simisage- LeechSeed, Acrobatics, SeedBomb, Tickle
Grumpig- Psychic, ShadowBall, FutureSight, PowerGem
Zebstrika- ThunderWave, WildCharge, Spark, FlameCharge
Seismitoad- SludgeWave, MuddyWater, EarthPower, HydroPump
???- ???, ???, ???, ???
^What do you think this one should be? xD

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I should EV train, but I'm too lazy to do that. I think I'll wait until the Macho Brace is released.

It fuckin sucks, but if anyone wants to know my Ev training spots i'd be happy to help. With the speed boost it isn't as bad, but can still take roughly 2-3 hours a pokemon.

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If you're going for underused I'd take Adamant Dodrio, I think. It's not the wisest choice obviously. It has a weak movepool, but you can probably get it to work. It's a cool pokemon in my opinion, and it will help you out against Bugs.

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If you're going for underused I'd take Adamant Dodrio, I think. It's not the wisest choice obviously. It has a weak movepool, but you can probably get it to work. It's a cool pokemon in my opinion, and it will help you out against Bugs.

It's funny you say that, because Dodrio was originally my planned pokemon. I finally evolved it and the sprite is the HG/SS one and not the animated one even though i've got the files. Kinda sucked, but hey. Some pokemon I guess don't have the animated sprites working.

Maybe adamant hustle durant? It checks grass types that threaten Seismitoad and has really high attack do to hustle.

I was also going to do a Durant, which is still a possibility, but ultimately wanted something that wasn't sweep intensive, more like a tank because most of my pokemon are pretty defense impaired and speedy with high attack.

Edited by Aizen805
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I might say Aggron since your only common weaknesses are Bug and Flying and it quad resists both of those- it's heavily defensive and isn't quite lacking in offense either. I have my suspicions from the preview of the next episode that a Steel-type will be great for the next two gyms as well.

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You could try a Mixed Tank Flareon, I suppose. Resists Bug/Grass, checks Ghosts w/ Crunch, and can Yawn for Sleep, Lava Plume for STAB. It also has a pretty decent Special Defense Stat

its not like flareon is really used anyways gg gamefreak no flare blitz

Outside of that, I do think a Steel type would be your best bet. Aggron and Forretress are both available.

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You could go for a Skarmory w/ Agility. You can give it Drill Peck for STAB, as well. Defensive as well as quite offensive! ;)

Skarmory is not in the game yet :(

umm I gues steelix could be an option it has the 2nd highest defense out of all pokemon and can set up with curse, like other mentioned aggron is a nice pick too epsecially if you breed a rock head head smash one.

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Skarmory is not in the game yet :(

umm I gues steelix could be an option it has the 2nd highest defense out of all pokemon and can set up with curse, like other mentioned aggron is a nice pick too epsecially if you breed a rock head head smash one.

I thought about Skarmory too, but alass it is not available yet. As for steelix, the animated sprite doesn't work correctly (At least for my client) and i'm too OCD to have one that doesn't move.

So I've decided to roll with a Crustle. Why a Crustle you ask? I don't know why exactly. It seems to cover my bug weakness as well as being able to ko flying types. It's slow, but the rest of it's stats are pretty decent. Once I finish training it, i'll show you guys. Thanks for everyones help it really steered me in the right direction.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would love to hear where you ev train for attack/speed. Also I'd recommend houndoom or dusclops/dusknoire. Or you want a bug you can run with a bulky parasect

Speed is easy, just go to the Railnet (before the smashable rocks), or Apophyll Beach.

Btw if you read the above posts hes already chosen who to use :P

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